Sunshine (4)

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It had been almost 2 months since Adelaide and Brendon met, and they had been inseparable ever since. Every chance they got they were either talking to one another on the phone or physically with each other, linking hands and sharing little soft kisses on lips, cheeks and foreheads. Brendon had developed a preference for kissing Adelaide's forehead, solely because it made her smile up at him with such a wholesome look, he thought he might melt on the spot. Adelaide deeply enjoyed kissing his cheeks, and each freckle she saw upon them, and she especially loved when he was waking up from a nap and they were flushed pink. They both took quite a liking to each other's lips on their own, however.
Brendon had grown to love Pumpkin, not that he wasn't already a fan, and even joined Adelaide on her morning walks with Pumpkin sometimes. He began to love his time Pumpkin so much that he even had considered adopting a dog of his own.
Brendon spent much of his time with Adelaide thinking about how beautiful she was, inside and out, and Adelaide found herself doing the same of Brendon.
Brendon had recently joined a band that was gaining a lot of traction, and combined with Brendon's solo projects getting their own attention online, things were starting to pick up quickly for him. Adelaide had recently gotten a promotion at work as well, so all in all, both of them were absolutely ecstatic with life.
It was a calm Sunday afternoon, and Brendon and Adelaide had devoted their day only to each other. Adelaide was curled up on Brendons couch with her head in his lap as he played with her hair, a vinyl softly played from his record player. They'd talk every once in a while, but mostly they just enjoyed each others company. Brendon truly felt blissful for at least an hour, however Brendon began to grow restless.
"Hey, you wanna go for a drive?" Brendon says to Adelaide as they laid lazily on his couch in each other's arms.
Adelaide nods in response, smiling up at him. She hated to admit it so soon, but she would follow this boy anywhere he asked her to go.
She was falling for everything about him and she knew it. His kind, soft eyes that squinted up when he smiled, the way he already would do anything just to look out for her even though they'd only met a couple months prior, the sweet and soft side of him that seemingly only came out when he was speaking directly to her or about her, all of it. To her, he was perfect. He constantly reminded her how beautiful he thought she was, and she loved that. She wasn't used to that kind of attention, and it felt strange at first, but she found herself slowly growing to enjoy it. She would often try to give him the same reassurances, but he always brushed them off.
Brendon felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled up at him so softly. He matched the smile as Adelaide stretched, and the two walked hand in hand to Brendon's car. He unlocked it and opened Adelaide's door, helping her inside and closing it once more. He settled in his own seat, and headed off down the road.
Adelaide looked out the window at all the passing cars and buildings, getting lost in her thoughts. She doesn't hear Brendon when he asked her a question until he gently placed a hand on her leg, rubbing it slightly with his thumb.
"Oh sorry, what?" She said, shaking herself from the daze she was in.
Brendon chuckled and repeated himself.
"You doing okay over there cutie? Too warm? Too cold?"
Adelaide shook her head and smiled.
"Perfect" she stated, and grabbed for Brendon's hand to hold. He happily obliged and took her smaller hand in his. She absentmindedly stroked her thumb over the top of his hand as he drove. Brendon noticed quickly and smiled, the soft motion helping soothe any anxieties he was feeling.
Adelaide looked like she was off in her own world again, and Brendon began to worry.
"Is everything okay? You just seem like you're somewhere else today" he asked, looking over quickly before putting his focus back on the road. His brows scrunched up with concern.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Just thinking" Adelaide says quickly, bringing his hand up to her lips to kiss it.
Brendon feels his anxiety wash over him like a wave. "Thinking? About what?"
"About you. All good things, don't worry." Adelaide confesses. Brendon smirks when she says this.
"About me? Well pretty girl, I'm thinking about you too. I'm always thinking about you." He says sweetly.
"I'm always thinking about you, too." she replies as her heart melts.
"Adelaide I... I really, really like you." Brendon tells her sincerely.
"And I really, really like you." she countered quickly.
Brendon took a quick breath before finally saying what had been on his mind for a while.
"We've been seeing each other for a couple months now and I knew from the minute I saw you that I was all in, and I hope you are too, and we spend a lot of time together now so I was wondering... Adelaide, would you officially be my girlfriend?"
Her face broke into the biggest smile she'd ever smiled.
"Yes Brendon, yes!" She says excitedly, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
Brendon suddenly pulled the car off to the side of the road. Before Adelaide had a chance to question him, he explained with a smile.
