20 | route

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~ route ~

~ route ~

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The suns rays hit your bare shoulders, warming them up from last nights incident. We were on our way to the restaurant Mr.Joestar told us about and that walk was 20 minutes away. The two oldest of the group, Joseph and Avdol stood at the front having a conversation about plans to avoid the death of multiple innocents.

Kakyoin and Jotaro seemed to get along quite well, both walking in front of you as you stood last. Hong Kong had a different style than Japan even though both countries are in Asia. All these unfamiliar symbols were giving you a headache, but that didn't stop you from enjoying the scenery. You tried listening in to the delinquents in the front, but they spoke Japanese so fast it was hard to understand exactly what they were saying.

With no one to talk to, you just kept quiet and acclimated with the new environment. That's when a very familiar voice sang through your ears " Rovi~! " it spoke melodically. You jumped from the sudden voice, looking over to your shoulder you saw your Stand observing you with an accepting smile of a goddess.

" Ocean, careful! Stand users see you. " you warned your Stand worryingly, glancing around to notice if anyone spotted Ocean's Empress. The Stand probably thought you wanted someone to talk to knowing that you can't understand anyone else. Out of no where, a tear fell out of your eye. You caught it with your hand, the little drip of water on the palm of your hand. Ocean's Empress sucked herself inside the water, making herself tiny yet visible.

She waved her liquid arm nonchalantly" Smart. " you complimented in your native language seeing as the Stand was willing to turn into a miniature version of herself to keep you company. " Is it weird if I talk to you? I mean it's kinda like I'm talking to myself. " you admitted.

The water goddess only shrugged, " Rovinare? "she wasn't so sure herself since she's just a part of your mind. The two boys from the front slowed down their pace so they can walk alongside you.

" Hey ( Y/n ). " Kakyoin greeted on your right, noticing your palm open with your little Stand hovering in the middle. Jotaro side-glanced, seeing how casual both of you are which made him feel like his guts twisted. A strong confident delinquent, felt like a third wheel to your friendship with the new asset to the team.

" Ciao Kakyoin and Jotaro. What were you guys talking about? " You asked casually, raising a brow as the two boys gave each other a quick look at one an other. " Unless it's important— "

" Oh no! No, absolutely not. " Kakyoin waved his two hands. " We we're discussing boy problems. "

" Oh? Alright. " you said uninterested by the subject. Silence slowly filled the air among us, the boys keeping their hands in their pocket while you looked down at Ocean's Empress, who grew large again and disappeared into your body.

𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝓉 𝒮𝑒𝒶 { jotaro x reader }Where stories live. Discover now