Chapter 1

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Watching the passing scenery in the car, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Moving, to a new home, a new place.

Looking at my reflection, green eyes stared back. They looked like the grass growing on anyone's lawn.

"Livana Johns! Look at your hair, you look all bedraggled!" My mom pointed at my brunette hair. Sighing, I fixed it in anyway I could.

Anyways, I have a deep love for singing besides my timid nature. Not even my parents know that I sing. I can sing, but I can't dance. I've wanted to dance, but its just not my thing.

Well, we're almost there so... I better wrap up my thoughts for now.

I sighed and looked out the window of the car. My parents were deep in conversation about the high school I was going to. Apparently, the house I was moving to was right across the street from the school.

"Liv! We're 5 minutes away from our new home!" My mom said enthusiasticly.

"Okay," I responded softly while stroking strands of my long, chocolate hair.

I looked at my parents, from behind of course. I had gotten my long, brown hair from my mom, but I had got the shiny, emerald eyes from my dad. Though, I feel like my hair is poop colored, and my eyes are like the color of grass.

My eyes are duller, and my hair is darker. I saw that whenever I compared myself to my parents in the mirror.

We finally arrived at the new house, next door I saw two young girls playing in the drive way. One look around 13, and the other looked around 9 to 10.

They waved at me when we made eye contact, so I smiled softly and waved back. We parked in our driveway, and my parents started unloading from the  moving truck.

As I got out to stretch, the two girls came up to me with big smiles.

"Hi! Welcome to our fabulous neighborhood!" The younger girl joked.

"Hi, I'm Liv." I put my hand out for them to shake, which they both did. We introduced each other, and I met the rest of the girls. There were 5 in total. They said that they had a brother, but he was out with friends.

"Which school are you going to?" Madison, the oldest asked.

"Um, the one that was closest, right about..." I trailed off and then pointed to a large school building, "There!"

"That's where I went! Our brother also goes there, are you going in for 12th grade?" Madison asked. I nodded with a smile. She and I got along really well, maybe because we were the oldest.

"Maybe she can have the same classes as Kenny!" The youngest sister, Capri exclaimed, so their brother's name was Kenny. Interesting.

"Madi, who are you and the girls talking to?" I heard someone call from the Holland's house. I also learned that their last name was Holland.

"We have new neighbors!" Madison replied. Suddenly, a woman came out in an apron.

"Hi! I'm their mom, I see you've met my girls! Are you in 12th grade at that school?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I heard that your son goes there, and they all told me that we might have the same classes."

"Yeah! I hope you do, he can have someone check if he's going to be a gentleman," Mrs. Holland joked. I blushed softly and looked away a little.

I never really got along this well with people. But these kids, and Madison, seemed so inviting. Mrs. Holland had that friendly feeling to her.

"Well, I think my cookies might be a little overcooked, I'll see you," Mrs. Holland said with a wink. She left, and the rest of the girls went along as well.

"Here's my number, text me whenever!" Madison said with a smile.

"Yeah, got it." I looked at the paper in my hands. I had only gotten the number of my best friend, my parents, and... yeah, that's it.

My best friend was in my previous town, so we were heartbroken when I had to leave.

I walked inside our new house, the kitchen and living room was set. Then I walked into the hallway. There was pictures of me and my family up on the wall. Then I saw a door with a circular window.

"Liv! Oh, you found it." I heard my dad say.

"Oh, hi, Dad. What's this?" I asked while trying to see through the window. It was tinted. Oh well.

"Go ahead," Dad said while giving me a key with my name on it.

I looked at the key and scanned it, there was a key ring that had a bunch of stuff on it. A musical note, a USB, a small flashlight, and a pocket knife. Not sure why the picket knife... But yeah.

I put the key into the lock, twisted it, and opened the door. I nearly screamed when I saw what was inside.

We had numerous guitars along the wall, an electric piano was plugged in inside a room, as well as a a grand piano in the same room.

There was recording equipment in a separate room, right next to the piano room. I guess my dad thought that I would sing.

I did know how to play the piano and guitar, though. I had learnt the piano when I was 7, and the guitar when I was 10.

"Dad, how did you-" I started.

"You said you wanted one when you were 7." I heard.

"You remembered?!" I asked with a huge smile.

"I remembered," Dad said while returning the giant hug I was giving him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said happily.

"It was your mom's idea," My dad said while setting me down.

"Right, it was." I heard from behind me.

I turned and attacked my mom in a hug.

This was perfect, now all's was left was... School tomorrow...

Oh boy...

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