Million dollar phone call

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*Ring, Ring, Ring*

"Ugh I'm coming hold your horses!" Called out Noel, as she slowly peeled herself out of bed. Peeking her head in the girls room she was relieved to see that the commotion hadn't wakened them. Looking out the peep hole of her apartment door she noticed a familiar tall dark figure. Opening the door with a fake smile Noel greeted the man "'s you" she said with a cold welcome. "Nice to see you too, where are my girls?" he asked. "Still sleeping it's 7am!" Noel answered with slight annoyance. "Oh well, I thought I should start the weekend early I have missed them so much". Noel started a pot of coffee, noticing she didn't turn the television off from last night. She walked over to turn off, "Okay well I'll get them ready and you can be on your way!" Said Noel as she walked passed the father of her children.

Reaching out he grabbed her arm as she walked by, "Noel...please can we talk?" Looking down at her arm that had his hand wrapped around it, she pulled away with a sarcastic laugh "it's too late to talk Johnny don't you think?" Noel was frustrated that Johnny could even have the nerve to ask such a thing, their relationship had ended over a year ago not too long after the birth of their precious little toddler Karen. They had not been on good terms for a long time now, Karen was actually a miracle conception as they had not been intimate until one brief moment of weakness which resulted into little miss Karen. "Noel please I want to work on putting this family back together, let me take care of you and our girls." Noel felt a lump in her throat, it did sadden her that her family broke apart and ended up being another statistic of broken families but she knew there was nothing left between her and Johnny.

"Okay, they are ready...I think you should be on your way now!" She said to Johnny as she completely ignored his pleas. "So that's it?" he asked as he picked up Karen holding her on his hip and taking Rose's hand. Noel looked up into his eyes, something she was trying to avoid because every time she did she felt herself almost giving into him. She knew it wasn't right, looking him up and down she had noticed how strikingly handsome he looked. He was tall and slender and had dark brown eyes that almost looked black, his hair was growing out which Noel didn't care for much. "Yes...that's it Johnny, now please have fun and take care of our girls." Smiling warmly at him this time, trying to keep the peace because Noel knew that their failed relationship was not her fault nor was it his and they did have 2 children together so feelings of resentment had to be put to the side.

Kissing her baby girls goodbye, she slowly closed the door watching the sad expression over Johnny's face as he walked down the hall with their daughters. Leaning back against the door Noel let out a long sigh, "ugh! why me?!" holding her hands to her exhausted face she proceeded on with her day. Turning on the radio "Hotel California" was playing, Noel instantly felt better. Music was her escape, she loved the euphoria it gave her. Nothing much else in life could give her that sort of feeling. After getting dressed Noel looked over at the card Jim Beach gave her she remembered who he was. "Yeah right...someone is playing a joke on me." Noel said to herself as she began dialing the phone listening to the dial tone ring. "Hello? Office of Jim Beach how can I help you?" answered a perky voice. "Hi, this is Noel Lopez may I speak to Mr. Beach?" The perky voice took a moment to respond "Can I ask what for?" finally answering back. "Um well let's just say he gave me a card at the coffee house I work at he should know what I'm talking about." The voice on the other end didn't answer, instead a man got on the line. "Hello this is Miami...I mean Jim speaking how can I help you?" Noel recognized it was indeed the same voice she remembered from the coffee shop. "Yes um...Hi Jim so can I ask who put you up to this? Was it Johnny? Because I'm pretty sure I seen you on TV last night with Queen so you must be an imposter!" Said Noel with a huff in her voice. "....." silence was heard.

"Hello dear" spoke another voice but this time it was a voice that sent Noel into shock, like she was impaled by an icicle. A voice that was so soothing yet it shook her to the core, a voice she heard before...."oh darling I think your friend hung up!" continued the voice. "NO!" Noel managed to cough out "...I'm this um who I think it is?" Noel could hear the person on the other side practically rolling their eyes "Yes it's Marie Antoinette" replied the thick and sarcastic British tone. "Oh...oh my..." Noel began to hyperventilate holding the phone away from her so he could not hear her. "Hello? Hello?" Called out Jim, taking a deep breath Noel answered "yes..." she squeezed out, "Now do you believe me?" asked Mr. Beach "yes..." came her reply. "Still interested in a job love?" Noel closed her eyes trying to keep calm manor "I am very much so" she answered. "Right well clear your schedule for next week you'll meet us in London my secretary will take down your address see you soon...Noel isn't it? "Yes..." seem to be Noel's only reply she managed to get out. "Okay dear bye!"

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