A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
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JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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" Pay attention, she's awake. " you announced to them calmly, trying your best to be peaceful despite being with the people you've wished to never come across.
Quickly, the two men left in the room looked over towards the light brown woman, laying down as she slowly opened her eyes. " Holly! " Joseph bent down closer to his daughter. You leaned against the wall and looked away, your brows furrowed yet trying not to make it too noticeable.
" Papa, I— "
"Just rest. Jotaro, get some water. " Jojo's grandfather ordered. The teenager only did as told, before leaving he looked back at you.
" ( Y/n ), come. I want to talk to you. " Jotaro asked, seeing as your head-wings perked, he knew you listened to him. You slowly turned around and followed him from behind.
You trailed at a distance from him, he noticed this and stopped so he'd be by your side. Jotaro took a moment to look at your eyes, he cupped your chin so you'd look up at him. " Why are you acting like this? It's annoying. " you took hold of his wrist and took it away.
" Tell me, Kujo. Three of my ancestors have died by having some sort of connection with Joestar's. It's a curse in my family to die while assisting a member of your family while you guys do nothing about it. Every one of your family gets into bizarre things and then Zeppeli's end up getting mixed right into it."
" Get over it, it's the past. " Jotaro simply interrupted.
" I'm not worried about the past right now, Jojo. The rest of my family including me is at risk because of Dio's existence. If I die it's the end of my family's lineage. We both have the same desires: Kill Dio. Which is why I'm assisting you. " you crossed your arms as you lowered your head from looking high up at the towering student.
You turned around and began walking inside the next part of the house the sound of your shoes hitting the wooden floor. Before entering you looked back at Jotaro with a blank face. The look he gave you can clearly see visible confusion as to why you aren't acting like your goofy self.
You rolled your eyes with a smirk and leaned against the door frame " Today, Jojo. Water isn't gonna walk itself to Holly. " The boy nodded, shaking his head slightly to come back to reality. He lowered his hat and walk right past you, nudging your shoulder slightly in a non-violent way. " You know I could've just gave her water with my Stand. "
" I wanted to talk to you. "
Holly drank the water Jotaro had given to her. She then looked at her son with her motherly smile. " Thank you, Jotaro. " Holly spoke softly yet extremely weak. " Really, I wonder what's wrong with me? I can't believe I became feverish and passed out. I feel better now... "