A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
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JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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The bug-like Stand presses gently onto the wall with the tongues of its victim, sliding across spelling out the words: MASSACRE!
Everyone stared horrifically at the psychotic act this Beetle just made. This obviously isn't the first time you saw something terrifying or downright disgusting, especially from your previous Stand battle that consisted of a 10 year old serial killer who stuffed her little sisters bones and organs into her teddy bear. Seeing the tongue freely dangling down a Beetle while blood dropped down to the plane's floors made your stomach twist in disgust yet out of everyone else it seemed you were the less effected by the view.
While the bug just flew there, you threw the smallest rock towards the Stand without anybody knowing, and since it was so small it hit the Beetle easily bonking off his head. A playful grin came on your face, one that has already determined victory.
Avdol stepped forward, " I will burn it to death! " the Egyptian dangerously announced his fiery Stand: Magicians Red. The second you heard this, your head-feathers perked upwards, quickly snapping your neck towards him alarmed. It seemed that Noriaki also caught on with the powers and the dangers of Avdol's Stand.
" Wait! Wait a moment, Avdol! " The red-head student called out alarmingly, his lavender orbs glancing towards the fortune teller as a warning. We all stopped at the grunting of a very elderly man who looked like he had a step already inside his grave. Yet despite his age what he just did was a dead giveaway.
" It's so noisy. " The ancient man rubbed his eyes glancing towards us with his eyes half asleep. " I wonder what the ruckus is. " he spoke unknowingly that The Tower was flying right behind him. The wrinkled man stood up " I guess I'll go to the Bathroom. " He walked towards the door next to his seat with a hand behind hi back and the other resting it on the blood that wrote ' Massacre. '
Your brows furrowed as you took a step forward, walking into the direction of that same exact man who was completely delusional absolutely suspicious of him. When you picked up the smallest rock , possibly from someone's shoe and threw it towards the Stand without missing, just a few seconds later he was rubbing his head from the perfect hit.
Avdol grabbed your hand firmly, stopping you from going anywhere near the man. He, by himself losing his shit once realizing that he put his hand on the blood on the wall. Thankfully, Kakyoin knocked him out.
" Let me go, you idiot! That old geezer is definitely the Stand user. " You growled furiously, pulling away from his grip in annoyance.
Avdol cocked an eyebrow, uncertain of your strong statement with no proof. " ( Y/n ), he's knocked out. There's no way he's the Stand user. We can't just kill innocent people. " you stopped pulling and stood still, crossing your arms once Avdol let go.