Chapter 10

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Over the next couple weeks I flew back to New York with Kelly asking her to set up a meeting with the PR team, managers, and such to start planning the next couple of months. December was my deadline, I wanted it all to be over by the end of the year. 

"So, Skye where did you intend for this meeting to go?" One of the managers mark asked. I wasn't as scared as I used to be I practiced speaking a lot with Kelly, she told me how good i've gotten at being scary and controlling which is a plus. "I want Louis and Harry to go public by the end of the year" mark was quick to deny me, "absolutely not" I glanced over annoyed, I didn't understand why it was so hard to let two people be happy "why not? we're already starting to push niall up to the front and-" Sarah a girl from PR "4/5 of the boys will be taken,fans will decrease and sales will go down" I sighed and rolled my eyes thinking "what about liam? I can do something about him and Danielle to make it look like they broke up" 

"but then that's lying to the fans" I swear I was going to slap her. "It's not like you haven't been doing for the past to years yeah?" she got quite in her seat and I felt a little powerful inside, "any complaints?" I looked around the meeting table, no one daring to look me in the eye, "good" I said matterafactly "i'll get right on it" my phone buzzed, another message from niall. I sighed knowing I couldn't answer because if I did this would all be over.  I heard a mummble in the back "what was that?" I asked typing out a message to liam:

I need a favor, gonna call you in a bit make sure the others don't know xx

"It says in the contract they can't.." I stood up, this was getting so annoying "they.can't. what." the voice from the back was one of the quiter PR members, " says it in their contract, they can't publically be in a relationship with each other.." I took a deep breath "well thanks for having the balls to tell me, this meeting is over we'll meet back when this liam plan is put into action" I watched as the workers stood up collecting papers hurrying to go to other meetings, I fell back into my seat putting my feet on the table and letting my hair down patting the seat next to me for kelly to sit beside me. "So..." she started I looked over at her and smiled, "it's happening, I don't know how or when but it's definitely happening. I need you to find me the best lawyer, and get me a copy of that contract we are gonna find a loophole" she smiled and got up "ok meet you back at your office later?" I gave her a thumbs up as I checked my phone to see a message from liam:

You can call me now 

"Hi love how are you doing?" I heard liams voice almost in a whisper trying to be quite, probably so the others don't hear. I looked out my window at the city, "i'm okay, just got out of a meeting with PR and some managers" he took a couple seconds to answer "oh, was it about harry and lou?" 

"mhm.." I started. I wasn't really sure how to ask him to take a break with his girlfriend for the sake of 2 other people being together "spit it out skye, what's the favor that no one else can know about?" 

"youdon'thavetodoitbutifyoucouldjustmakeitlooklikeyouanddaniellebrokeupthatwouldbegreat" I just burst it all out i'm pretty sure he didn't even understand what I said, "wait what?" I was right "So in the meeting we were talking about availability and how if harry and louis are together then 4/5 of you will be taken and that will lose interest and if 3/5 or taken then I guess that's better.." he sighed "for how long?"

"until the end of the year possibly" there was no responce, i hated to be a bitch but.."listen, i don't have to ask you if you'll do it or not, i am though because we're friends liam and I really want you to say yes."

"wow" he scoffed "I can't believe those words just came out of your mouth, I was gonna do it, and I will, but no because we're friends. I'm gonna do it for louis and harry the girl i'm talking to now is not the girl that niall has been pining over for the past few weeks" I heard the line go dead as I was about to protest and there was a knock on my door, "come in" it was kelly "everything alright?" she asked. I smiled and nodded, "peachy, lets get out of here" 

I had gotten used to the papz stil following me around for some reason, asking questions about my plans for the Modest! as if they know something was coming, well a lot of people knew and felt it. I scorlled through tumblr with a glass of straight vodka in my hand, talking about how hopefully things will change since i'm running things now. I started to write down a list of things that had to happen between now and the time they come out, obviously problems arising in louis and Eleanor's  relationship which would start immediately, I sent a text to sarah to cause some kind of contraversy like louis and eleanor are having porblems on the 17th, only a few days away and in the next week an article would be published about liam and daniells "break up" so far so good.

-on the 17th-

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" I threw my phone onto sarah's desk. Kelly quickly ran in behind me "I said cause a contraversy not fucking WW3! there are girls hurting themselves over hate they get for seeing things other people don't! BULLSHIT!? is that that what is?! FIX IT!" I screamed and walked out in rage slamming the door behind me. I went into my office and started texting louis:

I'm so sorry

yeah? well now harry's upset with me and it's really fucked up that you didn't say anything, at least give us a heads up. You of all people should know our relationship isn't bullshit skye. 

I didn't know it was happening, i'll fix it. Sorry. 

I never got an answer back. So now I guess I had liam and louis mad at me, I have the best luck. I needed to talk to someone who would really get it, but no one did. I dialled zayns number praying for him to pick up, "hello?" I immedietly fely my eyes water "zayn?" he sighed. he probably didn't want to talk to me either "we're all a little upset with you , what happened?" I sniffled, "zayn, I really need you on my side right now" I hung up before he could respond because I knew I was on my own from that point on. This is just another experience" My phone buzzed with a tweet from zayn : @skyexox i'm always by your side. 

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