Chapter 5: Deku

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I'm really worried about Todoroki. I have no idea what happened today, but he seemed really surprised and worried. I wanted to ask or help him, but he left before I could. I don't want what happened with Iida to happen to Todoroki. When Iida's brother Ingenium got attacked, he kept so many emotions bottled up for so long that he acted out of vain and almost got himself killed.
I don't know what's going on with Todoroki, or if it was just something simple and small, but maybe I should say something to him or Iida.
"Izuku?" My mom opens the door to my room. "Your lunch is ready."
"Ok I'll be right there." I say, not looking up to acknowledge her. My mind is still adrift in my thoughts about everything that happened today, but I pretend to be watching the video of All Might saving dozens of people at a time, which I've seen at least a hundred times. It was my favorite video when I was little, and it still is.
She walks over and pauses it. I look up at her and she sits on the edge of my bed.
"Mom, what's going on?" I ask
"Izuku, baby, come sit with me." I get up from my desk chair and move to set next to her, now curious.
"Listen, I know your busy and all, trying to catch up with what you've missed the past few days, but you've seemed distant lately. The past few days you haven't called me and today you'll barely talk to me, and fighting with that kid..." she sakes her head. "I don't know what's gotten into you Izuku." She explains. I hadn't realized she felt that way. "Oh... I'm sorry mom. I'm just trying to catch up as fast as I can. It's really important." I say.
She looks disappointed. "Ok, just try to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Don't work too hard, take breaks, and call me next week when your at school. I miss having you here." She says.
"Ok mom, I promise." I say, kind of relieved that it wasn't an emergency or anything, but I feel bad that I didn't notice how she was feeling.

After lunch I go back to my room to study, I know my mom just told me she was worried about me working to much, but I have to keep studying.
An hour passes. My mind keeps wandering to other things like my conversation earlier with Iida about the League of Villains, and what happened with Todoroki. Another hour passes. Time ticks by slowly. After about three hours all I've gotten done is reading a chapter of a textbook and rewatching the All Might video, so I decide to take another break.
I lay on my bed, unsatisfied with what I've done and unable to focus enough to do more. Eventually I fall asleep.

Sunday drags on slowly. All I have to do is study. I debate calling Iida and maybe some of the others to go train, but decide against it. If I invite Todoroki, it will be awkward, but if I don't, I might not get a chance to ask him if he's ok.
I train on my own, study some, take a break, study some more. I try to make sure I'm not ignoring my mom at all, and she seems happy to spend some time with me.

Finally, Monday comes. Normally I'm tired and unmotivated on Mondays, just like anybody else, but this time I'm glad the weekend is over. I couldn't stay in my room any longer with nothing but my thoughts.
The day goes by quickly, and I get some more homework. Almost everyone has already found somewhere to do their work studies. The new training schedule won't start until next week, so in PE we do some more regular quirk training. Todoroki seems even more distracted than usual. I keep trying to find a time to approach him, but I never get the chance. He's not even there at lunch.
After school I study some more, and train in the courtyard with Kirishina and Kaminari. Most of the others are busy getting more information about work studies. I need to ask Aizawa for the list of options tonight. I'm running out of time and I still don't have anything in mind. I asked All Might about possibly doing one with Night Eye, but when I asked, he said Night Eye was busy.
When we are done training, the three of us go inside and flop down onto the couches in the commons area of the dorms.
"Wow, what a work out!" Kaminari says, stretching out on the couch.
"I know right, my legs are killing me! We're  gonna be sore tomorrow." Kirishima comments. "Deku, do you really do that every day?" He asks.
"No, not every day. I usually do a mile run to warm up and then some stretching and quirk training. I guess it's easier to do more when you have people to train with." I say.
"Yeah that makes sense." He agrees. The rest of the class walks in from outside as we sit there, beat from so much hard work. "You three look exhausted." Bakugo says, standing over us.
"We were out training." Where were all of you guys?" Kaminari asks.
"We went to the store to get food for dinner tonight. We were going to all cook together like Uraraka was talking about. We looked for you three but we couldn't find you so I messaged your phones before leaving." Iida says. Uraraka blushes.
"Oh sorry Iida, I left my phone in my room while we were training." I say.
"No worries. Would you like to cook with us?" He asks.
"Sure, let me just shower real quick and then I'll be ready." I say.
"Well, you losers have fun." Bakugo leaves to go to his room.
"Oh yeah, Bakugo, why did you even go?" Kirishima asks. Actually, I was wondering the same thing. I remember he said he thought eating dinner together was lame.
"I had nothing to do. And I wanted to get some stuff for myself." He holds up a plastic grocery bag.
"Ok well we're going to start on dinner, I'm starving." Asui says, and the rest of the girls follow her to the kitchen. Iida starts to follow but I stop him.
"Hey Iida, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure, what's the matter?" He looks confused but sits down next to me. Kirishima and Kaminari get the message and head off to their rooms.
"Listen, I had an idea about the League of Villains after our talk on Wednesday." I say. He looks interested.
I lean forward. "So, I'm wondering how the League of Villains has so much information about us. I know that the sports festival was on TV. They announced our name and quirk, and the students who got to the top six, including you, me, and Todoroki probably were payed more attention to, but something's bothering me. How did the League of Villains know so much about us three? And why were we on their kill list?" The thought freaks me out.
"Well, it's probably because you, Todoroki, and I were the ones who fought back the most and foiled their plans at the USJ attack. They probably want revenge." He suggests.
"That makes sense, but that doesn't prove everything. How did they know where the training camp was going to be? How did they know that All Might wasn't going to be there at the time of their attack when their main targets would be there? They were after Bakugo, me, and Todoroki. I don't know if you're on their kill list too, but I'm guessing you are, since you were with us during the hero killer attack."
"I get what your saying Midoriya, but you're asking questions that won't get us anywhere. You're only making this more complicated." He says.
"I know, but listen. I'm sure the teachers have already thought of this, but what if the League of Villains is somehow spying on the school? Or what if...."
"There is someone at the school spying for them." He finishes my thoughts. I watch him think for a moment and then he speaks. "We should tell someone, I think you might be right."
"Well, I was thinking about telling All Might or Mr. Aizawa, but they probably already thought about this."
"You're probably right, but it's still good to give them any information we have, even if it's just a theory." He says.
"I guess you're right. Do you want to talk to them after school tomorrow- ?" I'm cut off mid-sentence by Todoroki.
"Hey guys. I need to talk to you about something." He says.
"Sure Todoroki. What is it?" I ask.
"We should probably do this somewhere private. Let's go outside." He says.

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