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Noel awoke 5am on the dot, her body and mind was wired from the events that took place last night. Her with Freddie, not even in her dreams did she imagine this. Humming to herself with happiness Noel decided to get a head start on the day. After fainting and embarrassing herself yesterday she thought it'd be helpful to be on her best game. Taking a quick shower and putting on white pants and red satin spaghetti strap topped with a white blazer. She left her hair down feeling she looked her best with it flowing freely. Applying light make up she was ready to conquer the day. 6:15 the clock read she still had an hour and 45 minutes before the meeting. "I guess I should order some breakfast..." said Noel to herself she had quite an appetite this morning probably from all the calories she burnt off fucking Freddie. Smiling and laughing thinking about the hot sex that took place made Noel feel over the moon.

After eating a quick breakfast Noel took out a photo of her two baby girls, holding it to her chest she wondered how the girls would fit into her new occupation. "Mommy just wants to give you girls everything your little hears desire..." she said to the photo kissing it and placing it on her night stand. A soft but sudden knock at the door made her jump, opening it she was surprised to see a smiling Brian May at her door. "Hello dear, good morning I'm glad you are up and at them it shows professionalism!" Brian said holding up a long finger. "Yes well thank you for noticing Mr. May" holding up a hand Brian spoke "Please call me Brian although some of the others call me Bri...there is something I wanted to speak with you about..." he said showing hope Noel would invite him in. "Oh please come in..." she said moving out of the way. Entering Brian took a look around the suite. "Wow they put you in a nice room in fact it's almost nicer than mine!" Chuckling to himself Brian sat on the couch. "Would you like any coffee? I just had it brought to my room should be warm still..." Noel asked holding out the coffee pot. "Ah yes I know thats how I knew you were awake I saw the concierge leave I'm not a loon who walks around knocking on doors at 6am believe it or not!" Giggling Noel couldn't believe how down to earth Brian was, from the interviews she seen and articles she read about him he seemed like a gentle fellow but he also had a humorous wit about him that was so charming. "I just wanted to say...welcome to the team and I...actually we all hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful business relationship, we usually don't offer jobs so up front and immediate but we are desperate in the search of someone professional and able to handle chaotic moments when they happen...are you sure that is you Noel?" Clearing her throat she began to speak "Yes of course I am more than grateful for this opportunity and I can't wait to show you all that my intentions are only the best while working with this group...although I should mention I have 2 dau..." Realizing the time Brian stood up interrupting Noel "Good yes well I'm sure we can discuss this topic further at the meeting see you there!" Leaving and closing the door behind him, Noel walked into the bathroom to check her make up one more time she looked very appealing.

Entering Freddie's room due to last minute circumstances the meeting was changed to be there because Freddie was experiencing a horrid hang over. Noel walked over to a long sofa where Roger, John and Brian sat. The 3 boys smiled at Noel with Brian winking in gesture of their own previous meeting moments ago. Sitting down and fixing her blazer Freddie emerged from his bathroom wearing a red robe. Noel undressed him with her eyes, she began biting her lip and feeling butterflies in her stomach. Snapping out of her thoughts Noel was stunned when Miami made a dramatic entrance by clapping his hands together creating a booming sound. "Gooood morning ladies and gents let's get started" Rubbing the sides of his head Freddie spat back at Miami "Can you please keep it the fuck down my head is spinning for goodness sakes!" Rolling their eyes Roger and John smiled at each other getting amusement out of Freddie's misery. A drunken Freddie was hysterical but a hungover Freddie was brutal, it wasn't a good idea to be on his bad side. "Fred with all due respect...we can't stop production every time you get a hang over" blowing smoke towards Miami's direction Freddie leaned in "Don't get smart with me dear, we all know how that can turn out..." Sighing to himself Miami continued his attention to the 3 sober ones, "So this morning we will be discussing further arrangements for Miss's clear to us that you reside in New York, are you able to come live in London at least until the tour is over?" Nervously looking around noticing all eyes were on her Noel swallowed the lump in her throat "Yes see there's a slight detail I left out yesterday....I have..." just as Noel was ready finally expose that she had children a gut wrenching and disgusting sound took over the room along with a splash following right after. It was Freddie vomiting onto the floor clutching his stomach he continued to blow chunks. Jumping up to his side Noel ran to him, grabbing the nearest waste paper basket she handed it to Freddie who finished spewing into it. Rubbing his back she looked up at Miami, John, Brian and Roger the 4 not used to having someone handle Freddie's hysterics with such care and patience. "At least it wasn't all over your lap this time Miami..." Roger said elbowing him. Scratching his head with frustration Miami was fed up with Freddie's wild nights.

"The tour is starting in a is he to perform like this?" Wiping his mouth with a tissue Noel handed him Freddie looked up at Miami "I'll be fine know how much I care about the fans I'd never let them down" still rubbing his back Noel smiled at Freddie's kindness towards his fans. Pulling away from her he turned to her "not to be too rude dear but are you our PR or a maid? I'm fine please lets carry on..." confused by the cold shoulder he was giving her Noel moved back to the sofa "right...well where were we?" said Miami. "Ahh yes living Noel will move here for the next 3 months until everything during and after the tour is settled...and she will be paid handsomely" he said winking at her. Nervously fidgeting in her seat Noel interrupted Miami, "I HAVE 2 CHILDREN!" she yelled out. Finally getting it off her chest she felt a wave of relief. "Um...okay wow this changes a well is there any way you can arrange child care?" said Jim scratching his head. "Well actually I'm not sure I mean 3 months is a long time...but I can definitely look into-" Noel stopped speaking when she made eye contact with Freddie noticing a cold glare he was given her "Miami put her on the next flight out...she can't handle working with us if she's got other commitments..." feeling tears build up in her eyes Noel stood up and and ran out the room. "Jeez Fred..." said Miami shaking his head at him. "When I told you stay professional with her I didn't mean treat her like dirt for gods sake your cock was just inside of her!" putting Freddie's business on blast in front of the other boys their mouths dropped. Not from knowing Freddie fucked her because that was to be expected but because it was a hidden fact until now, usually Freddie can't wait to go on and on about his sexual thrills. "Ooooh Freddie's got a crush" said John wriggling about in his seat. Rolling his eyes Freddie turned to him "nonsense darling you know me..." with a finger pointing up in the air "ahh yes I do that is how I know you like her that act of cruelty you just showed is a front you always do that when you are fond of did it to Mary for the first year of your relationship!" Not impressed with John's analysis of his love life Freddie looked down at his feet, wondering and contemplating if John could be right.

you did it to Mary for the first year of your relationship!" Not impressed with John's analysis of his love life Freddie looked down at his feet, wondering and contemplating if John could be right

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