Mother's Love

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*a bit of smut😘*


Finding her way back to her room that Queen's team were kind enough to pay for she turned the key and entered. It was a beautiful suite immaculate from ceiling to floor. "...whoa" said Noel as she looked all around placing her suitcase on the bed she took more comfortable clothes out and decided to change into a simple pair of sweat paints and a Michael Jackson T-shirt.

Dialing the phone Noel called home, she missed her precious daughters so much. "Hello? Mommy?!" the voice of her sweet little girl warmed her heart. "Hi sweetie mommy misses you and your sister so much Rose!" Looking around for a tissue Noel blew her nose, she missed them so much already and yet she had just signed a deal that guaranteed lots of traveling". How could she make this work? She never even mentioned that she had 2 little girls waiting at home for her to anyone. Noel remembered Freddie's words this was an opportunity that could change her and her daughters lives, she knew the job would pay well and even if it didn't she got to work for her idols! Something not many can say. "I'll be home soon my love I promise, good night and give your sister a kiss for me!" said Noel as she held the phone  close to her heart. With so many thoughts running through her head Noel crawled up into the King size bed that would be hers for the next three days. Slowly drifting off, she felt her body let go of all the tension she had and fell fast asleep.

*knock knock*
jumping up out of her sleep, Noel wiped off the bit of drool from her face. Opening the door, she was surprised to see a smiling Freddie in a red robe holding a bottle of champagne. "I was afraid you had forgotten about our little plans so I came to you dear!" Said Freddie as he invited himself in. "Oh...I am so sorry I fell asleep" yawning Noel closed the door behind her and locked it. "Yes I can see that" said Freddie as he took a seat on the cream colored sofa. "Be a sweetheart and go check the cabinet for a bottle opener and a few glasses." Noel did as he said "how did you know this stuff would be in here?" She asked handing him the bottle opener "when you travel as much as I do dear these hotels become more of a home each time..." hearing some sadness in his voice Noel sat down next to him, Freddie poured a glass for her and a glass for himself. "To Noel our new wonderful and gorgeous PR cheers!" they clunked their glasses together and both gulped it down in one sip, nerves perhaps?

"So...tell me all about yourself darling, I am sure being a fan of ours you know more about us than we obviously know about you" pouring more champagne and handing Noel her glass she curled up into a ball at the opposite end of the sofa and wondered where to begin. Would he approve of her still after learning she was a single mom of 2 young little girls. "...well I actually left a small detail out about me that I should have mentioned in the meeting" said Noel. Lost in her effortless beauty Freddie did not hear one word of Noel's he was totally smitten by her. "Oh so sorry but I couldn't help to realize you are wearing a Tshirt of Michael Jackson....that is a good friend of mine you know!" Said Freddie as he moved a little closer to Noel. "Are you really friends? Wow that is incredible, I look up to him so much he is such a genius!" Although he agreed with her hearing Noel go on and on about another man bored Freddie. "Yes yes he is such good cookie!" smiled Freddie as he covered his mouth hiding his insecurities of his teeth. "You know you don't have to do that..." said Noel softly, raising an eyebrow Freddie spoke "do what?" Laughing at his oblivious question Noel reached for his hand removing it from his face "block your teeth...I think they are wonderful you wear it really well Freddie don't hide them!" With her hand still on his Noel seem to have forgotten the most important thing she wanted to tell Freddie. Without speaking he stared deeply into her eyes and moved even closer to her, his warm breath now bouncing against her lips "What would you do if I kissed you?" he gently spoke. "I...I.....I would let you" replied Noel who's heart was beginning to race. Leaning in and pressing his soft flower petal like lips against hers they began to passionately make out, taking it a step further Freddie began to stick his tounge into her mouth this steamy collaboration continued for what seemed like forever.

Noel was completely lost in the motion of Freddie's seductive kissing. Breaking their connection, Freddie pulled away and stood up quickly the champagne rushing to his head. "I am so sorry Noel...I should probably go" frightened by how much he was enjoying himself Freddie was presenting a huge erection. Gasping at its size Noel's face flushed, she saw it in photos but seeing it in person was a whole other matter. "Oh...okay I understand I'm sorry I hope you don't think badly of me now." Taking her hand and kissing the back of it "You are a real lady Noel, I asked to kiss you remember? I was just thinking maybe this is not such a good idea...I decided not to sleep with co workers anymore!" Stated Freddie. A bit disappointed yet happy to hear Freddie confess he is sexually attracted to her she simply smiled and nodded her head in agreement. As Freddie turned to face the door unlocking it he began to speak again "....unless...." said Freddie "...unless?" asked Noel. "...unless you want me to destroy your insides..." said Freddie as he was still facing the door. Shivering at his words, Noel began to feel her heart beat between her legs. "Freddie...lock the door"

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