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Another request from tumblr also I never properly titled this so ??

"I'm gonna go mingle, I'll see you later?" You ask Brendon when you walk into the party. He nods and smiles, telling you he'll see you around.
You've always liked Brendon as more than a friend, but he's never shown you any signs of feeling the same. Tonight, you had decided, you weren't going to worry about if he liked you or not. You were going to dance and have a good time.
A cute guy walks up to you and starts chatting a little, and you're really enjoying yourself. You learn his name is Matt, and that he's a swim instructor for kids. He asks you to dance and you agree, enjoying his company.
Meanwhile, from across the room, Brendon is talking with one of his buddies but isn't interested in the conversation at all. Instead, he's watching you like a hawk to make sure nothing bad happened. That's when he saw you dancing with him. He got jealous. Very jealous. He quickly downed the drink he was sipping on, and about 3 shots of tequila.
"You know if there's any more of this?" He asks his friend.
As the next couple of hours went on, you continued talking with Matt, and Brendon continued getting shitfaced. Finally, one of Brendon's friends comes to find you, looking worried.
"Hey sorry to interrupt but Y/N, I don't think Brendon is doing too hot, can you come help him? He's asking for you."
Your eyes widen with concern. 
"Of course. Matt, I've had a great night but I have to go help my friend. Maybe I'll see you again." You tell him as you rush off in search of Brendon.
When you reach him, he has his head in the toilet bowl.
"Oh god" you sigh, walking further into the bathroom and placing a gentle hand on his back.
"Hey B, once you think you're done we're gonna go home, okay?" You tell him softly. He only nods his head before throwing up again, and you stroke his back as he does.
Once he's finally finished, you hand him a mint and help him stand, leading him out the back door of the house and to your car. Brendon hasn't said a word, and you aren't sure if it's because there's something on his mind, or if it's from the alcohol.
"Hey B? Do you want to stay with me at my house or do you want me to stay with you at yours? I'm not leaving you alone like this, so those are your choices." You ask him softly.
"Ummmmm sleepover at my house!" He slurs, suddenly regaining his bubbly personality.
You giggle and nod, heading in the direction of his place.
"Your laugh's pretty" Brendon says with a loving smile.
You look at him quizzically for a moment before returning your eyes to the road.
He continues staring at you for most of the short drive to his house, and you pretend not to notice.
A few minutes later, you arrive.
"Ok Bren, up we go." You tell him as you both climb the short flight of stairs to get to his front door. He pulls his keys out and fumbles with the lock for a minute before getting the door open.
You walk inside ahead of him and set your purse on the couch.
"Alright, I want you to go brush your teeth, get these clothes off and change into some comfy clothes. I'll be in to tuck you in in a minute, ok?" You tell him. He nods obediently and stumbles to his bedroom.
You grab him a bottle of water from the kitchen and some Advil from your purse before heading to his room.
When you find him, he's wearing sweatpants (backwards) and no shirt, and sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Close enough" you giggle, entering the room and placing the water and pills on his nightstand. You drag his trash can near the edge of the bed, incase he needs it in the night. He sits up under the covers and watches your movements intently.
You ask if you can borrow some of his clothes to sleep in and he agrees, telling you where to find them.
You quickly change without him looking and go back to his side.
"Thank you for taking care of me" Brendon mumbles sweetly, and you look up at him with soft eyes.
"Of course B. You'd do the same for me. Why'd you get so drunk, though? The party wasn't even that crazy yet." You ask softly.
"I was jealous" he admits, and you detect hesitation in his tone.
"Jealous? Jealous of what?" You ask gently.
"You know of what, Y/N." He sounds almost hurt now.
"Brendon, I really don't-" 
"I was jealous because you were..." he stops and adjusts his tone. "You were hanging with that guy all night and... and I wished it was me." He finishes quietly, looking down at the floor.
"You what?" You whisper, shocked.
"I like you a lot okay? But I could never tell you because I know you don't like me like that and I'd fuck up everything" he says, and a big smile washes over your face. He still isn't looking. "I guess now I'm telling you though. Nice job Brendon. Goddamn tequila." He mutters the last bit, making you smile wider.
You grab his chin and he brings his eyes up to yours hesitantly.
"Brendon. I've always liked you like that." You tell him, his jaw goes slack at the revelation.
"So... does that mean if I kissed you, you wouldn't pull away?" He says quietly after a moment.
"I don't know, why don't you find out"
Within a second, his lips find yours. His hands frame your face delicately, and yours find his hair.
Eventually, you pull away for air, looking at him once more. He smiles wildly, like a kid who just found out he was going to Disney.
"You're so pretty and you let me kiss you" he whispers.
"I did." You smile back. "Now, you should get some sleep. You're going to feel like shit tomorrow." You tell him, running a hand through his hair. He nods and lays down. "I'll be out on the couch if you need anything, we can talk about everything in the morning."
"Wait, no, you're not sleeping on my couch." He says firmly. "Come here and cuddle."
"Alright fine. Only because you're cute though" you tell him, shuffling over to the light switch and climbing into his bed.
He opens an arm up and you slide in happily.
"Goodnight Bren." You whisper, and he whispers it back.

The Brendon Urie Collection: Brendon Urie x Reader (mostly)Where stories live. Discover now