Chapter 8

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I was sitting in my recording room. It wasn't something I used too often, but I did play every now and then. I had locked the door and was now sitting in one of the recording booths.

I was clutching my mom's diary, afraid to open it and see what was inside. All my thoughts were on her and the diary.

Slowly, I opened up the diary and read the first entry.

Dear Whatever-I'm-Gonna-Call-You,
Hi. Well, my mom gave my this diary thing to "get in touch with my emotions" and stuff. I'm trying my hardest to stop- - .

There was a brown stain on a word. I tried to see if I could wipe it, but it was stuck there. I rolled my eyes and took a sniff at it. Blood.

Only Erik knows that I do my... Activities. He found out today when he burst open the door when I was in the bathroom. He begged me to stop. I agreed to try, but... I don't think I can. He knows that I'm an alcoholic. And a smoker. I'm really trying to stop. But my mind keeps going over to when... he died. It makes me feel empty. But with Erik around, I feel like a part of me is not so sad. Well, I'll see you later. Bye.

The first entry was completed. I tried to match up all the stuff. Judging by this, my mom started smoking and drinking at around her teenage years. Erik... That wasn't my dad's name. That was someone else. My dad's name was Sam. Now I'm confused.

But one thing for sure was, my mom had depression. I sighed and got up, I walked over to the door as my mom passed by with a sad look on her face. Was it my dad who got her to stop smoking and drinking all these years? Or was it that Erik guy?

Opening the door and then locking it again, I put the diary in a well hidden place and then set out to go meet up with Kenny. I had completely forgotten about him until I stepped foot out of my recording room.

Jaren: Hey! U wanna hang with Fi and I? U can bring Kenny if u want. ;) -J

My phone buzzed as I received the text. Smiling softly, I responded with a yes and then opened up my window to Kenny's room. I quietly opened up his window window and saw that he was doing his singing Vine.

I waited with a smile on my face. Since watching his Vines last night, I basically fell in love with him again. For his music and his singing.

"Great job," I quietly said while Kenny looked up from his phone.

"Thank you. You've been gone for a while," Kenny said with a smile.

"Yeah. Anyways, do you wanna go hang out with my friends Fi and Jaren? I think you already met Jaren, Fi is his partner in Dance."

"I would love to. Let's roll," Kenny said as I noticed that he was wearing jeans and a hoodie. I think he knows that I like seeing him in his hoodie...

We started walking to the park nearby the school, because I'm pretty sure that Jaren texted me to meet him and Fi there. We arrived and sat on a bench, waiting for the two others.

"Liv!!!" I heard Fi call me from the playground.

"Fi!" I said excitedly while I stood up and ran over to her. I admit, that looked really childish, you could mistake me for a 5-year old if it weren't for my height.

"How are you?" She asked while I hugged her. Jaren waved at me while I was hugging Fi, so I teased him by making a heart with my hands and pointing at Fi. He blushed, and I let go of Fi while holding in a giggle.

"I'm great. Kenny asked me to come with him to something called DigiTour," I said with a smile, "I wish you could come with us."

"And we are!" This got my attention quickly before I let my mind wander, "Jaren and I got tickets! And Kenny convinced the people or something to let us stay in the same hotel!"

"Really!?" I asked excitedly while I looked over at Kenny, who was talking with Jaren with a huge smile on his face. Kenny glanced at me and winked, I don't know why he does it, but I'm not complaining.

"Yes! We packed already, so... Yeah. Its about a month til now, so might as well," Fi said while we tangled up our legs.

We continued to excitedly chat, until two unknown people came up and slung us over their shoulders. We both knew who they were.

"Kenny!" I yelled while trying to squirm.

"Jaren!" Fi giggled while pounding on Jaren's back.

"Well, we decided that you two have to say that we are the most awesomest people ever! Then we let you go," Jaren said, I looked at him and saw him bearing a grin so large, I'm pretty sure his face might split in half.

"We are the most awesomest people ever!" I yelled while Fi laughed and stopped struggling.

"Close enough," Kenny said while laying me carefully on the grass. I was about to move until Kenny played down on me, his stomach touching my own.

"Kenny! I thought that you said that you would let us go!" I laughed as Fi was now in the same position as I was in.

"Well, Jaren said that. I didn't." Kenny stuck out Gus tongue at me, while I licked my hand and stuck it to his face.

"Hey! No licking allowed!" Kenny said as he wiped his face.

Fi laughed and then rolled underneath Jaren, I begin to wonder how she did it, and then crawled onto his back.

"Gotcha!" She said as Jaren sat up and tried to get her off.

We all continued to chase each other and stuff, until we got tired. Soon, we were all resting on a bench, watching other children play. Kenny and I were trying to mirror each other's movements, and Fi & Jaren were having a conversation about something. I think I caught the words, "surprise" and "excited." Whatever it was, they were being awfully quiet about it.

I looked at Kenny and tried to mirror his hand movements, and it was pretty difficult.

"I give up!" I groaned while throwing my head back.

"Okay pay up!" Kenny said with a cheeky smile. I looked at him again and tilted my head. I looked over at Fi and Jaren and saw that they were grinning widely.

"You gotta kiss him on the cheek," Fi whispered. I blushed and then turned back to Kenny. Slowly, I crept my lips closer to his cheek, and quickly pecked and drew back.

"Aw that wasn't a real one. But I'll count that," Kenny said with a crooked smile.

"Why did I have to kiss you on the cheek?" I asked while trying to calm myself down before my face melts of cheek heat.

"Because... I won the game, so you had to pay up."

"There was no paying up when we even started playing!" I said as Jaren and Fi laughed.

Looking up at the now red sky, I sighed. Wait. Red? It was red like the cover of my mom's diary. And now all the information traveled back onto my head.

"Livvy? You look uncomfortable. You okay?" Fi asked as she put her hand on my forehead to make sure that I wasn't sick.

"Yeah. Just fine," I said quietly while trying to keep my eyes off the sunset.

"No you're not, Liv. I want you to tell us what's wrong," Jaren said as he fave me a firm stare.

"Okay, fine. When I came down the stairs to meet with you guys and stuff, I saw my mom drinking and smoking. So I wanted to go research and see what might have caused it, so I found her diary. Then, I found out she has depression and that there was this other guy in her life and now I'm so confused!" I blurted out distressingly.

"Oh, Liv." Fi came in for a hug as I put my face in my hands, soon the two boys did the same.

"Liv. We can try to help. Let's all do the best we can to see what happened, okay?" Kenny asked softly against my hair.

"Yeah. Sounds good."

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