Chapter 9: Todoroki

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I tiptoe over to the edge of the platform and peer over the rail. They haven't noticed me yet. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Now what? I can't believe I didn't think of this. Should I let them notice me and wait for the warp villain to attack me first and then throw my flames at him? Or should I pull a sneak attack and blast him before he knows what's happening? I don't have time to make a decision.
"Shigaraki, sorry to interrupt, but it appears we have company." Kurogiri gestures over to where I'm standing.
Shigaraki looks up from whatever he's doing. A sharp gasp of panic gets lodged in my throat right as a knife comes flying at my face so fast I barely have time to dodge. "Toga what the heck?" Dabi yells.
I predicted that the warp villain would attack first, but I guess I was wrong. It was that little girl. 
He does come second though. A tendril of purple smoke flies toward me, and I create an ice wall, blocking it. I run along the platform, continuing to create the wall in front of me. I know it won't do much good for long, but I need to get closer. My pack bounces against my back as I run, and I try to think of anything in it that could help me in this situation.
Another tendril of purple smoke, this time bigger, speeds toward the ground in front of me where I'm about to turn the corner. When I turn to run back the other way, there is more purple smoke. I'm cornered. He's smart, keeping his distance from me and using his quirk from afar. He knows if I get close and reach his human body, he's done for.
I jump over the railing and shoot out ice, creating a downward ramp towards the floor. I slide safely to the ground and turn to face Kurogiri. This time he's done playing around. A giant cloud of smoke surrounds me, engulfing me in darkness. I can't let him warp me somewhere where he will have the advantage.
I remember when I made myself a promise to never use my left side in battle, and for a long time I never broke it. Then during the sports festival, I did. Now I feel a burning sensation all up and down my left arm, though it doesn't harm me. I thrust my flames out almost at full force towards him.
The burning intensifies, it travels along my leg and up my neck, to the scar on my left eye. When I feel the absence of his quirk, I think I might have actually hit his body and knocked him out, but I realize it's to late. As the lingering smoke clears, I squint through it to try to see what's happening, or more accurately, where I am. The weight of my pack has left my shoulders and I don't have time to figure out where it is. I feel a body slam into my side and I stumble, but don't fall. I raise my right arm to use my ice for protection, but I feel a rough set of hands slam into my shoulders, sending me flying backward into the wall behind me. Another set of hands, so quick I can barely register them, moves behind me, and touches something to my wrists. I feel cool metal press against my skin. I turn to punch, or shoot ice, or fire in their direction. I'm not sure what I was going to do exactly, but they're already gone. And my wrists are bound together. Well that plan failed miserably.
The last of the smoke has cleared, leaving only dust in the air. Shigaraki steps forward. "Ah, Shoto Todoroki. We've been expecting you." He says. So I was right.
"I can guess that you're probably wondering how we knew you were coming tonight. Well, it's quite simple actually-" He gets cut off by Dabi. "It was the work of my quirk. Why do you think you've been having flashbacks lately?" He asks.
"I bet you're also confused as to how I managed to get those restraints on you so fast." Compress says. I'm still too stunned to speak. "You know very well that my quirk allows me to compress and hold things, from that time when we took your little friend, Bakugo was it?" He smiles. "Well, I think you'd like to know that I'm also quite skilled in the art of magic." He says smugly.
"Common Compress, stop gloating. Your too pleased with yourself. Let's actually get down to business here." Dabi says. Compress looks annoyed.
"I know what you're thinking, it would be easy to melt off those handcuffs wouldn't it? Well, I wouldn't try that if I were you. And if you freeze them, it will just make them harder to break."  I start strategizing while he talks. I could use my feet to attack and freeze them all to the floor, but Dabi could just melt them free with his fire. "They were made especially for this cause. We villains have our resources for getting our weapons just like you heroes do." He finishes. There's a short silence.
"Shoto Todoroki, quirk Half Cold Half Hot, Second place in the UA sports festival. Impressive." Shigaraki says, jumping down from his crate.
"Thanks." I choke out. It's the only thing I've managed so far.
"Ah, a sense of humor. Interesting, I remember you as the one who didn't even understand what a joke was." Dabi says, edging closer. How could he...? It clicks. He is my brother. Everything I've been wondering the past few days. The flashbacks, the clues, the training camp. It's real, it all makes sense.
"Daichi?" I ask. The room goes black.
He sits on my old bed in my room, as I lay there clutching my stomach. I feel the pain from my father and the dampness on my cheeks from the tears, though I've stopped crying. The bed creaks as he shifts to look at my face. His expression is stone cold, but there's worry hiding behind his eyes. "Shoto look at me." He says though I already am. I turn on my side a little more so I'm facing him.
"It's hard, believe me I know." He says. "I know he's scary, but you have to be tough."
"But I'm only seven, It's unfair. I don't want to train." I say, my voice shaky from crying.
"Who said it was ever going to be fair? You don't get a choice Shoto. You need to be strong. We aren't like the other kids. You know that, and so do I." He says. I sit up slowly though it hurts, and wipe my cheeks. I take a deep breath and nod. "I'll be tough." I promise. He leans forward and holds me in his arms while I try not to cry again. "I'm sorry" He says, but it seems like he doesn't mean that about just father.
I snap back to reality. Daichi... Dabi... whatever, kneels on the floor, clutching his head. He moans in pain. I stare at him, my head hurts so bad a can barely see. Black spots dance across my vision. I shake them away.
After a few minutes he stands back up. Both of us are breathing hard and fast. He steps so close his shoes almost touch my knees, and looks down at me. I'm sitting on the floor
"I'm not who you think I am." He says. Then someone comes up behind me and hits me over the head, and I fall unconscious.

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