A Jotaro x reader story
Somewhat of a continuation of Girasole Speciale
( Part 3-6 )
{ description being re-done }
JJBA and Jotaro belongs to Araki Hirohiko
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✨ Will consist severe bullying. It won't be long, but it's still there and I don't want to remind someone of that negativity. I'll put a warning before it actually happens just in case you want to skip it to avoid flashbacks. ✨
At occasional times during the hour, you'd glance towards Jotaro. He, was without a doubt the most handsome man you've met. His hat looked odd, it fused with his hair which always made you second glance to figure out why it looks like that. Your theories: The hat is trimmed in the back, the hat just looks that way or it's simply haunted. But you weren't one to judge, it actually looked fashionable.
The bell rang once the period was over. She waved goodbye as we slowly flowed out of the door. Since you knew everyone in the class, all you'd have to do was follow them until after lunch since that's when some people switch. You grabbed a pencil and wrote on the sheet of paper indicating your periods in ( English/ Italian ) . First period of day one— Geography. You proceeded to do the same to every other day's periods who had matched the same letters.
" Hey, woman. " a low masculine voice said towering over your body. You almost jumped from the sudden call, and faced the voice. Your eyes locking with the familiar turquoise eyes. " Your the girl from the beach, aren't you. " he proceeded to speak in your native language, knowing full way it was harder to understand Japanese.
' Odd..he doesn't seem like the guy to start a conversation. '
" Um..why yes, I am- "
" Show me your schedule. " he firmly ordered. The girls were staring at you as you handed in the paper. You weren't scared from his intimidating face or his tall body. After all, your used to all these bulky men with low voices from the Mafia. It wasn't new to you.
" We have the same classes for all subjects. Follow me if you ever need help. " Jotaro said, shoving the paper and walking away with his troop. Either way, you followed behind him since we both go to the same place to get our books. The locker rooms were packed, so squeezing in was quite uncomfortable to say the least.
You made it to the locker without losing any arms or legs and was able to get the correct book for the next class. The reading was simple, it was written Math. You noticed Jotaro walking towards a class, so you followed at a reasonable pace behind him so he wouldn't notice.
You entered the class and went right for the back once again. This time, Jotaro sat closer to you instead of across the room. The math class was much smaller than the geography class, and was filled with some popular music references such as: Michael Jackson, Queen, The Bangles, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie and many more. It was the new hits that were released, one that caught your eyes that was probably released around a week ago was called Walking like an Egyptian