A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
{ description being re-done }
JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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BEGINNINGNOTE: This will be written in first person, I want to try and improve my way of writing.
The stars were glistening brightly above us tonight. It was a clear sky, and very silent waters. It felt like those tiny fire balls scattered around the universe were watching down on us, drifting in the middle of the the ocean sea for an other night. Although tonight, the air felt heavy and thick, the oxygen felt low and the temperature was dropped at a decent amount.
Jotaro flickered his lighter, turning the bright red fire on so he could smoke a cigarette. Unfortunately, his cigarette was too wet to be lighten. " Yare yare daze, my cigarettes are soaked. " The young Joestar grumbled in annoyance. His aquamarine eyes trailed over to my side, seeing me curled up in a little ball trying with all my might to keep myself warm. " Why are you cold? "
" I don't know Jojo, " A foggy surrounding formed around my breath " Looks like a beautiful sunny day outside to me. " I shivered from a cold breeze, desperately trying to bend my crimson red blood to move faster so I'd keep myself warm. So far, it hasn't been going well.
The sharp-edged delinquent rolled his eyes in response, letting out a long sigh. Removing his long, japanese style trench coat I realized that the moon shined quite nicely on him. It highlighted his features perfectly, able to make any girl swoon over him if they'd see him right now. At least the moon was doing me a favour, the sight in front of me is one hell of a piece of art.
" Here. " He blankly handed over his coat to me. My day-dreaming stopped as I felt the weight almost suffocate my body. Jotaro's large, black gakuran was extremely heavy due to his size and the big gold chain hanging off the collar. My winged ornaments dropped down in comfort from the heat. Now being able to work my Stand properly, I was able to make my adrenaline run with the blood from my body.
My lips curved upwards, " Grazie Kujo. " I noticed that he did a small smile due to the edge being slightly lifted. My stomach was boiling of joy, seeing his tiny grin that shifted to his normal emotionless features. I felt myself slowly relax after being tense all day, laying down my head into Jotaro's coat. Since he helped me, I made sure to keep him warm all night by bending his blood.
Joseph nudged his grandsons shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows after seeing the situation unfold. Jotaro looked at him with disgust and hidden confusion as to why his grandfather was wiggling his eyebrows like that. The boy rolled his eyes from pure annoyance, his body relaxing to the water rocking the boat back and forth.