Who Does The Task? 4

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Sammy's P.o.v
*Now I just need to return to the angel and then I can finally take a break! I wonder how Norman is doing... Will he even recognise me? I just hope that he's fine... Wherever he is...* And after that, I finally made it to Alice, gave her the valve cores and got the new errand and an axe. Back at the elevator I noticed that Boris was gone! "Boris where are you?" I looked around while panicking, than I noticed him coming through the door next to the elevator with some bacon soup in his arms. "Boris! You scared me to death! I thought that angel took you!" He looked shocked and then made an 'I'm sorry' expression. "It's okay, luckily I was the only one noticing it... The rest would've probably freaked out" I smiled. He smiled warmly too and gave me one bacon soup, which I immediately gulped down. The others were still asleep, so I had enough time to tell Boris some stories which I slowly started remembering again, like: what I did at some boring days when I had not much to do. He listened very interested and I was just happy to remember again. After I was done the others seemed to wake up, in my opinion Melanie looked more like she didn't fall asleep at all, Bendy and Henry seemed to have slept good as always. "Good morning to ya'll"

Melanie's P.o.v
*God, I feel like I haven't slept at all. At least the others seem to have rested well.* I yawned like 10 times and then got bacon soup from Boris. "Thanks buddy" I said smiling again. Sammy also finally made it back and even without getting hurt!

Henry's P.o.v
*What a weird dream again...* I thought and gave Bendy an big 'good morning' hug. Then I got kisses all over the face from an now very awake ink demon. I- of course- couldn't handle the affection and my face got red, Sammy and Melanie just looked like they had seen the cutest thing ever. After my skin wasn't like a tomato anymore handed Boris us two bacon soups over, one for Bendy and one for me. After we literally gulped the bacon soup at ones down were my stomach satisfied. "So Sammy, what are we supposed to do?"

Sammy's P.o.v
"Well that's easy, you have to go where does cutouts were and destroy all of them with this axe-" I stopped talking because a certain ink demon seemed to be mad at what I just said.

Bendy's P.o.v
"Those are my cutouts! And we won't destroy them! I'll just place them somewhere else..." I said shocked, but then calmed down again by feeling Henry's arms around me, hugging me tight. "Henry it's fine, you don't need to cheer me up... And besides those are just cutouts-"

Henry's P.o.v
"No buts! We will place them somewhere else! I don't want you to literally torturing yourself, if they mean much to you I will respect that" I said with a warm and determined expression.

Melanie's P.o.v
*'Torture' is such a big word. It doesn't even have to mean being tied up on a table and losing blood constantly! Torture is when someone feels wrong/terrible by what they're doing or what they're going through... Bendy having his cutouts destroyed, for example... But that's just how I think 'bout it... ow yez myself, big speech again...* After when I finally stopped being deep in thoughts, Bendy and Henry were already gone... "And what did you think this time?" Sammy smiled smugly. "Something very boring..." I laughed and saw that Sammy already fell asleep. "Hey Boris, could you watch over him while I'm gone?" The wolf looked terrified, but then slowly nodded. I carefully took the axe out of the still deep sleeping music director's hand and made my way to the place I wanted to be...

(Meanwhile by the big ink creature and his beloved human)

Henry's P.o.v
"Do you have an idea where we could put all of them?" I asked with all 15 cutouts in our hands. "Sadly I don't have any idea where... Maybe we could hide them in the demon path?" Bendy seemed kinda frustrated that there wasn't really a place to put his cutouts, then we arrived at the ink filled room with the tape recorder. We took the cutouts and leaned them against the wall. "Was that really everything?" I asked on our way back.

Bendy's P.o.v
"Believe me doll, she would never dare to come here and even if she would, in the end she actually just wanted to ruin my mood with that"
I simply answered. "She should really be cleverer" I laughed.

Henry's P.o.v
*But what is if she did something while we're gone- Sammy and Melanie can protect themselves, so don't worry about it...*

Bendy's P.o.v
"Isn't Alice suppost to say we're finished?" Then Henry looked shocked and I wasn't calm either anymore.

Bendy and Henry now ran as fast as they could back to the others, leaving the butcher gang members speechless.

Henry's P.o.v
"Sammy! Boris! Where's Melanie?" I said out of breath. Sammy jumped after I seemed to woke him up and Boris started shaking. "Boris where did she go?!" I was having a little mental breakdown and I think he heard it... After that Bendy calmed me by hugging me and leaning his head on my shoulder, I never thought that could help so much sometimes.

Sammy's P.o.v
I was confused. *Why would she leave after all the sudden? Did she abandon us? Where would she even go-* then we heard fast footsteps from the distance.

Melanie's P.o.v
I was running faster than I did from Alice, new record I guess. Gladly there were not to much boards in my way, but the axe still broke. "Hey guys I'm back, sorry for being away-" Four probably worried pares of eyes looked at me as I reached the elevator. "Is everything alright?" I questioned, ready for the worst.

Sammy's P.o.v
"Where the hell were you? We were worried about you!" I said and then saw her starting to get rather anxious. "W-well I wanted to see what happened to m-my room- after I quit my job- I went all the way to look what was still inside and found my burned work stuff, that's it" She stuttered.

Melanie's P.o.v
"You went all this way through the entire studio, just because you wanted to see your old room?" Henry raised an eyebrow. *When you say it out loud it really does sound kinda stupid...*

Bendy's P.o.v
"I think you did the right thing, if you wanted to see your ol' room it's fine, as long as you didn't got hurt" Then I earned an probably suppost to be mad expression from Henry, it didn't work on me, but I still acted like it did.

Henry's P.o.v
I started to worry again. "Bendy I didn't mean it-" just to get kissed on the cheeck by an now smiling demon.
*Of course he was just playing around... That silly adorable demon...*

Then the speakers started to go on again and a surprisingly tired Alice Angel started to talk.

Alice Angel's P.o.v
"You two finished the errand I see, now return to my door and get the next one!" I just hoped they didn't heard how exhausted I was. She just somehow managed to not get caught by me, even if I should know this area better than anyone! I just wanted to have my darling back! Is this to much to ask for?

1266 words! I'm to lazy for this world... XD Hope you enjoyed! 💜

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