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Bendy's P.o.v
"There's a problem-" I abruptly stopped in my position and slowly backed away from the opened door. "OUT." An angry angel hissed at me. *Susie really thinks a beauty sleep is gonna help her...* I stepped forward again, to look out for the person, I wanted to speak with. "Uhm, where's Melanie?" Something moved under the blanket, then suddenly her head peaked out. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" I quietly gazed at the kitchen, where Henry already ate his third toast with butter. Impressive. My attention was completely gone for a moment and I just stood there, silently staring. However the sound of someone coming closer to me made me snap out of the trance again. I turned around and screeched, as my sight met the most hideous creature known to mankind: Susie Campbell. She gave me a smirk, which could've meant anything. But since that smile was dedicated to me, it was probably supposed to be a threat. I just nervously smiled back, when she made her way past me. Without further ado I could finally talk to Melanie, who apparently looked very determined. She held both, a pen and a block tightly in her hands, waiting for me to begin the conversation. "You see the thing is-" She started writing. "-that I have no idea how to plan a wedding." She raised an eyebrow. "So is that supposed to be the text you're gonna say at the wedding or do you really have no clue how to organise one?" Then something seemed to come to Melanie's mind and she slapped herself in the face. "Ups, I totally forgot about the fact that that's the last thing you should be capable of, sorry... Heeey, can I maybe make it my duty to plan the wedding? I always wanted to do that- if you don't mind, of course." I felt an instant wave of relief washing over me. I nodded in agreement and carefully asked: "And what am I going to do the whole time?"

(A wild Timeskip crosses your path)

Melanie's P.o.v
After completing making the to-do list, I satisfied stared at my work. *Who could've thought, that it would be that easy-* "AAAAAH! Susie, oh dear heavens you scared me to death! For how long were you even standing there?!" I yelled surprised and she just giggled in amusement. "Long enough to see you- What exactly are you doing again?" I showed her my do-to list and Susie looked impressed. *Now I only need to talk things out with the rest! Yay~*

Melanie almost danced out of the guestroom, while our fallen angel seemed to be searching for something. "Aha, there it is! My own to-do list!" After gazing around, Susie had to realise, that her roommate already vanished.


Henry's P.o.v
"Bendy, you don't have to worry about all this, I thought Melanie would organise-" I quickly got cut off by my very stressed soon-to-be husband, who kept on walking in circles. "But what if something goes wrong?!" *Oh boy, here we go again...* "Bendy, it will be fine." He abruptly stopped. "Really?" "Really." I tried convincing him. "B-but what if-" I quietly went over to Bendy and embraced him. He instinctively leaned his head against mine, taking his arms around my back. We stayed in this position for a little while. Until loud screaming could be heard from downstairs, which made us both flinch. After that everything went silent. "Should we, uhm, check what happened?" I stared at my partner and he slowly nodded. While going down, I already spotted the source of the yelling. It was a middle aged mailman, who seemed to be frozen in shock. He looked very disturbed, by the view at three ink creatures and immediately past out when he saw Bendy. The guy also dropped a huge package, which Melanie carefully picked up and brought it into the kitchen. Boris was deep sleeping on the couch, so the mailman's appearance didn't bother him. Susie however inspected the man a bit more and when I wasn't looking, she took out a knife and stabbed him- At least that's what I expected. In reality she only pushed his unconscious body onto the other side of the street. *Wow, 'never thought that being with Melanie would change her so much* I quickly gazed over at Bendy, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Hey, you lucky two, can you come over for a sec?" The wedding planner herself asked. So we walked up to her and she excitingly pointed at the kitchen table. Lots of decoration, like many festoons or fancy napkins could be seen on it. "Amazing." I held my thumbs up. "Cool right? My aunt had some leftovers from her wedding party and she thought I would need it eventually." Melanie said smiling, then crossed something out in her block. "Oh, and Bendy, you are going to buy the outfits together with Susie." She added. "WHAT?!" Bendy and Susie, who overheard the conversation, yelled. I didn't want those two to murder each other and simple questioned: "Why can't I go with them?" After that Melanie wrote something down on the block, then handed it over to me. *Sorry Henry, but I think they would maybe stop hating one another, if only the two of them do an activity, like shopping, together.
P.s: Bendy wanted to surprise you with his outfit-* She quickly took it back again. "By the way, where are Norman and Sammy? You can't tell me they're still asleep in their room..." Susie muttered. My partner was about to answer, however certain wedding planner already tossed the wallet at them and pushed the two outside of the house. "Good luck, hope you get along well~" I heard Melanie saying, before slamming the door shut. "Do you really think this will work?" She stared at me blankly. "Are you questioning my masterplan?"

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