Wait for Me *Sorrows of Death*

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Will you wait for me
On the Edge of Darkness?
On that distant line between now and then-
Where the Sun makes its bed on the cushions of the horizon..
On that precious precipice of all that is known;
Things cease to be known...
Will you wait for me?

Will you walk with me
To where the Sidewalk Ends?
Believe again,
As we did back then?
When poems wove Worlds
To make Dreams begin.

Where Lost Ones catch glimpses
Of things that have been...
Where Innocence paves
The Road to Sin-

Where Lovers go when they Die;
Oh! Fortunate death
They that shutter their eyes
At the very. same. time.

"....don't say goodbye..."

I'll follow thee
By and by...

"...just wait!..."

Let us talk of Fate
While Shadows take
Up arms for War...
A metaphor too pale to restore
That, which I adore.

When all the tears you shed today
Go away-
When you cry no more;
Will you smile with me?
Or will the hurt still be too bad?
Will you just remember the things we had
And forever be sad...

Stumbling. Always.
In Memory's Hallways.
Resentful rage
For the Promise you made.

Oh- My Love...
What will you become?
Will you even remember
To whose side
              you have clung?

Will you talk with me
In the Silent Land?
Hold me by the hand
On the edge of Darkness?

Or would words be an intrusion into your solitude?
Slipping in like unwelcome guests at a phantom's party.
Reminding you,
Of the chains of a slave...
No Heaven, for a shade.
You chose Me.
You stayed.

I miss the Sounds our Souls would make.
I miss the paths our Shadows would take,
As we would walk;
     Hand in hand.
Now I am a Shadow
And I cannot stand
The fact that I must walk-

I know I am selfish,
But my Heart is a stone.
Plucked from my chest
And lewdly left
On a field of red,
Where you lay..

That you had the nerve
To go before
Me, is more
Than my soul can endure.

I cannot function in this World, without you.

I cannot even form the first
In a long,
Of thoughts
                      On what to do.

....and I don't even want to.

All the Joy this world could muster
Left with you.
It now holds the luster
Of an ashen grain
In the Glass of Time.

Oh! woe betide this hour of mine!
Which cannot move
Till the sand has dried,
From all these wretched tears
I've cried.

..just don't..
say.. goodbye..
not yet-
you m-must
wait. for. me..."


Your silence,
Is all my Soul can bear....

And the fact that I am almost there-

That your Essence lingers,
So very near..
I can almost taste it-
Like a bittersweet tear.

...and I know that taste too well,
from the sands my tears did swell...

But your Pain-
It lingers more.
And that's not what Love is for.


The Time comes.
You cannot wait.
I have taken too long.

There can be no Talking.
Nor holding hands in the shadows of Before.
So kiss me softly,
During the Silent Hour...
Hold me close

"...here comes goodbye..."

Blow gently on my sands
That they yet, may dry...
Allowing this hour
To pass me by.

And remember me,
When we meet again
         On the Edge of Darkness.
Where the Sidewalk Ends
And Dreams begin.
Where the Poems of children
Are better Worlds to live in-
Where Lovers go, when they die.
Where Truth goes, to hide from Lies.
Where the wings of Angels beat in time with our sighs.

"...only kiss me once,
then say goodbye..."

And chalk my mark upon your eye-
That you may know me,
When it's time...

"...and do not cry..."

I would not want our Love to die...
With You,
A twisted shade beside;
Pale shadow of the the Love we had, before
You died.
Eternal reminder of Loss at my side-
An Afterlife
To You-

Just so you could

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