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At 3:26 in the morning, you stood in the middle of your 3 year old daughter's bedroom, cradling and rocking her as she screamed and sobbed into your shoulder. She had woken you and Brendon up just a few moments before because of a nightmare, but you told your sleepy husband to stay in bed, and that you've got her. She couldn't seem to remember exactly what happened, but she was in absolute hysterics. You ran a hand up and down her back and kissed the side of her head, unsure of how to get her to calm down.
"It's ok baby girl, mommy's here now. You don't have to be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you, baby." You tell her, but your reassurances don't seem to help much. Her screaming subsided slightly, but she was still pretty much distraught. You only had one last thing to offer her, and you were pretty sure that's what she would want the most. You mentally apologize in advance to Brendon for what you were about to do.
"Baby, do you want to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed tonight? Have daddy sing to you?" You finally ask.
Her screaming stops and her sobs turn to regular tears as she nods yes, and you begin to walk to your bedroom. She sniffles, head now resting much heavier on your shoulder, tears still dropping onto your chest every few seconds. Her thumb was already in her mouth as you approach the door.
"Everything ok?" Brendon asks, voice still scratchy and thick with sleep. His eyes were closed, so he doesn't see your little one has joined you.
"I want daddy" your 3 year old says, tears still evident in her voice.
Immediately Brendon opens his eyes and sits up, sticking his arms out for the little girl. You sit down on your side of the bed, setting her down and snuggling back under the covers. She crawls to him, curling up to his chest. She wraps her little arms around him and he holds her in his much larger ones. He holds her head to his chest and strokes her hair as she finally stops sniffling and crying, becoming more tired by the minute.
"There you go, daddy's got you" he says to the child, sleep still lingering.
"I'm sorry we woke you, I couldn't think of any other way to calm her down" you tell him.
"Don't be sorry, my love. I'll never get tired of her wanting my cuddles, I know she won't be this way for very long. I'll take anything I can get while I can get it, now," he smiles slightly, and turns his attention back to the little girl in his arms "Do you want daddy to sing you a lullaby, darlin?" Brendon asks her while rubbing her back. She nods, and he kisses her head before he begins rocking the girl softly. He begins quietly singing a familiar song. You quickly identify it as the song he wrote for you shortly after you started dating, Always.
You never thought you'd be more in love with him than the day you got married, but the day the two of you welcomed this beautiful girl into the world, you felt more in love with him than you ever had. The love he had for your daughter was unlike anything you ever thought you'd see, and through her he fell even harder for you, too.
You're tearing up thinking about all of this, when he breaks you out of your thoughts.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asks, concern still evident through his whisper. Your daughter was already back asleep on his chest.
"Nothing, nothing" you wave him off. "I was just thinking about how much I love you and how perfect you are for me, and how perfect of a father you are, and the way you take care of us" you ramble tearfully.
"Oh honey," he says sweetly "I will always take care of my girls, you're the two most important things in the world for me. I don't care if it's at 3 in the morning,I'll always sing either of you to back to sleep after a bad dream, happily. And you're just as perfect for me, and you're the most perfect mom for our baby, I love you SO much, and I love you more every single day." He says, cradling your face with the hand that wasn't on your daughters back. At this point, tears are streaming down you face but you don't care, you lean over so he doesn't have to and kiss him gently.
"Thank you. I don't know how I got so lucky. I have the perfect man and the perfect kid" you say, laughing slightly. He smiles back and tells you it's a coincidence, because he has the perfect woman and the perfect kid.
He moves slightly to put the toddler between the two of you, she stirs a little bit but doesn't wake, thankfully. Brendon shifts down under the covers once again, and wiggles back into a comfortable position.
You've already mostly drifted back into sleep when he whispers "Thank you for being my perfect girls. I love you both so much."

The Brendon Urie Collection: Brendon Urie x Reader (mostly)Where stories live. Discover now