A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
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JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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" Nonna, I swear! I hurt myself when I fell down. " You glanced down with a serious expression, getting annoyed on how she didn't trust you. She looked at you for a split second, and went back to wrapping the fresh wound as if she didn't believe you. She thought you got yourself into a fight since the would couldn't be that bad considering you ' just fell '.
" Anyways, I just received your school uniform. It's in your room. I've also taken the time to assign you to a nearby school since September is right around the corner. Therefore, you'll need to start studying your Japanese. "
You looked down as she continued to wrap the injury, biting your tongue and letting out a long sigh. You've never necessarily went to school, only during your early youth. The innocent, cheerful lovey dovey years.Considering you've joined the Mafia, and something along the lines of an assassin with a secret identity it would be quite risky going to school and risking everything you've worked for.
That's why Salvatore was there. He taught both you and Stefano some information and basic knowledge so you both wouldn't be stupid. Now that your in a different country, there's nobody who knows you. Therefore, you no longer need a secret identity.
You didn't know how to feel about this. Having to change culture, learn a different language that you don't care about. She finished wrapping your leg, " The uniform is in your room. Get a good sleep, my sunflower. "
You nodded and left to go to your room. The uniform was the first thing you laid eyes on. It was neatly placed on your bed inside a see through package. You opened the transparent package and placed the uniform on your bed.
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You blankly stare at the uniform with slight disgust. Sighing, you grab a beautiful blue diamond that you had been gifted awhile ago and open the window of your room to climb out and go on top of the roof. The house was quite tall unlike most japanese houses. If you accidentally slip, it could most likely be painful or maybe even fatal.
You found a comfy spot to sit on, which you found quite secure and stable. You carefully removed the hair wings and place it on your lap.
You carved the diamond with a match and knife so it could replace to red ruby with your own mark. As much as you respect your own grandfather on so many levels, you aren't him. It also wouldn't hurt to change the style just a bit. It would also match the birthmark on your cheekbone and the 3 bubbles on your arm that both you and your mother were born with.
Soon enough, you finished carving the diamond to fit inside the hole that held the jewel and the wings together. Still, you struggled to put it inside and accidentally dropped the blue diamond down the roof. " ..Merda. " you hissed under your breath.
You slide to the edge of the roof, and swing yourself enough to grab the edge of the window. The drop was less dangerous, so you leaped and easily landed on your feet.
You scanned the area, trying to find the diamond. It was dark tonight, so it was really hard to see. You groaned, annoyed that you've gotten yourself in this mess in the first place. It took awhile longer to find something shining in the grass. Swiftly, you picked it up before losing its sight once again.
You clenched it tighter in your grip. The white beach dress swaying in the breeze that only got colder. You looked forward, seeing the city lighten up at night, it was different from Italy. " Stefano would've liked it.. " you mentioned the second youngest from the group. He's also the most childish yet has always told you that before he dies, he'd love to see a city lighten up like this.
You caressed the diamond near your heart. That blue diamond was gifted by the group when it was your birthday.
~ " Happy 13th birthday, Caesar! " Everyone chanted happily together. All of them were alive and joyful. It was your first birthday with the gang. We all did a group hug, you've never had celebrated a birthday party, and it was your first. You cried of joy.
" What did I do to deserve friends like you guys? " you sobbed, your heart felt warm and fuzzy.
" Family. " Inferno corrected, placing a hand on your shoulder. This only made you sob more than before. This is the closest thing you've gotten to an actual family.
" Here's a gift that we decided to get for you. We all get one after the first birthday with the gang. " Salvatore added, while Stefano brought the gift with the widest smile.
Your heart melted, you took the gift in your hands. It was a box from a very expensive jewelry store. You opened the white package to find a blue diamond place neatly inside, wrapped with a red band. And those things are the most expensive gemstones you can get. Your mouth dropped wide open.
" Your officially marked in the gang now. " Giovanni smiled, a hand on your left shoulder.
" Sure, you've been a pest, but ever since your arrival, you've brought peace throughout our gang. Your enthusiasm and confidence kept us going through tough times. Therefore, your gem is the Blue Diamond. " Calcio said, putting a hand on your other shoulder.
" Thank you... Thank you guys so much! "
You felt a breeze brush past your ( h/c ) hair. The emptiness of no longer having your gang with you was strong. But they don't want for you to continue being sad over them. Especially the deceased members.
The unfamiliar pink tree's leaves were falling all over the pavement as you walked down the street observing the neighborhood. It was undeniably a beautiful country, and far different than Italy. The language was really different than the letters that you were used to.
You felt out of place here, since you looked obviously like a foreigner. But it didn't seem like anyone was really judging you. In fact some stopped to admire your beauty and difference.
Seeing as you were completely new, it could help with your communication the more you listened to the language. There was many people walking around at night, it was quite shocking. You've walked up some stairs to arrive at a place with tables around the area, and lights hanging down from those pink flower trees.
You sat against a tree, the city in the distance was bright yet very mesmerizing and adding to the scenery. You clipped the rare diamond inside of your feathers. Staring at the new accessory, a small smile growing on your lips. These wings have been carried by your Grandfather.
Now it's your time to shine.
Shot Chapter, but that's because I don't have much ideas considering Jotaro isn't in this Chapter. Anyways, feel free to comment ideas before we arrive in the Stardust Crusaders arc 🥰