Sunshine (part 1)

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Hey! This is a series in progress rn, so far there are 3 finished parts as of today, April 15th, and a fourth part is on the way. Another thing: this is NOT x reader, it is an OC x Brendon.

Adelaide's day started out like most did on a standard weekend. She got up bright and early and got ready for the day. Adelaide tended to be a creature of habit, only straying from her daily routine when absolutely necessary. Spontaneity wasn't exactly in her wheelhouse.
She decided on wearing her favorite yellow crop top and distressed light washed skinny jeans, paired with an oversized denim jacket and white converse.
She gave herself one final look in the mirror, shrugged, and went to find her goldendoodle, Pumpkin.
Walking back into her bedroom, she spotted the sweet pup already back to sleep on her bed. She smiled at him and went to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Puuumpkin, you wanna go for a walk?"
He quickly lifted his head and stood, leaping off the bed and running to the door.
Adelaide chuckled, standing too and grabbing his leash before heading out the door, Pumpkin leading the way.
Just as she did each weekend, she and Pumpkin took a walk down the street to Adelaide's favorite local flower shop to pick up a bouquet of flowers. Today, she chose a sunflower arrangement with little delicate baby's breath flowers peeking around the bouquet, and white daisies sprinkled throughout.
She loved having fresh flowers in the house, it made her feel like it was always springtime, although generally, it was most of the time in Los Angeles anyways.
She walked home in somewhat of a daze, looking up at the sky, whispy white clouds scattered around above her. She smiled slightly at them and focused her attention back to the sidewalk, just in time to run right into a stranger.
"Woah, hey! Watch where you're going!" The man nearly yells at her. The look on his face was filled with pure annoyance. He bends down to pick up his phone off the sidewalk, thankful it hadn't broken.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Adelaide squeaked out to the brunette man stopped in front of her.
Pumpkin sat obediently, cautiously watching the man.
Adelaide quickly bent down to grab the flowers she had accidentally thrown to the ground when she bumped into the man.
His demeanor remains unfriendly for only a second, but Adelaide sees something in him has switched when she stands back up again. He looks almost at ease now, Adelaide observes, he doesn't seem quite so rough and angry.
Brendon felt his heart race when he saw the startled girl in front of him. Anyone's would, he thinks. She was beautiful. Probably the most beautiful person he'd ever seen, and he'd seen many. He doesn't even notice the dog seated beside her, which is rare for him since he's such a dog lover.
Adelaide also notices now that he's actually pretty handsome. He looked like the type to be rough around the edges. He wore all black, jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. His hair was combed back into a pompadour style, with a few strands hanging into his face. His large brown eyes quickly darted from Adelaide's face to the ground beneath them, he suddenly felt shy in her presence. 
"O-oh no it's my fault." He says quickly when he looks back into Adelaide's eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks, trying his hardest to formulate a coherent sentence despite his sudden nerves.
Adelaide gives him a warm, genuine smile, and assures him that she's perfectly fine. He flashes a grin in her direction and tells her he's glad, and apologizes again for almost knocking her over.
"Are the flowers okay?" He asks, reaching a hand out to gently touch a petal on a sunflower.
"I think they're fine, it's no big deal anyway though, really!" She assures him.
Brendon takes a moment to take in her features. She was relatively short, but a good height compared to Brendon's, being that he wasn't the tallest either. She had a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose, and shoulder-length curly blonde hair. Brendon thought she was absolutely adorable.
Finally, he notices the dog at her side, and takes a knee to give him a little scratch on the head, smiling warmly as he does.
"You're adorable. What's your name?" He asks just before he looks back up casually, as if the words he said didn't make his heart rate skyrocket.
Adelaide's heart also beat quickly, but she played it cool too, responding simply with "I'm Adelaide, Addy for short. And you are?"
"Well Adelaide, Addy for short, I was actually talking about your dog" he says, grinning slyly at her now.
Adelaide's face blushes a dark pink, before quietly telling him the dogs name.
He laughs now, standing back up to meet her eyes properly.
"I was only kidding, of course I meant you. I'm Brendon. I would say it was nice to meet you but these circumstances weren't... very nice at all." He chuckles.
"Well, nobody broke anything, so all in all I'd say it could have gone much worse." She said, her eternal optimism shining through as it so often did. Brendon liked that.
"You know what, you're right, but I'd still like a do-over. What do you say we get together sometime and we can try this again?" He asks, and she thinks she detects some nerves in his voice. She steadies her own nerves before responding.
"I'd like that. Here, put your number in and I'll call you?" She asks while handing him her phone. He nods and types it in, saving his contact as simply the letter B.
"Well I have to go, but I look forward to hearing from you soon, sunshine." Brendon says. Adelaide nods and smiles at him softly.
"I'll talk to you later, Brendon." She tells him, and gives a little wave before continuing her walk in the other direction, leaving him in the middle of the sidewalk, alone once more.
"Shit." Brendon whispered to himself, a grin creeping across his face. He might be able to put on a cool demeanor for her, but he couldn't hide from himself. He was falling hard. He knew damn well that this girl was way too good for him, too sweet, too... the exact opposite of everything he'd ever known himself to be, but he just didn't care.

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