The Jewellery Store

801 31 16

Melanie's P.o.v
"Okay and what jobs do you have in mind?" I was about to bring my list, but Henry stopped me. "I know exactly what I want to do, but I would like to surprise you all with it." He smiled, stood up and went into the bathroom taking a shower- he's the only one who needs to, poor guy. Then Norman got up to take mom's wallet out of my jacket, which still hung on the clothes rack. "I'm going to buy some clothes is that okay?" I thought for a moment, but in that case I agreed. "Normy wait!" Sammy ran after him as Norman already went though the door, with a loud bang the door closed behind them. "Pfff working at an restaurant doesn't work, but going shopping?" Susie huffed and crossed her arms. I cuddled her from behind, while Bendy seemed to get a bit nervous. "Bendy are you okay? You don't look so good." "I-i'm fine- okay no I'm not, but... There's something I wanted to ask you." I let go of Susie and walked up to him. "We are friends, you can tell me." He smiled a little and said very quietly: "If it's not to much to ask for..." Bendy whispered the rest into my ear and I honestly wanted to scream in pure happiness- but I kept it to myself. "Omg! Yes, of course! That's totally gonna surprise him! And I know just the right place to get it-" I stopped myself from talking and took my pink fluffy jacket, which surprisingly still fit. "Well then, I'll be back and please don't fight while I'm gone." And with that I also left the house, leaving the still showering Henry, an nervous ink demon, the most beautiful women in the world and Boris home alone. What could possibly go wrong?

Henry's P.o.v
I stepped out the bathroom, with my clothes and dried hair. *Man, it really felt good to take a shower again* Then I saw Susie and Bendy arguing with one another. Boris silently stood up and went into the guest room. "Why can't you just tell me?" "Because you can't keep a secret to yourself!" "Is everything ok-" I tried to say, but Susie already continued. "That's not true! I'm as silent as a grave!" "Yeah, with a living zombie in it-" I managed to stop the fight by kissing Bendy on the lips and Susie watched us with big eyes. He kissed me back and we stayed like this, until I needed to breathe again. "So what happened?" I asked the two. They both glared at the each other for a moment, then Bendy stuttered: "W-well you see doll, Susie and I-i couldn't decide what we should watch on TV" "But that's not-" Bendy quickly covered her mouth and seemed to get uncomfortable. "Okay? Well you two can ask Boris, maybe he knows a good movie. I need to call the job provider now sorry" With that I took the telephone including the phone book and made my way to the bedroom.


Melanie's P.o.v
The jewelry store gets run by Karl Reiter, he was a good friend of my dad... I looked at the sign over the store which said:
Karl Reiter
*He didn't change the name after all* I putted on a big smile and walked into the jewelry store. "Good afternoon, how can I-" Karl stopped with his speech and just stared at me for a long time, way to long. "It's already halloween again? Sorry kid, but I didn't prepare any sweets" He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. I walked up to him and simply responded: "I'm still not a kid Karl, no matter how many times you call me like that" He backed away and already had one hand on the banister, ready to run up. "Y-you sound like my friend's child, what kind of demon are you?!" I snickered, which quickly turned into laughter. I wiped a tear away and answered: "Karl it's me Melanie, we had a costume party today at work" He seemed to calm down and laughed, awkwardly. "Ah yes of course, I knew that... I was just messing with you... So how have you been? Didn't see you in a while... And how's your mom?" He walked back to the counter, still looking a little stressed. "I'm doing just fine and mom also got better, where's your wife?" He made a sign for me to wait and yelled: "Margret we have a guest!" "Who is it?" "Melanie Star!" "Melanie Star? Hold on a sec-" Then I heard fast footsteps coming down the stairs, a woman with long dark braun hair, green eyes and still in her light blue pajamas. Margret's eyes widened and she went around me looking at me from head to toe- which made me very uncomfortable, so she stopped. "Melanie Star! Sweety, you didn't visit us in ages! It must've been a lot of work to do or did you party to much? Nice costume by the way. Is your mum still sick or does she already go around the world again?" Margret laughed at her own joke and I replied quickly. "No, no, mom is doing great, she got way more healthier the last time I checked on her and now she's 'going around the world again'" Karl went over to their coffeemaker and took three cups. "Would you like some coffee?" He looked at me and I just sheaked my head, I didn't like coffee at all. Margret had some scrutinizing expression on her face, as if she tried to figure out something. "Sooo why exactly are you here? Do you want to see Charlie? Or did you finally found the special person in your life?" I got a little red when she mentioned the second one, Margret snickered and Karl handed her a cup of coffee. "A-actually I would love to see your dog, but I wanted to know if I could have a catalog for a friend" She nodded in understanding manners, walked behind the counter and came back with one. "Here you go sweety" I smiled thankfully, with the brochure in my hand. "Thank you Margret, uhm I need to go now... Hopefully the others didn't blow the house up yet" Karl sipped on his coffee, being 100% relaxed, Margret seemed to be a bit sad. "Okay kid, get home safely." Karl started. "And please come around more often" Margret continued. I waved, while going through the door and they waved back at me.

