6: Social Class

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Ext. Cabbage field, night. Anne and Mistress Cherry kneel in the dirt, pulling weeds and placing them in baskets beside them)

Anne: (Sitting upright.) Well, it's easier than sowing.

Mistress Cherry: Do you feel better, at least?

Anne: Yes, I do.

(Anne stares across the field, where Satan and a native African man wearing homemade tribal clothes are talking on a pathway. They are both holding farm equipment.)

Anne: Is that Lord Satan?

Mistress Cherry: Who else would it be?

Anne: Why is he holding a pitchfork?

Mistress Cherry: Oh, that. I was surprised too, but he and Baal do farmwork all the time.

Anne: But isn't he a lord?

Mistress Cherry: I don't actually know. He told me he used to be an archangel though, so perhaps he's just used to doing odd jobs.

(Shift to Satan and the man, now bidding farewell and heading off to do some farm work.)

Mistress Cherry: This question is going to drive me mad, I'm going to ask him.

(She stands up and walks over.)

Anne: (Following.) You can't just-

Mistress Cherry: Good morning, Lord Satan.

Satan: (Collecting hay with a pitchfork he had been carrying.) Hello, ladies, may I help you with something?

Mistress Cherry: We were just wondering about your social class, are you actually a lord, or is that just an odd nickname or something?

Satan: (Setting down the pitchfork.) Well, I'm afraid there is a bit of a story behind that. Remember when I told you both I used to be an archangel?

Mistress Cherry: Yes.

(Anne nods.)

Satan: Well then, it should come as no surprise to you that I had no parents, unless you include God, of course. So therefore I have no lords in my family history. The title actually came from Baal. After he became a follower of mine, he started to feel it was disrespectful to just address me by simply my name, for in Heaven it is considered extremely disrespectful to call God anything but 'master.' So, after some discussion, we agreed on lord. Though I will admit, it has become a bit of a pet name to him. If you'd prefer, Anne, you may just call me Lord Satan, or sire.

Anne: Yes, sire, thank you.

(Anne and Mistress Cherry begin to exit.)

Satan: Good day, Anne. And Mistress Cherry?

Mistress Cherry: Yes?

Satan: I believe we are due for a session.

Mistress Cherry: Alright then.

(The two start walking together, Anne continues weeding, but listens to them speak.)

Satan: You've been making excellent progress lately, perhaps I should lift that ban on spending time with the people you planned that raid with.

Mistress Cherry: Thank you, I'd like that.

(As they speak, an Asian man rushes past.)

Asian man: Women zui hao de li zhi hi pole (Translation: One of our best plows broke.)

(Anne looks to the group, surprised.)

Satan: Zhen de jia de ni neng zai zuo yige ma (Transalation: Really? Can you make another one?)

Asian man: Hai (Translation: Yes.)

(Exit Asian man.)

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