"I had to pull over so I can kiss you properly,"
And kiss her properly he did.
Once they were both out of breath, cheeks flushed, and lips swollen, they decided to get back on the road and continue their little scenic drive. Her hand was firmly clasped to his for the remainder of the trip, and a slight smile remained on both of their faces.
Brendon pointed out some large homes off in the distance, telling Adelaide about a few parties he had somehow managed to attend there.
"Brendon! I can't believe you snuck into mansion parties in the hills!" Adelaide chastised him while laughing. He laughed as well, stating that there was no way he'd have the guts to do it now, but a few years back he'd been a lot more daring.
They chatted and giggled some more, as Brendon navigated them along the narrow streets.Brendon had driven this same path many times before, when he needed to clear his head, and Adelaide was happy to join him this time.
He drove with no destination in mind, just until he came to a dead end. Usually he had turned around by this point, but he was enjoying their time together. He liked exploring with Adelaide, even if it was just exploring the residential streets of Los Angeles County.
"Well, where to now?" He asked, turning to face his dream girl sitting in his passenger seat.
Adelaide craned her neck to look up at the sky, noticing what looked to be storm clouds nearby.
"I think it's gonna rain, let's head back to your place and make hot chocolate!" She said excitedly.
Brendon chuckled and nodded at her request, turning the car back around and heading in the direction of his house once more.
Once they arrived, Adelaide practically skipped to the front door and bounced as she waited for Brendon to catch up. She could smell the rain coming soon, and the sky was almost black with clouds.
"It hasn't rained like this in FOREVER! I'm so excited!" Adelaide said, bubbling with excitement as they walked inside. Brendon giggled at her optimism, making a mental note to try to be more like that.
A thought suddenly occurred to Adelaide as she removed her shoes at Brendon's front door, just before the sky let out its first big clap of thunder. She gasped and began speaking anxiously.
"Oh my god, Brendon. I'm so sorry, can you take me home? Pumpkin is terrified of storms and I can't leave him alone, I just didn't... god I'm so sorry-"
Brendon cut her off with a light kiss to her lips.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll take you." He said softly, unlocking the door. Adelaide slipped her shoes back on quickly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think about him being alone, I was just so excited. Now I feel bad." She says quietly, walking outside and back to the passenger side of Brendon's car once again.
"Baby, you don't need to feel bad. I'd be more than happy to hang out at your place instead, if you're okay with that?" Brendon offered.
"I'd love that." Adelaide replied.
The drive was quick to her apartment, and they got inside just as the rain started to pour down in sheets.
"You go find him, I'll be waiting right here for you." Brendon said with a soft smile. Adelaide gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going to find her spooked dog.
She found Pumpkin hiding in her bedroom curled up on her bed, body shaking.
"Hi buddy, it's ok, I'm here now." She tells him quietly, laying on the bed next to him and softly petting his head and neck. He scooted closer and licked her hand appreciatively.
"Let's go sit on the couch, who's out there?" She asks the dog excitedly, which made him perk up and jump off the bed in a hurry, curious to see who had come to visit him, because obviously anyone visiting the house had come for the dog.
"Hey there pup!" Brendon said happily as the dog bounded into the living room to see him, Adelaide ran to catch up.
The dog joined Brendon on the couch quickly, panting and sniffing and licking excitedly as Brendon laughed. Suddenly, the sky seemed to open up again, and another loud crack of thunder sounded through the apartment, accompanied by a flash of bright lightning. Pumpkin's demeanor changed in an instant, as he became shy and scared again. He quickly tried to curl up into Adelaide's side on the other end of the couch, desperately craving her soothing touch.
Brendon's face fell into a sad frown, as did Adelaide's.
"I'm so sorry for all this Brendon, if you want to go home you totally can-" Adelaide started, but Brendon interrupted her.
"No way! And miss spending time with you? Forget it. Plus, there's no way I'm going back out in that mess." Brendon said, gesturing toward the window.
"I can go make us that hot cocoa we talked about if you want to stay here with him. Just tell me where everything is and I'll make you the best hot cocoa you've ever had in your life." Brendon said with a wink and a smirk.
Adelaide giggled at his confidence and told him where to find everything he would need.
"You got it gorgeous. Sit tight, I'll be right back." Brendon turned to leave the room, but Adelaide stopped him.
"Oh, and Brendon?" She added as he began to walk away. He turned back around at the sound of her voice.
"Thank you. For being so patient and sweet and understanding."
He smiled softly.
"Don't mention it."

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