Susie's P.o.v
In the end we really decided to watch a movie named Coraline, it was pretty good actually. Henry didn't came out of the bedroom and Bendy nervously eyed the stairs, always ready to run up. "You know you could just go to him, right?" I snickered, Bendy immediately stood up and ran to the bedroom, I was wondering when the rest comes back. I turned the TV off and brought Boris into our room- because he fell asleep when the credits rolled, which were very relaxing- and wrapped him in the blanket, a little nap never hurts. Then I finally heard the door bell ring, ran over to the door and swung it open to reveal two tired looking ink creatures with 4 bags in their hands. "Annnd how was shopping? Did someone call the police?" Norman shrugged, so Sammy had to answer: "It was good, we got everything we need and mayyybe more. Nobody got suspicious, but they for sure stared at us." I let them in, the two went to the couch, fell on it and deep inhaled and exhaled, poor guys. As I wanted to go back to check on Boris, the bell rang once more, this time it was Melanie holding a catalog. "Sorry that I was gone for so long-" I tock Melanie by the wrist and guided her into the our guest room. "Awww he looks so cute when he's sleeping" She queaked and I had a sheepish smile on my face. "There's something I wanted to ask you-" I started, but sadly got interrupted by Sammy bursting into the room. "There's a sheep in the garden!" He dragged us to the kitchen, where we could see the garden throught out the window. But there was nothing... No sheep... Only big gray clouds to be seen, which covered the sun... Sammy kept telling us that there has been a little black sheep standing outside and watching him, then Norman luckily came. He hugged Sammy and told him to calm down, which didn't quite work so Norman cuddled with him until Sammy fell asleep in his arms. "Did he drink something?" I asked carefully, Norman didn't answer so Melanie tried to get him to talk: "Norman what happened?" He still didn't reply. Norman just brought Sammy into their room, came back and sat down on the sofa, I got a bit pissed off by that. "Norman Polk, could you maybe inform us why Sammy hallucinated?" I said with venom in my voice, Melanie noticed it and took my hand. "I dunno, we just talked a little about the shopping centre and after all the sudden he looked very nervous and eyed all windows nearby..." Norman finally announced. We couldn't do much with this information, so the two of us just stood there, awkwardly, until Melanie remembered that she still wore her jacket and hung it on the clothes rack.

(A little timeskip back, when Bendy ran up to the bedroom)

Bendy's P.o.v
When I saw Henry writing something down on a block, I relaxed. He stopped and placed the pen down, not facing me at all, he seemed to be uncomfortable. "Doll, is everything okay?" He fake smiled and nodded, as if I wouldn't notice it. I walked towards Henry and layed down on the bed, looking at him curiously. Henry sighed, knowing that he couln't keep a secret from me. "Tomorrow I'm going to visit an old friend of mine."

1684 words! I didn't expect you to come this far :0 Hope you enjoyed! 💜

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