In The Dark Of Level 14

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Henry's P.o.v
*Bendy seems to be very nervous, I wonder why...* I thought while looking at the ink demon himself. "Melanie, you meant that I couldn't come down here, remember?" He asked while looking at her.

Bendy's P.o.v
"Yes, yes I do" Melanie answered questioning. "I was lying..." She stayed quiet so I continued. "I was there before and... There was something... in the dark... It looked weird and very frightening... Even for me... That's why I didn't dare to come down there ever again..." After I finished everyone looked at me silently, then the elevator stopped and the grates opened.

Henry's P.o.v
Sammy smiled weakly. "You don't have to come with me if you're scared... I'm not forcing you to..." "Bendy is going to stay here so I will also stay and Boris probably too. That means you two have to go there without us, is that really okay for you?" I hated myself for not coming with them, but I didn't want to make Bendy even more worried as he already was...

Melanie's P.o.v
Sammy laughed a little. "I'm fine with that, Bendy would probably kill me if something would hurt you" *I wonder what's down there... Maybe Norman is really the creature we saw earlier and also the creature which lives down here... We will see...* I thought while reaching out for the first ink heart, which was by a butcher gang member. Then something- or someone screeched very loudly, I jumped immediately. After I calmed a bit down we slowly went down the stairs and our way to the next stairs. I could see that Sammy was nervous but still excited at the same time, I was just nervous... That screeching gave me the creeps!

"While their gone I'm going to show you two how to draw with ink on the walls, does that sound good?" Bendy said determined. Henry and Boris nodded.

Alice Angel's P.o.v
"You see him, the projectionist? Better stay out of his light or he will find you~" I kind of wished for Sammy to die at that point. *But of course, if he gets in danger, Melanie also will...*

Sammy's P.o.v
There was a familiar looking figure down in front of us walking by.
*There it is again! Didn't we see this creature before? Nevermind... If everyone says it's dangerous I believe them... Norman needs to be somewhere in there...* I thought while we got to the ink floded floor.

Melanie's P.o.v
*'Better stay out of his light'? As if it couldn't hear us too... Anyways we need to find the ink hearts and also Sammy's boyfriend... That's going to be complicated with this ink creature walked around... We should be very carefully or else it's going to be a quick end...* I thought with my nerves on the edge. We followed behind the creature so it couldn't see us, but we also walked very slowly because we both didn't really believe that it couldn't hear us too...

They walked slowly and on guard behind the living ink being and while that they searched for the next ink hearts and for Norman. The creature went left and Melanie gave Sammy a sign that she will follow it while Sammy will search in this area.

Sammy's P.o.v
After she carefully followed the ink creature I took a moment to look around, then I noticed that there was a projector on! I walked over and just stared at it, I don't know how long I did that but after I snapped back to reality I could hear a screeching behind me. I started running- sadly passed the miracle station- but I couldn't turn back now! I ran the right way but the creature took the left and I almost ran into it! In shock I took fast steps backwards and then stood against the wall, besides me there was a dead butcher gang member and I slowly looked up again and saw the creature walking toward me, I closed my eyes and waited for my end... But it didn't came?! After I opened my eyes again I saw that the creature was about to hit me, but it stopped in that position and just stared at me. "Come on, kill me already! Go for it!" I cried out. "I already lost hope! And if you want me dead then just end me already!" More ink tears streamed down on my face. "What is it that you want?! Do you want to see me suffer? I do! Do you want me screaming in pain? Answer me!" I didn't even had the nerves to stand anymore, but I still managed to. Then the creature slowly lowered their arm again and I started hearing a voice, a voice which I thought I would never hear again... "Sammy, is that you?" I heard the love of my life say. "Y-yes that's me, are you N-norman? Norman Polk?" Was all I could bring out of myself.

Norman's P.o.v
"That's what people used to call me" I said before he hugged me tight, he started crying again but this time out of joy. I also started to cry and held him close to my chest, we both needed that right now. After a while we let go again and just held hands while looking at the other. "I thought I lost you forever" He smiled weakly. "But I am here for you now and I promise we will never be separated again" Then he let go.

Sammy's P.o.v
I slowly took of my mask and stared at it. "I'm just happy that I can see you after all these years, I almost lost hope at some point..." And with that I gave him a kiss on the projector head. He blushed a little and then looked away. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to surprise you like that-" I quickly covered my face with my mask again.

Norman's P.o.v
"No, no, it's fine, I just didn't expect it" *Oh no, did I say something wrong?!* But then he started to smile warmly and I remembered how happy he always was when we spend time together. "Soooo what did you do all this time, I hope it wasn't to boring down here" He asked worried. "It was, but I spend most of my time by collecting ink hearts and fighting butcher gang members, so not really much to do... And what did you do all the time?" "Well actually I didn't do much either, just writing songs and playing some banjo and trying to summon a demon-"

Melanie's P.o.v
"HEYA SAM! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" I screamed from the distance while running up to him, then I abruptly stopped. "Wait a sec, is that Norman?" I asked, pointing at the ink creature. "Yes, that's me" *Wait and he can actually talk? Welp, that's just embarrassing...* "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you're able to talk" I blushed in embarrassment. "It's fine, also what's your name?" Norman asked."Melanie, Melanie Fiona Star." I answered truthfully, trying to stop being an awkward mess.

Norman's P.o.v
"That name sounds familiar to me... Aren't you the one who's room got set on fire by Joey Drew? Sorry if that's not you, I can't remember some things..." After that she just looked shocked.

Melanie's P.o.v
"Wait, that's the reason why I didn't get my personal stuff back... That bastard..." I went from shocked to being angry and punched the wall behind me, over and over again, until I eventually calmed down. After I turned around to face the two again, Sammy was behind Norman, shivering in fear. "Is something wrong?"

Sammy's P.o.v
"No, it's just... I've never seen you this mad before..." I said, sweating a little. "I'm sorry you had to see that... I just had to let it out..." She looked down. "Hey, it's okay to show how you feel" Norman shrugged, walking toward her and taking one hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay"

Melanie's P.o.v
"Thanks, that really helped..." I paused and looked over to Sammy. "I also collected almost all the ink hearts-" Now I was the one who started sweating. "B-but sure can just bring them back where they were before" *Why didn't I realized sooner that those are his?!* I looked back at Norman, he started laughing.

Norman's P.o.v
"I maybe collected all of them, but since Sammy is here I don't need them anymore" I answered and Sammy hugged me from behind. "Also where you punched the wall is the last ink heart" I pointed behind her.

Melanie's P.o.v
"Oh thanks" I went to the wall and grabbed the last ink heart. "Now we can return to the others" I said happily. "'Others'? Who are you talking about?" Norman asked. "Sammy didn't tell you? Bendy, Henry and Boris" I answred the confused looking projectionist. "Henry is back? That man surprises me everytime..." He said impressed.

1489 words! I had some mixed feelings while writing this :0 Hope you enjoyed! 💜

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