Chapter 2: Deku

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The muscles in my arm tighten and relax, tighten and relax. The motion is calming. Squeezing my hand gripper helps me think, and it's a good way to strengthen my muscles even when I'm studying, especially since my hand has been damaged. So much has happened to me and my classmates this year. First the USJ attack, then the sports festival, the hero killer incident, the training camp disaster, and the licensing exam. I was speaking with Iida about the League of Villains earlier.
We were talking about hero work studies and then he brought it up. It was our first real encounter with villains. He thought it might be a good idea to reflect on how we handled the USJ attack and the training camp attack, and use that to study and improve our strategizing skills. I hadn't thought of that before, but it is a really good idea. It made me think though. There are so many questions I have about the League of Villains. Questions that no one, not even the teachers will have answers to. It bothers me.
"Deku?" I turn around. Uraraka is in the doorway to my room.
"I thought you were going to study." She says. I glance over to my desk, covered with open textbooks piled on top of each other.
"Oh yeah. I was just taking a break."
"Oh ok... well, dinner is ready. We decided to all eat together tonight. We got take out."
"That sounds good! I'll be out in a minute. Thanks." I say
"No problem." She gives me a smile and leaves. I sigh. I have too much work to do. I get up from my bed, walk over to my desk and stare at the information in the first textbook, unable to read the words with too many thoughts running through my head. I need to catch up. I've been studying as much as I can lately but I don't know if it's helping. Today was my second day back after my house arrest ended. Even after two days, I'm still behind. I can only imagine how much pressure Kacchan must be feeling.

"Mmmm" Kaminari devours the take out we ordered for dinner tonight.
"This is fun. I've missed all eating together." Uraraka says.
She's right. I have too, the new dorm rooms are really cool. I like staying with all my other classmates, though sometimes I miss my mom.
"We should all cook dinner sometime!" Hagakure suggests.
"Oh yeah that sounds fun!" Uraraka adds.
Bakugo looks like he's about to say something, and knowing him it will be some kind of insult.
"Oh whatever. Cooking is too much work! And besides, this is stupid! I'd rather just eat in my room." He yells. I can tell Uraraka is hurt by that, but we're all used to it. She lowers her head, hoping no one will notice.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I think this was a great idea!" I say, wanting her to know this wasn't a waste of time.
"Oh, uh thanks Deku." She says, blushing. She does that a lot.
I finish up my dinner and thank her. Then I go to my room to finish studying.

"As you all know, you only have the rest of this week and next week to decide where you will be doing your hero work studies." Mr. Aizawa looks particularly grumpy today. I wonder what's going on.
"If you can't find anywhere that you might want to do one at, than come talk to me. I have a list of possible pro heroes you could work with." He says.
I called Gran Torino a few days ago and asked about doing my work study with him. He said he was busy and suggested that I ask All Might. He also mentioned All Might's former side kick, Night Eye. I wonder if All Might will be up to that idea.
"Well, you don't have much time left. See you tomorrow." Aizawa says.
Iida finds me first after the bell rings and we walk to lunch together. "Midoriya, where do you plan on doing your work study?" He asks when we sit down with our food. Todoroki is already at our table.
"Well I'm not really sure yet. I..." I stop myself from telling him about Night Eye. I don't want him to come to the same conclusion as Todoroki, that I have All Might helping me out. Thankfully, he didn't notice.
"Well I'm hoping to have secured one at an agency run by the pro hero Race. I sent in a request yesterday." He says in between bites of food. Of course he has.
"Huh, I've never heard of him before." Todoroki says.
"He mainly focuses more on rescue type hero work than actually fighting villains. I'm more into fighting villains, but it's important that I learn all the skills needed to be a hero. Plus, he has a quirk quite like mine."
"That's really cool Iida." I say. Maybe I should do something like that too. I was really surprised when Uraraka chose Gunhead for her internship a while back. I guess it's good for us to try new things we wouldn't normally do. I think about that as I walk to the cafeteria.

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