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This was an informal request from Tumblr :)

You walk in the door after work, exhausted and extremely stressed about a project you'd just been assigned. You set your purse and keys down as you come inside, thoughts and plans flying through your brain at a mile a minute as you mentally drafted emails you needed to send.
Your head felt heavy and you were starting to see familiar orbs of light clouding your vision. Ah yes, your friend the migraine had reared its ugly head once again. As soon as you realized it was coming, the pain began to pulse through your head and neck.
"Of fucking course" you mutter under your breath, walking through the house and into the bedroom to change into comfy clothes. You throw on one of Brendon's shirts and a pair of shorts and trudge down the hall.
You heard Brendon playing the piano in the other room, which normally you'd love to come home to, but right now any extra noise was like a death sentence for your head.
You slowly walk into the office where Brendon and his piano sat and draped your arms around his neck from behind, resting your head on his shoulder. He jumps a little, but relaxes.
"Hi baby, I didn't hear you come home" he said, taking his hands off the keys and twisting his head to kiss your cheek.
"Hi" you mumble quietly in response.
"Everything ok?" He questions, face and voice changing to ones of concern at your lack of response. Normally when you came home you were excited to see him, not that you weren't now, but the pain radiating through your head stopped any joy you had at the moment. You wave him off.
"I'm fine, I can just feel a migraine coming and it's making me nauseous and I'm so stressed and tired from work I just-"
"Hey, come here." He cuts you off, standing up and taking you in his arms for a hug.
"I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I promised you in sickness and in health, and I do intend to keep that promise. I know how bad your migraines can get, and I don't want you to feel any worse. C'mon, let's get you to bed." He tells you sweetly, scooping you up easily in his arms before you could even consider protesting, and carrying you down the hall into your shared bedroom, flicking the light off as he passed the switch. He gently placed you on the bed and quickly closed the blinds and curtains, ensuring that as little light as possible could get in.
"Now, wait here and get comfy, love. I'm gonna grab you your medicine and some water." Brendon says quietly, kissing your forehead softly before ducking out of the room, leaving the door cracked behind him.
You laid quietly in the dark and the silence for a few minutes as you heard the sink running, and then the medicine cabinet open and shut. Seconds later, he's pushed the door open once again and is walking to your side of the bed, sitting down next to you.
"Here angel, take these." He says, handing you the pills and a cup of water. You sit up slowly and readily swallow them down. He stroked his fingers lightly across your cheekbone, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you baby. Will you lay with me? At least until I fall asleep, you don't have to stay." You ask him. Without another word, he's taking his clothes off, leaving him in boxers and a t-shirt. He walks over to his side of the bed and slides under the covers, pulling your body back towards him so he could hold you closer. You flip around so you were facing him, and bury your face in his chest. The movement causes pain to your already aching head, and you visibly cringe.
"Please rest now, sweetheart. You won't feel better unless you do." Brendon says softly, running his fingers gently through your hair. He adjusts his position so he's laid on his back, and you adjust with him so that your head is using his chest as a pillow. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, stroking your back, and you're quickly falling asleep despite the aching in your head and neck.
The last thing you feel is a kiss to your forehead, and you were out like a light.

You don't know how long it's been since you fell asleep, but you do feel a bit better than before. Your head always felt foggy and heavy when you woke up from a migraine nap, and now was no exception.
Brendon had dozed off too, so you took this time to stare at the wall, really all your brain could focus on at the moment anyways.
You quickly got bored of this and laid with your eyes shut for a while, until you felt Brendon stir beneath you. His grip around your waist tightened slightly as he woke, before remembering that you were asleep and quickly loosening it. He yawned as quietly as he could, also to avoid waking you up.
"I'm awake, baby. You stayed." you whisper. He jumps a little, clearly not expecting you to be awake.
"Hey love, how are you feeling? I don't think we slept long enough for you to take more medicine yet, but you can have water and cuddles? And of course I stayed, I wasn't going to leave you in here all alone when you're not feeling good." He tells you, stroking your head as he does.
"Thank you. I love you. I'm feeling a little better, just out of it, you know. I will take you up on the cuddles and water though." You tell him, and he reaches over you to your bedside table to get the water he brought in earlier. You drink some and hand it back to him, and latch yourself onto his body once he's set the cup back down. He laughs lightly and squeezes an arm around you, and places his other hand on the back of your head, kissing your forehead and letting his lips linger there for a while before pulling back and bringing your head back onto his chest.
"Do you need anything my love? Or do you just want to lay here some more?" He asks quietly. You consider shaking your head, but opt for the less painful option of actually speaking.
"No, I'm ok. Let's just cuddle."
"Alright beautiful. Say the word and I'll get you whatever you need, ok?" He tells you, and you whisper an ok back.
You laid on him, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing, and thought about how thankful you were to have him. You could have handled this yourself, sure, you'd done it hundreds of times, but you were thankful that he was so in tune to you and what you needed that you never had to fight anything alone.

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