15: Final Goodbye

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(Ext. Orchard, night. Satan and Anne walk along a path together.)

Satan: It should be mentioned that these types of interactions are normally Baal's job.

Anne: Well, perhaps he felt you needed some time outdoors. Oh, there she is.

(Wahkoowah enters the frame, and Satan starts speaking to her in Sahaptin.)

Satan: (Translation: Anne, here would like to say something to you, I am acting as a translator.)

Wahkoowah: (Oh, okay, what does she want to say?)

Satan: She asked what you would like to say to her.

Anne: What is her name?

Satan: No one told you that? It's Wahkoowah.

Anne: In that case... Hello, Wahkoowah, I just wanted to say that I'm being reincarnated tomorrow, so I unfortunately won't be seeing you any more.

(Satan translates, and Wahkoowah begins to frantically chatter.)

Satan: To quote, she said, 'You can't, I'd miss you.'

Anne: I'll miss you too then.

(She grabs Anne's hand, and speaks.)

Satan: She is asking if you'd like to play hide and seek.

(Anne nods, and they both run off.)

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