Chapter 7

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Skye's POV:

I couldn't believe my ears he has barely been talking to me and NOW he didn't want me to leave? I realized I was standing there frozen, I wanted to push him off of me, tell him how mad I was but..I couldn't. My heart was beating so fast I'm pretty sure it was gonna jump right out of my chest and run off. The tips of my fingers started to tremble as I dropped the candy to the floor, the warmth of his embrace was slowly starting to slip away from my body I panicked and finally wrapped my arms around him too. "Sorry.." I mumbled into his chest. I didn't know what I was sorry for it was just the first thing to come out of my mouth, "i'm sorry too" he barely whispered, "I haven't talked to you because i'm gonna miss you and I didn't really know how to deal with that I didn't want you to think I was happy you were leaving but I didn't want you to know I was sad" he continued I looked up into his breath taking blue eyes, "you're so stupid" I said trying to keep a straight face but when I saw the hurt in his face I couldn't help but break into a smile and hug him again, even tighter, "but I love you for it so it's okay"  I heard him sigh of relief as he spun me around and laughed.

He set me down on the counter standing between my legs, I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as he put his hands on my waist "what would you like for dinner princess?" I smirked "you don't cook!" he laughed and pulled out his phone and started dialling a number "pizza then?" I eagerly nodded my head "hello? yeah i'd like.." as he placed our order I made silly faces at him and started poking my tummy I burst out laughing as he tried to shush me "you'll be here in half hour? ok thank you" he laughed and hung up the phone and placed it back in his pocket, "little trouble maker aren't you?" he said pulling me to the edge of the counter,his hands cupped my cheeks and we were now face to face "yeah so?" I almost whispered, it's like we were sharing a secret "makes everything interesting doesn't it?" I asked. He nodded his head in agreement, "make sure you don't hurt people, by accident, you never know.." he inched closer and I inhaled his minty scent, on instinct I fluttered my eyes shut. "Guess who's here!!!!" I heard as the door to the flat swung open with the other 4 band members of the boy band walking through. 

When I turned around to where niall was suppose to be it felt like he was miles away from me, his head was in the fridge searching for food but I knew that he was just looking for something to do. "Oh hi! wasn't expecting you.." I tried to make myself sound as annoyed as possible but I don't think it got through to them. "heyy!" they all screamed in unison, liam was the first to speak "sorry for dropping by so late we kind of just wanted to spend more time with you before you left, spend the night and take you to the airport tomorrow yeah?" I instantly felt bad for bad for being annoyed with them when all they were trying to do was something nice for me. "y..yeah..that sounds nice" I said nodding my head, the whole group looked at niall waiting for approval of the plan, he sheepishly nodded his head too "yeah we got pizza on the way so it's all good" louis and zayn high fived each other "I've got drinks as well!" louis chimed in with bottles of beer I laughed "tonight should be..interesting.." 

1 hour later with with a little bit of pizza and alcohol consumption we were sitting in a circle playing truth or dare "hahaha ok ok my turn! louis! harry truth or dare!" harry lazily agreed to a truth "ok i just need to know..have you and louis had sex in my house.." harry and louis burst out laughing "i think that's a yes" i giggled. I giggled even more as niall made a disgusted face and shook his head as he took in more beer. Louis put his hands up trying to calm our laughter "ok ok i've got one!" he said looking right at me with a devil look on his face "skye truuuth or dare?" silly me...I took the challenge..."dare!" I said with an equal look on my face "I dare you to kiss niall!" I almost choked on my beer "really?" liam stepped in "oh lou! that's not fair" louis shrugged, "that's the dare take it or leave it" I smirked, he thought I wasn't gonna do it...I pulled niall over by the collar and crashed my lips against his. They were soft and wet and tasted like beer and pizza but still so sweet. I was about to pull away but I felt his hand run through my hair and pull me closer. We finally separated when we needed air, I fell back and smirked at louis who was starring back in astonishment. The others looked at us the same, zayn clapped his hands "so who wants to watch a movie!" we all nodded our head in agreement all the boys got together on the couches leaving room for niall and I on his over sized recliner he fell into it first and opened his arms for me to join him. I still haven't got a reaction from him about the kiss but maybe he was just so drunk he won't remember? I soon dozed off, I remember somewhat waking up because of a flash but I must have imagined it.

When I awoke all 5 boys were gone, I felt a pounding in my head as I picked up the note left for me on the table: Morning princess! the boys and I were called to go to the label for a quick meeting we'll be back later! left ya some aspirin and tea drink it before it gets too cold! xx- niall I smiled and ran my hands through my hair, god my head hurt. I took my aspirin and opened up twitter looking through my mentions, I saw one from louis with a picture attachment uh oh. I opened the attachment and sighed as I looked at the picture of niall and I cuddled up on the couch with zayn and harry on either side of us giving a thumbs up. "gonna kill him..." I muttered but we did look cute..I saved the picture into my phone knowing that management will soon delete it. I looked outside the window and watched as a plane flew across the sky, time to go soon. 

I was folding up the last of my clothes and threw them into my already overflowing suitcase. Niall walked in and leaned on the door frame when I was making the bed, "cool, just stare and don't help" he laughed and shook his head as he walked over to the other side and pulled at the sheets to make them even. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're leaving" he finally spoke. I felt a lurch in my tummy, I wondered if he remember last night. "yeah I know, it's crazy" i said taking in a deep breath. I walked into the living room and set my stuff by the door and sat on the opposite couch of where the band was having their twit cam. I smiled at them all, and watched, remembering what it was like being one of those excited girls hoping they would see my question or follow me on twitter. I watched as harry and louis had an awkward hug, knowing a real one was nothing like that and that tumblr would be a mess tonight. 

After the twitcam was long over, we all hopped into harry's range rover harry and louis in front, zayn and liam chatted away behind them while niall and I sat quietly in the back. "uuh about last night.." I started "the kiss?" he laughed, I smiled, "why is this funny? I potentially ruined our friendship and made things awkward.." he put his arm around me "we're talking like normal now aren't we? what's changed?" I sighed, I guess he didn't care that much after all. "ok ok whatever you say!" I wanted it again though, I wanted those perfect sweet lips on mine again that's what changed.. 

When we arrived at the airport they're were a few girls there that found out I was leaving, their fandom is like the FBI I swear. The boys took pictures and signed autographs while I went and checked in, a fan came up to me "oh the boys are over there" I said pointing in their direction, the girl looked a little younger then me, a little shy too "i..i kind of wanted a picture with you, is that ok?" I started laughing "haha really? that's weird but ok" she snapped a picture of us on her iphone and I asked "why'd you want a picture with me anyways?" she looked at me like I was stupid "well I mean you and niall are like best friends one of you is definitely in love with the other" after that she walked off like it was the best thing that's ever come out of her mouth. I  still on the other hand was dumbfounded. I heard my flight number being called as they came to say good bye I hugged liam,zayn, and harry telling them how much I loved them I gave louis a nipple twister for the picture but hugged him even tighter after apologizing. Then came niall, I noticed fans were still around and started to blush as he hugged me and kissed the top of my head whispering, "way to hold back" I hugged back "not at all.." My flight got called for the last time and I had to go, I started to walk away when I felt my arm being tugged back, niall quickly whispered in my ear "I wouldn't mind doing last night over again though" it wasn't much but it still made my knees weak, he gave me a quick tap kiss and I was on my way. back to america, across the pond, thousands of miles away from the guy that I was falling head over heals for. 

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