A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
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JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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The year went by like a flash. Everything worked out amazing for you! The boys at school were drooling all over you, seeing as you are the perfect girl. Jotaro, could say otherwise. He's grown to ' tolerate ' you, yet his patience is very slim compared to before. Say, the man himself went from 6'3 to 6'5 in a year. He looks much scarier than before, and much more dreamy. Who knew someone who was already manly become even more manly.
You reached honour students, student of the month and is favourite by every teacher but one, and that is obviously My tits yuki. And by favourite, two of the teachers actually fell in love with you, and thought you didn't notice.
Talking about falling in love....
The end of school finally arrived, the bell ringing throughout the whole school as everyone prepared their books to leave the class. As someone who was popular, you were surrounded by a crowd of people whom you casually spoke to. You barely talk to Jotaro since he always avoids big crowds. Despite you insisting multiple times, he never felt comfortable therefore you left him alone.
You put back your stuff in your locker and made your way out of the school. Martha ran at full speed and jumped on your back. " ( Y/n )! Heya! " she smiled excitedly.
" Oh, hey Martha. What's up? " you raised a brow, a curious smile against your lips. She was so happy ever since you hooked her up with her crush. She no longer got bullied and even became a popular kid.
" I asked Kento out! " she giggled joyfully, doing some sort of happy dance. You dropped your bag, your mouth dropping open from the shock you experience. The guys that followed you picked up your bag and put it back on your shoulder. " Careful, you'll swallow a fly! "
" Mamma Mia, Martha! You actually asked him out? Congrats! By your expression, I'm guessing he said yes? " You happily laughed and congratulated the girl. Martha nodded confirming your guess. " Looks like you won't be needing me anymore, huh. "
" Are you crazy? I'd drop any guy to stay your friend. In fact, I'd marry you. " She jokingly said, putting a hand up.
" I'm just joking. Of course I'd marry you. " You both did a manly handshake to prove our joke. We were such best friends that no guy can replace our friendship. We'll even get bestfriend married to stick together forever.
" Anyways, I need help with the date. I've never dated anybody and who else would I ask other than my best bitch? " Martha folded her arms, a grin large and playful.
" And that's why I am here. Don't worry sweetie, let's get you ready. "
Yeah, they ended up a couple. And they were absolutely adorable together. You? Despite having the paparazzi running after you, you stayed single. The guys back in Italy would occasionally make sure you weren't dating any jackass specifically one of the deadliest assassin/serial killer in Europe since you previously made that stupid mistake.
But that was the past. This was your first year in Japan and in school. You passed it with a slide by barely paying attention in class. You were called a natural genius by still being brutally stupid at some times.
Sadly, Jojo and you weren't as close as you used to. But we had our times, most of them was doing challenges against each other to see who's greater than the other. Some girls told you that he acts different around you. Sure, he calls you a bitch and tell you to shut the fuck up but he doesn't ignore you. In fact, whenever you are alone he'd come to talk to you. He hates people, therefore hates being around you when you are surrounded by men.
You finished the year greatly, some up and downs with plenty of stress by being under pressure to try not accidentally hurt anybody's feelings by keeping everything balance. That pressure sometimes screwed with you grade wise, since your grades would be lower than usual. Yet you always passed over 80, never under.
Fights were inevitable, you were always getting into trouble when it came to the bad bitches. Towards them, you could give a slight shit about your rule of not hurting anybody. Especially the girls who act tough but when they pick a fight don't have a clue who their punching at. Your sometimes play fight with the tough guys without inflicting damage.
Either way, it was safe to say you passed. Did you like school? Not quite, it's different that what you're used to.But you'll be returning for the next grade. And you'll be returning cluelessly, for what's about to happen next in the Chapters of your already bizarre life.
Alright, time skipping this. I'll be introducing your Stand as well as slowly entering the Stardust Crusaders chapters. This Chapter was just to clarify what happened, it's really useless but whatever. I'll be putting much more effort when it gets to the good stuff, like when I introduce your new Stand.
I might be going for Eternal Ripple as the name since it was most chosen.