Fariy Tail Origins

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Lucas, who was been talking to Brandon who has been in ze closet: Brandon come out, you coward.

Brandon coming out of the closet and yelling: I'M GAY!


Lucas: Brandon, we have been dating for three months no f**k.


Mitch: I prevented a murder today!

Colin: Oh really? How?

Mitch: Self control...


Michael: Come on Devin get out of the bathroom.

Devin: I'M GAY!


Michael: Not what I meant but I support you.


Mario while blushing: Your cute, can I kiss you?

David: What?

Mario: *sighs* IF YOU YOU DIE, I WON'T MISS YOU!


Lucas: Kit why are you on the table?

Kit: Because I can and I can do whatever I want!

Lucas: *sighs* Where's the spider?

Kit: In the corner please kill it.

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