Meet Queen

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After returning home from a long shift, Noel kicked off her shoes and sat down on the couch "ugh, what a day!" she said to herself as she massaged her temples. "Mommy mommy!" shouted her little daughter Karen as she ran up to her tired mother. "Hi baby!" Noel hugged her sweet little girl tight. "Where is your sister?" the little girl pointed to their room, her big sister was fast asleep. Kissing Rose on the top of her head and tucking her in tight Noel shut the lights and closed the door slowly. "Ok miss Karen, time for you to hit the hay as well." Turning to a patiently waiting Rita, Noel was startled "Oh my! I'm so sorry Rita I forgot to pay you for the evening.." With a sympathetic smile Rita nodded her head, she was used to Noel always forgetting things, by the time the poor dear came home from work she was always on edge...Rita was a long time friend of the family, she even used to watch Noel when she was little girl.

Settling Karen down, Noel returned to the living room reaching for her purse taking out some cash. "Here you are Rita, I am so thankful for you staying with my girls..." Rita hugged Noel tightly, she knew she needed it. Noel was a hard working mom she never caught a break it seemed. Noel lost her mother 2 years ago, right before finding out she was pregnant with Karen. Her relationship with the girls father came to a dramatic ending, it seemed as if ever since she lost her mother the rest of the world came crashing down on her. After walking Rita out, Noel closed the door and locked it up for the night. She sat on the couch kicking her shoes off while rubbing her aching feet, she slowly peeled herself up and headed towards the bathroom to get changed out of her uniform and into something more comfortable. Just as she removed her apron, the card that the mystery man gave her fell out. Picking it up off the floor she read it out loud "Jim Beach....hmm sounds iffy" she said to herself. Thinking it over Noel knew applying for another job couldn't hurt her. She was so desperate for another job, anything Jim had to offer Noel was willing to do. Picking up the phone she dialed the number that was on the back of the card, an answering machine picked up. "Hello this is Noel Gonzales calling...the waitress from the coffee shop...I'm interested in the job, you can call me back at 536-6982!" Hanging up Noel turned on her television and flicked through the channels.

As Noel channel surfed, she came across a nightly TV program she never heard of before. A woman with red hair stood holding the cover art to Queen's newest album "The Game". Noel listened carefully as the woman spoke, "Hello welcome back, we hope all viewers at home are excited as we are to welcome for the first time on our show...Queen!" The cameras quickly moved over to show Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon...and him...Freddie Mercury. "" Noel could not take her eyes off of Freddie. He looked so handsome, he was sporting a new thick black Moustache and wore a leather jacket, with black leather trousers and had a cigarette dangling between his long fingers. Biting her lip, Noel's eyes were glued to the television.
"So tell us..." the tv hostess continued "...what can the listeners at home expect on the new album?" Freddie answered before any of the other boys could "well they'll have to listen to it to find out won't they dear?" the crowd laughed a bit, the tv hostess was now blushing " its safe to say this album is a bit different from the other Queen albums..." Brian rescued the poor woman from Freddie's sarcasm this time as he began to answer while Freddie was taking a long drag from his cigarette paying not a bit of attention. "Well you see, none of our albums are the the early days we had more of a heavy metal sound but it was never a repeated formula...this album leans more into a rockabilly sound, we are very proud of it...not to mention had lots of fun recording it."

Roger laughed at Brian's last remark, "fun? cost me my favorite pair of drum sticks!" The crowd laughed as Roger looked down at his feet, he was very serious about his drumsticks. After a commercial break, the program ended with an audience questioning for the boys. A woman from the crowd stood up and with a microphone held to her mouth asked the 4 band mates "Are any of you single?" asked the giggling woman. "Get a grip blondie!" yelled Noel at the TV. The boys each took a turn answering starting with Roger "Actually I am engaged" said Roger as he held up his hand showing his engagement ring, next up was Brian "I am happily taken" was his reply, John was smiling behind the hand that covered his mouth he was always a man in love, "I am married to the love of my life...Hello Veronica!" he answered as waved to the camera. Lastly was Freddie, Noel turned the volume up to waiting for his response. "Me? Single? Darling...I'm doing everything with everyone!" said Freddie as he winked into the camera.

I'm doing everything with everyone!" said Freddie as he winked into the camera

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Noel wasn't sure how to interpret his response, surely he must have thousands of men and women thrown at him daily. "I bet nobody can tie a man down like that..." said Noel losing hope of ever meeting someone she could love who would love her in return. She thought she had that with the father of her children, but things aren't always what they seem to be. As she stood up to head to bed, she bent down to turn the tv off the credits rolling by on the show she could see a familiar man walking over to Freddie. Squinting her eyes to get a better look, Noel's heart skipped a beat it was the man from earlier at her job, it was....
"Jim Beach..." she whispered to herself in complete utter shock.

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