Fariy Tail Origins Swap Season 4

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Bri: Will it hurt if your leg gets cut off.

Austin: Of course it will!

Bri: But were there?

Austin: What- Devian help us out here!

Devin: *Walks out of room*


Mario: I have no fears.

David: What if I woke up one inch taller then you?

Mario: Correction. I have one fear.


Lucas: Your so annoying!

Brandon: But you love me!

Lucas: That doesn't make you less annoying dear.


Kit: You know that we're incharge here if you've forgotten.

Brandon: *with no shirt on* Oh I'm aware. I just don't care.


Jakey:*throws calculator at Lo'pho*

Bryan: I bet you weren't counting on that!


Austin: *visiting the Wandering Coins*

Austin: What's up?

Josh and Marshie arguing

Bri: I stress levels


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