Public Relations

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Jumping out of Freddie's arms Noel was so embarrassed, she could not believe it had been not even 5 minutes of meeting him and the boys and she had already made a fool of herself. Handing her a cup of water Brian walked over, "Here drink this dear it should help" smiling she accepted and drank small sips. "Well talk about making an entrance..." Roger joked lighting a cigarette. "Miss Lopez...I'm sorry but I got the impression you knew how to be professional...I was impressed at how you handled that rude customer at the coffee shop that day...forgive me if I was wrong" Jim said looking over at the band. Rolling his eyes Freddie put his hand on Jim's shoulder "with all fairness Miami dear, dealing with an angry customer and meeting a famous rock group is a very different ordeal...just admit you want to shag her!" said Freddie as he gave Jim's bottom a smack. Turning red and storming out of the room Jim left, while the boys laughed out loud.

Noel drank down the last bit of water from her cup and fixed her hair that was sticking to her face. "Are you alright?" asked John Deacon putting a calm hand on her shoulder. "Yes I'm so all must get sick of the hysterics from people". Freddie sat back down at the table responding to Noel's comment "yes actually we do...but tell the truth dear you didn't faint by our presence although we are 4 glamorous old ladies...have you got a drug problem or something?" Noel turned red but this time due to sheer anger. "Excuse me? No I do not! I may look a mess right now but I promise you I do not do drugs...I haven't eaten anything today and I suffer from severe anxiety the anticipation of meeting you all just got to me." Noel tried to put on a brave face be that as it may she knew she was lying because she did in fact faint due to the presence of these 4 men, but when her eyes landed on Freddie...that is what made her lose all conciousness but humiliated enough she would never admit that.

"Right well I'm going to fetch Miami and ask him what we are here for..." said Roger eager to finish the meeting. Noel gathered herself and took a seat. Her chair was separated by another chair from Freddie's she did not want to sit too close to him. "What's wrong darling? I won't bite...unless you want me to." Freddie enjoyed teasing others but with Noel he got a real kick out of it already. Trying not to make eye contact with him she simply shook her head with a slight smile. As nervous as she still was Freddie's humor made her feel a lot better.

Jim entered the room once again this time with an arm full of papers. "Okay so let's just get straight to the point...miss Lopez I offered you a job and flew you all the way over here because the boys and I have been looking for someone who was classy but knew how to put their foot down, there is a lot of snakes in this industry and we need someone with a good head on their shoulders to handle publicity and help guid the band in the right direction of the public eye" Rolling her eyes Noel spoke "Fuck the public eye! They are brilliant!" Freddie slammed his hands against the table "Finally! Someone agrees! Thank you dear I have been trying to tell them all that very same thing!" Pleased with Noel Freddie looked her up and down, her beauty was radiating and her personality was just the cherry on top. "She's hired Miami! No further discussion needed!" Holding his hand over his eyes knowing that once Freddie made a decision it was hard to talk him out of it Miami allowed Noel to be the groups new PR. "The lot of you agree to this?" Miami asked looking at each of the boys, nodding their heads Miami slid a paper and pen over to Noel. "Just need your signature here dear..." looking down at the paper Noel swallowed a lump in her throat, "I have to be honest...I am just a waitress...I have no idea about public relations..." Freddie walked over to Noel standing up next to her, his bulge was hanging right in front of her face causing her to fall apart inside. Avoiding eye contact with it she looked up at Freddie "Darling...we just offered you the opportunity of a lifetime...does a smart beautiful woman such as yourself want to continue wasting her life waitressing?" Mezmerized by Freddie's forwardness Noel took the paper and signed her name. "Okay its official...welcome to the team!" said Miami as he shook Noel's hand.

"Thank God that is over!" said Roger dramatically, the boys rose to their feet and exited the room one by one. Roger in the lead, next Brian, then John. All but Freddie and Noel, the two were the only ones left in the room. "Well...I guess I better check in my room." said Noel as she gathered her paperwork and started heading for the door. Walking in front of her to block the door way Freddie met his eyes with hers and held his arm up so she couldn't get by "...or you can come back to my room and we can discuss who you really are over champagne" Noel raised an eyebrow, she was so intrigued by Freddie's charisma but it wasn't in the way Noel had thought it would be, this whole time she saw him as a person and momentarily forgot Freddie was also a rock star. He surely wasn't used to that, neither of the boys were this was something they could never escape especially Freddie. "Um...sure I'd like that but I have to make a phone call first" said Noel nervously. "Right...on your way then dear" said Freddie as he held the door open for her. "Oh no after you..." she said trying to be polite, "you know what they say darling ladies first..." smiling Noel exited first heading towards the elevators she could feel Freddie's eyes on her bottom. Blushing and biting down on her bottom lip Noel felt butterflies in her stomach. "Is this the real life?" she cleverly whispered to herself as the elevator doors closed.

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