16: True Death

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(Int. Anne's cabin, night. She sits up in bed, and glances at Wahkoowah for a moment before leaving the cabin. She is shown walking to Satan's manor and into his office.)

(Int. Satan's office, night. Satan is shown in a corner by the side window, playing his rubec. He stops as Anne steps into the room.)

Satan: Oh, Anne, I didn't expect you to show up this early.

Anne: Well, here I am. (Glances at rubec.) You're quite good.

Satan: Thank you.

Anne: If I may ask, do people really sell their souls to you so they can play instruments better than anyone else?

(enter Baal.)

Baal: Selling souls just isn't something a person can do. Everyone is here for a reason.

Satan: Though if a person would like, I can offer lessons. (He stands up and sets aside his instrument.) Now come Anne, it's high time you went back to Earth.

(Exit all.)

(Int. room with liquids, night. The brandy cavalier now contains a dark purple liquid. Anne lays down on the chaise, and the liquid is poured by Baal.)

Baal: Are you ready?

Anne: I think so. By the way, I realize that I never thanked you for everything.

Satan: We're simply doing our job, Anne.

(Baal hands her the liquid. She pauses a moment, then drinks it. Pov. of the screen blurring.)

Baal: Just relax.

(Fade to black. The cries of an infant are heard.)

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