5: History

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(Int. Anne's cabin, night. She is lying on her bed, facing up, while Mistress Cherry sits on a nearby chair, knitting.)

Anne: Mistress Cherry?

Mistress Cherry: Yes my dear?

Anne: If I may ask, why are you down here?

Mistress Cherry: Well, are you Satan's apprentice now?

Anne: Goodness no, I'm sorry, I-

Mistress Cherry: No need to apologize, I was only teasing. (Beat.) I killed a lord.

Anne: I beg your pardon, what did you say?

Mistress Cherry: I'm sure you heard me, I bludgeoned his head in. I doubt he ever even gathered what hit him.

Anne: Why on Earth would you do such a thing?

Mistress Cherry: Well, I was part of a rather violent group of friends back then,-

Anne: You were, of all people.

Mistress Cherry: Yes dear, I'm trying to tell you about it. (beat.) You see, my village lived under the rule of fairly cruel man, I've heard of worse, but he was enough to get me and my neighbors quite angry. So one day, me and a group of friends organized a sneak attack for when he came around the village to check on us, it was meant as a simple humiliation. Well, next thing we knew, we were stoning him to death. We were executed, of course, but at the time, I considered the whole thing worth it.

Anne: (After a long pause.) Really?.

Mistress Cherry: Yes, really. Anyhow, you've been awfully quiet lately, is the guilt starting to settle in?

Anne: I'm afraid so.

Mistress Cherry: (Walking to the bed.) How about we go weed the fields then, the fresh air always helped me.

Anne: Alright

(Anne takes her hand and they both exit)

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