Chapter 7: Deku

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I go back to my room after Todoroki leaves to go find Mr. Aizawa. I check my clock. It's 11:00, curfew was an hour ago.
I don't think Todoroki would try to do anything crazy or go after them himself, not after everything that we've been through. But he seemed so determined when he said he had to know more, and I could see a little fear in his eyes, fear of never knowing.
I still don't understand why he was second guessing telling the teachers. If he knows where the villain's base is, that could help them a lot, which makes me a little more worried that he might do something crazy.
I lay on my bed, restless. How am I supposed to sleep after all that? Several times I get up to stretch, or get some water. Maybe now would be a good time to research a little on where I could do my work study. I never got the list from Mr. Aizawa, and I don't think he would be very happy if I showed up to ask him for it at 1:00am, which reminds me I've got a full day of school and training tomorrow. I need to get some rest.
Just as I'm drifting off into sleep, Iida bursts into my room and I fly up out of bed, half scared to death, half ready for a fight.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" He whisper-yells. I lower my fists, I didn't realize I had been holding them in front of me. "But it's important. Todoroki is gone!" He says. I notice he's already fully dressed in a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black jacket. He must be prepared to go. I get up and throw on some clothes similar to the ones he has on, except my jacket is a blue-green color, and run out the door. I close it softly behind me, not wanting to wake anyone.
"We have to tell Mr. Aizawa." He says urgently and we rush outside. The cool night breeze hits my face as we run, and it feels good, not that I need any waking-up.
"Wait Iida!" I say, and he slows down. "Do you think he could have just gone to find Mr. Aizawa and he's not back yet?" I ask.
"No, it's 2:00am." He says, holding up his watch. "Unless they're interrogating him, I think he would have been back by now. He left at 11:00 remember? Also, I saw him come back to his room at midnight, and then I checked again a few minutes ago, and he was gone." He finishes as we near the  building. The dorms are pretty close to the main school building, behind the wall of security, so we don't have to go through it on our way.
"Oh, maybe you're right. I still can't  believe he would do that." I say.
"I trust Todoroki completely, but I know him well, and I had my suspicions." He says.
I consider this for a moment. "Well, what you're saying implies that you don't trust him, and if you're wrong and he's still in the dorms, I don't think he would ever forgive you." I say.
The look on Iida's face makes me feel bad. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" I apologize.
"No it's ok, I know what you're trying to say, but I'm concerned with the safety and well-being of my friend, so I will assume the worst." He says.
"Iida, you're always so smart and determined. You're in the top of our class. It's admirable." I say.
He looks a little confused. "Really? I don't think anyone is more determined than you, or passionate." He says, looking at me.
"Oh, um thank you?"
"Yes. It's a compliment." He looks back at the building. We stop to catch our breath when we get there. Then he pulls the handle and swings open the big metal door, and we run inside.
"Mr. Aizawa is one of the few teachers that lives on campus like the students, so his room shouldn't be hard to find." He says.
I look around. The school is huge. It's got a bunch of classrooms, which are all upstairs. Then on the bottom floor is the cafeteria, staff rooms, and other empty rooms I've never been in. His room must be on the first floor.
"Let's start looking around. I think the teacher's rooms are this way." I say, turning down a hallway that goes left. It's so quiet right now. I'm used to seeing the hallways filled with noise and students from all different courses at UA.
We walk down the hall for a minute until we find doors spaced apart evenly with teachers' names on them. "Look over here Midoriya! This one!" Iida is pointing to one marked "Mr. Aizawa."
"Great Iida!" I say and rush over to him. He raises a hand to knock and looks over to me. We're both a little nervous that Mr. Aizawa will be mad when we tell him what we came for. Iida knocks on the door and less than two seconds later Mr. Aizawa appears, wearing a robe and messy hair. He stares at us intensely. "Iida, Midoriya? This better be important." He says.
I gulp and start to explain. "Well, sorry to disturb you, but there's something we need... to tell you... but..."
Iida cuts me off. "Todoroki is gone!" He says.
"What?" Aizawa says, and then slams the door. We look at each other, confused, and Iida shrugs. About ten seconds later Aizawa comes back out fully clothed and his hair brushed. I stare for a moment before he talks again. "Where is he?" He asks
"We don't know exactly. It's a long story." I say.
"I have time."
"Earlier today -well actually last night- Todoroki explained to us that he has been having flashbacks lately." Iida says. I noticed he left about the part about us being out past curfew.
"So that's why he's been so distracted in class lately. I thought about asking him if he's ok, but I decided not to. Sorry Iida, go on." Aizawa says.
"He said that most of them have been about his two older brothers, and some of them have been about the League of Villains." Aizawa looks surprised, but Iida continues. "Long story short, he thinks he might know who one of the villains is, and where their new hide-out might be. He wouldn't tell us who he thinks the villain is, but he said the main reason he wanted to talk to us was to ask us what he should do. He wasn't sure if he should tell someone about his flashbacks and everything. We told him to, and he said he was going to go find you, but then at 2am, he wasn't in his room." He finishes.
Aizawa stares at the ground for a moment, thinking. "So you think he went to the League of Villain's base?" He asks, and we both nod. "And he said all this to only you two?"
"Where does he think their new hide-out is?"
"Some abandoned facility in Tokyo, really close by." I say. He sighs and starts down the hall, closing the door to his room first. Iida and I follow him.
"That's one of the suspected areas we have on our list for our investigation. If it's the right place, he could really be in trouble." Aizawa says.
I like over at Iida, worried. What if he's already there? What if he's already dead, or hurt? I start to get overwhelmed, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and Iida has stopped. "Don't worry Midoriya, it will be ok." He says, quiet enough for only me to hear. I nod.
Aizawa has turned the corner, and we race to catch up to him.
"You two stay here. I'll alert All Might and the police and we'll go find him. Go back to your dorms and wait for us to return." He says.
I knew this would happen. I want to go too and help him, but he'll never let us. What can I do?
"Wait a second." Iida says, and Aizawa stops to look at us. "We haven't given you all the details yet. If Todoroki is already there, than you will need our help, and I'm not going to just sit here and wait if my friend is in trouble." He says. I can tell that Aizawa realizes he's right, but is reluctant to it.
He weighs his options in his head, and then groans. "Fine. You two really don't learn do you?"

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