Welcome to London

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Before Noel knew it, next week had arrived and she found herself on an airplane first class courtesy of Jim Beach. Shaking her leg vigorously Noel was filled with anxiety, she was nervous to meet Queen. Would they even be there? Will he be there? Noel's questions would soon be answered. Wearing a tight pencil skirt and light purple blazer that complimented her complexion she worried if she looked professional enough and not like some poor desperate single mother.

Noel was very intelligent she always underestimated herself. Although life threw her challenges she always came out of them standing tall but she looked at it as a weakness instead of a strength. "Good afternoon passengers, the time in London is 1:15pm we will be landing shortly please fasten seat belts" spoke a flight attendant over the intercom. Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth Noel spoke to herself "Relax...it's just a meeting...it's only Queen...one of the greatest rock bands ever...it's only Freddie Mercury...messenger of the Gods" instead of making herself feel better Noel began to panic. Watching everyone walk by off the plane Noel stayed strapped into her seat unable to move. "Miss? Are you okay?" asked the flight attendant handing Noel a cup of water. "Yes sorry I'm just nervous..." said Noel as she began to sip the water.

Feeling a bit better, Noel managed to get off the plane walking into the airport. Looking around she already noticed a difference in the way the Londoner's looked, dressed, and spoke from American's. Sticking out like a sore thumb Noel strolled along with a small suitcase wheeling behind her. She noticed a man in black shades wearing all black clothing waving for her attention. Swallowing the lump in her throat she walked over towards the man who began walking towards the exit, assuming he wanted her to follow him she continued walking behind him. Clearing her throat she asked the man "Um...who are you? Where...where are we going?" The man turned back to look at Noel quickly and replied over his shoulder "I was instructed to pick you up miss...Lopez is it?" realizing this was all to be discreet Noel's tension eased. "Yes...you can call me Noel" she replied back. "Forgive me sir but I couldn't help but notice your American accent...where are you from?" she continued. Approaching a car the man opened the passenger side for Noel. "I am from California miss Lopez" answered the man. "It's Noel..." she simply replied back. Smiling at Noel in the driver's mirror he asked Noel a question she never thought would be asked to her, "so ready to meet Queen and their manager?" Feeling her anxiety take over again Noel tried to roll down her window but it wouldn't budge. "Can you please crack a window?" the man opened the window as he laughed at Noel's fanning of herself. As the man pulled off Noel had thoughts flying through her mind, "Will they like me? How am I to even be expected to interview for a job when I have no idea what it's for? Will Freddie be in the same room? As these thoughts raced through her mind Noel realized the car came to a stop.

Outside of a building with double doors, the car remained park. Taking deep breaths Noel tried to calm her incoming panic attack, the driver opened the door holding his hand out to help Noel out of the car. Taking his hand the man pulled back pretty quickly "sweaty palms ay? you sure you are ok?" he asked with a smirk getting amusement out of her state. "Ye...yes...I'm ok" Noel wiped her hands on the sides of her skirt and walked into the building. Looking around she noticed Jim standing at a receptionist desk. "Oh hello miss Lopez...you arrived pretty quickly!" said Jim holding his hand out. Rejecting his hand shake due to her sweaty palms Noel hugged him instead. "...right um this way" said Jim awkwardly. As Noel followed Jim down the hall and into the next room she suddenly felt weak at the knees. Opening the next door, Jim exposed Queen sitting at a long table. Noel froze in her tracks, her eyes met with Roger Taylor first *boom* pounded her heart, then next was John Deacon *boom* banged her heart again, after John was Brian May *boom* now clutching at her chest, her eyes finally made their way to Freddie. He sat watching Noel waiting for her to speak as did everyone else. Noel began to see white flashes, "I...I think I'm going to..." was all she could make out, just as she finished her sentence her knees buckled and she began to faint. Freddie jumped up from his chair running towards her to catch her. He just made it for her head to fall into his lap. Looking down at her up close although she was unconscious Freddie couldn't help but notice her flawed beauty. She was drenched in sweat from head to toe but still managed to catch his eye. Realizing everyone was watching him loose himself into Noel he finally spoke "Well why are you bloody bastards just standing there? help me with her! get a cool cloth or something!"

As Freddie pressed a damp cloth on Noel's head, she began to regain consciousness "Where...where am I?" she asked as her vision focus when she realized she was in Freddie's arms her eyes widened. "Fr...Freddie?" said Noel making sure she wasn't dreaming. "No...it's Marie remember darling" said Freddie winking at Noel as he looked down at her in his arms.

it's Marie remember darling" said Freddie winking at Noel as he looked down at her in his arms

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