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Pulling up to the studio Freddie hopped out of the car and headed inside. Little did he know he was being watched by a jealous Johnny a block away. Sniffing a line of a questionable substance off his dashboard Johnny wiped his nose and saw his reflection with blood shot eyes staring back at him. " goes nothing" he said jumping out the car.

Slamming through the doors, Johnny headed passed the restricted area. "Hey! You! I need to see some ID!" yelled a heavy set man as he tried to catch up with Johnny who was clearly ignoring him. "Freddie Mercury!!! I know you're in here now come out you faggot!!" He yelled throughout the halls.

Meanwhile a very focused Freddie, John and Brian were putting the bits and pieces of a new song together. Hearing a loud crash their heads shot up "ay what the fuck is that?!" asked Brian. Suddenly a drum came flying through the glass that separated the boys and their recording area. All 3 of them ducked down behind the sound board "WHO IS THAT LUNATIC?" yelled out a frantic John. "Freddie you son of bitch I want a word with you man to man!" recognizing the voice Freddie's eyes widen. "I'll take care of this..." he said with a tired sigh.

Standing up Freddie stepped over the broken glass that covered the floor. "Hello dear" he said in an ever soft tone that only intimated Johnny more. Getting in his face nose to nose and a finger pressing into Freddie's chest "listen you prissy boy that was a nice show you put on back there but just know she's mine! they are all mine! and if you know what's good for'll back off Mercury!" With a smirk Freddie took Johnny's hand and lowered out and gently stepped back so there was space between them.

"Do you know that I can have your life ended right here right now if I wanted to darling? Don't you ever threaten me. Be a man and accept that the mother of your children is happy with a man who knows how to make her very bed and in life. Johnny swung a left fist towards Freddie's face, dodging it and throwing a fast hook to Johnny's stomach he fumbled over into the ground. "HEY HEY! Break it up you 2" Brian and John came to break up the fight. Brian holding back Johnny and John holding back Freddie.

Just then 2 large men came into the room taking Johnny off of Brian's hands. "Sorry mates he just ran in we had no idea what his agenda was!" Lighting a cigarette to calm his nerves "save it! you useless fucks what if he tried to kill one of us fucking idiots! take out this trash and after that you can join'em cause you 2 are fired!"
As the man fought Johnny to stand on his feet so they can walk him out. He let out one last attempt to ruin Freddie and Noel's relationship. "I FUCKED HER AFTER YOU LEFT!!" Johnny called out.

Like a knife to the chest Freddie turned around clenching his fast. Satisfied to get a reaction out of him Johnny continued. "Yeah that's right...she lets me have it when I want it wherever I want it! She acts like she's over me but she never will be you're just a distraction! You really think she could love a man as gay as you?!"
"Alright that's enough out of you!" finally exiting the room the 2 men carried Johnny out into a cop car that was waiting outside. Freddie stood blood boiling and heart pumping fast with fury. "Don't listen to him Fred...I'm sure that's a lie" said John with a hand on his shoulder. Pulling away Freddie walked out of the room but not before he punched a hole into the door. "That's not good..." said Brian to John.


5 hours later

"Hi...I know Queen was there recording earlier...are they still there?" asked a curious Noel who was wondering why her boyfriend didn't show up to spend the night like he said he would. "No they cut their session short due to an incident earlier..." said the voice on the other end. "Oh...okay thank you" hanging up she dialed Freddie's main line at his new condo. It rang until the machine answered. Without leaving a message she hung up. "....where are you" she thought to herself.

Meanwhile at Freddie's condo

"I was never more humiliated.." said Freddie to a concerned Mary. He had called her up and asked her to come over so he could fill her in on the latest dramatics of his life. With a hand on his knee Mary leaned in "I'm sorry that had to happen to you Freddie...I told you not to get involved with a woman with so much...baggage" Freddie's felt his eyes get watery, he couldn't get Johnny's words out of his mind. The thought of Noel betraying him made his sick. The feeling of Mary's hand running up his thigh broke his trance. Her face was welcoming and her blue eyes were filled with care. Freddie knew what he and Mary shared was over but there was always a bond between them that could always be rekindled if one of them allowed it. Taking her face into his hand without a second thought he kissed her long and hard.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" asked Freddie with a taste for revenge and a cure to his broken heart. Taking her by the hand he guided her into his room shutting the door behind him. Without any foreplay Freddie instantly showed himself into Mary, hoping he could forget all about Noel. Yet as he pumped in and out of Mary it was only her face he saw.
"Fuck!" groaned out Freddie as he removed himself out of Mary and put his robe on. "What's the matter?!" she asked "nothing I just...I love her too much I can't...I can't do this I'm sorry dear" opening the door to gesture Mary out she pulled her pants up and proceeded to leave. "...I'm here if you need me" she said with a peck to Freddie's firm lips. Simply nodding he shut the door and leanded back against it. "...shit shit shit!" he cried out.

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