A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
{ description being re-done }
JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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It was your second day at home since you've been suspended for 2 days. The weather was repetitive, always gloomy and rainy. You were sitting down at a desk facing the large window of your room that you always escape to sit on the roof. Those days were boring since you weren't able to leave the house, therefore unable to see Jotaro.
You leaned against the desk, you chin resting in the middle of your palm while the elbow sat on top of the table. You twirled the pencil around, thinking of something to write. Ever since you arrived, the boss only sent you one mission to warn the gang. If not everything was silent back in Italy, and you haven't heard much from Giovanni, Stefano or Salvatore.
The exhale was longer than usual, you glanced up as you saw thunder which made you jump a bit. Thunder and rain.. the two things you grew up to absolutely hate. Having no home and roaming the streets seeking for shelter already sucked, and if the weather was terrible there's a good chance you would sit in the rain against a wall and let it soak you.
But now being inside.. in the warmth and comfort of a home it was quite relaxing. The multiple thumps on the glass every time the rain tapped against it.. or just seeing it drip down the window brought some sort of peace that you never realized with rain.
You took a sip of your wine that sat near the paper that you were writing with. The odd yet satisfying taste swirling around your mouth.. you would have never thought that it would taste this great on rainy days. You sat up and turned on the radio, putting on famous hits from Michael Jackson. He was without a doubt one of your favourite artists because he never failed to impress you.
Billie Jean was first to play on the radio, which was undeniably a really good song to listen to. You sat back down at your seat, as your mind brainstormed for an idea to write. Maybe a story? No.. I'm not that creative.. A song? Actually -
You've gotten an idea of a song with a good beat to it. The pencil touched the paper, yet you had no lyric ideas. Your eyebrows furrowed, your mind running marathons for a creative lyric to this ' song '. You looked back up to take a sip of your red wine, when the liquid suddenly started spinning around inside the cup.
" Ngh- Che diavolo? " You almost jumped, yet you didn't know why it was spinning around like that. There was no wind, and the table isn't crooked. It was unnaturally spinning at high speed. The wine started to sparkle, which genuinely terrified the living shits out of you.
Once the sparkles disappeared, the spinning stopped at an instant. It was so odd.. but it wasn't normal. You inspected the wine glass, but nothing seemed suspicious. It simply started on its own, as if something possessed it to do it. You observed the bedroom, yet nothing suspicious came to make you think it would be the cause of this. Weird...
You sat back down, and looked at the paper. Suddenly, an idea came to mind! Out of no where, like it just happened after that wine incident. Definitely creepy..
Your wrist twisted and turned to make gorgeous letters as your mind continued to bring new ideas to the mix. The pace of the writing was quick, yet clean and perfect. It would charm anybody just by one look at it. You've never been this creative before, your mind was like a robot. It worked on its own and the body quickly followed behind.
A smile came across your lips, the more writing you did mad you genuinely interested in the lyrics of this new song. It was, in fact based on rain. Yet the lyrics meant much more than they seem to look.
A knock was heard across your door, that made you snap right back to reality. Your breathing stopped in that little moment, your eyes widen as if time had stopped. " Yes, Nonna? "
" I just wanted to tell you that you won't need to catch up what you missed in class. The teachers already adore you worked hard on the first day. So, the homework and assignments missed won't be a big deal. I'm so happy for you, though! " she cheerfully said through the door.
" Ah, that's great! I'm glad to know I impressed them. " you spoke.
" Anyways, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing. " and with that, her foots steps faded away.
You looked back at the sheet of paper, and took the wine bringing it up to your lips. You took a small sip of it, the amazing feeling across your mouth as you swallowed the bit of red..
A thunder strike was heard once more, yet lighter than before. It still made your heart skip a beat, it was almost as if it brought trauma from your childhood. But it was more of a reflex to the loud sound. In fact, all loud sounds give you PTSD because of the terrible youth you've experienced.
Gun shots were the worst. Your mother was shot and the Mafia included plenty of people pointing their guns or shooting at your direction only to either miss or hit somewhere in your body. The nights on the street were just as terrible when it came to those... one specific night was a gun shot and a woman screaming, only to soon be cut out by silence.
Not all of Italy is like this, in fact it was just where you lived due to your fathers poor living conditions. Some nights he'd let you sleep home if you brought him the right amount of money, if not it's out. Plus, for your father to make money he'd have to deal drugs and there's only a bunch of those bastards at the poor homeless areas.
The sky was hit with an other thunder, the electricity traveling at incredible speed only to collide with the ground. You gripped your fists together, your nails leaving marks on the palm of your hand from the anxiety you felt. You let out a small giggle, along with a tear.
' Never would I ever tell anyone about my fear of thunder storms. The boys would probably have laughed and if they saw I was serious they would protect me at all costs. '
Your breath only calmed down, as you saw sunshine through those dark clouds. Those ( e/c ) eyes trailing to the source of the light, as the clouds continued their path away to bother someone else. A rainbow was seen on your far right. You could only see around the end of it without getting up.
Now was only minor rain drops, they weren't as powerful as before. You could still hear some thunder storms, but they were quiet and far.
Your face was shining bright from the gentle rays of the sun, and with that... you went back to writing.
This was basically a mini Chapter because I really like to write about rain.
PS: If you didn't catch the reference in the wine movement, it's supposed to be William Zeppeli's doings. I'll be referencing the previous Zeppeli's ( Even Mario and your Mother ) in future Chapters. For the people who were reading the story before the update: this will be what you get before you be able to see them. Now you'll just get minor references to their presence to prepare for the future.