At your door

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Noel flew through the door of her suite, slamming it behind her. Warm tears flew down her face. She was humiliated by Freddie's cold shoulder, for a brief moment Noel thought she might be different. Now she had to face the fact of knowing she was just another groupie Freddie fucked. Pacing her room she couldn't help but nibble on her nails thinking of what to do next. She no longer wanted the job, not that it was even an offer anymore anyways. Her ticket for a flight back home wasn't valid until Friday which was 3 days away. "Ugh why did I allow it to happen?!"

Rubbing her hands across her face Noel tried to pull herself together. As upset as she was by Freddie, she also knew that she still experienced a once in a life time event. Sleeping with her idol, someone she was attracted to from the moment she laid eyes on him and that someone was Freddie Mercury. Making her way to the bathroom Noel turned on the lights and looked at herself in the mirror. The image that looked back made her sick, puffy swollen eyes over a man yet again. True this man was indeed the frontman of Queen but after going through a toxic and tiring relationship with Johnny she vowed to never shed tears for another man whoever they may be.

Splashing some cold water over her face Noel allowed some water to drip down to her chest. The cooling sensation relived some of her tension. A knock came at the door, rushing over to answer it she opened the door and was happy to see the tall and lengthy Bri standing in the doorway. "May I?" he asked smiling with a gentle wave. "Of course Brian!" shutting the door behind her she sat next to Brian on the sofa. "So...quiet a heated moment back there ay?" said Brian getting straight to the point. "Yeah but its fine...this has been a.....lovely experience" said Noel with a hint a of sarcasm behind her voice. Smiling to himself Brian chuckled "yes well I'd like you to know that Freddie...well he's Freddie, he's usually the kindest man ever known but he does get in his's nothing personal dear" said Brian putting his hand on Noel's shoulder. "Thank you are a very kind man" she said wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "So you understand we can no longer offer you the job correct? Miami is scared you'll sue us for...well harassment." Noel chuckled behind her breath "Oh don't be ridiculous...I wanted it believe me, but yes its better off I just go back where I came from...I'm sorry I'm not who you guys were looking for after all" rubbing her back Brian offered her a small but caring smile "Well enjoy the rest of the time here in London you are still on our expense you seem like a lovely woman Noel, we are happy to have met you!" Standing up looking at his watch Brian was on his way out but he noticed the picture of Noel's children on her nightstand "oh are these your little ones?" he asked "yes those are my 2 girls...Rose & Karen" placing the photo down Brian couldn't help but think to himself one day of having his own children and soon. "Well they are just beautiful, are incredibly blessed don't let this get you down dear." Shutting the door behind him Noel was thankful for Brian's kindness.

Putting on her silk nightgown, she laid in bed tossing and turning unable to sleep. The clock read 3:04 am "ugh great, now I'm going to have bags under my eyes pretty soon...what else?" mumbled Noel to herself. Suddenly a knock at her door startled her, slowly creeping out of bed she put on her robe and slippers and walked over to the door. Opening it she was stunned to see who was standing there. "Hello darling may I come in? We need to talk"

 "Hello darling may I come in? We need to talk"

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