Sunshine (5)

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I didn't proofread this so uh,, enjoy

Twelve months later.
Brendon and Adelaide were spending the day of their one year anniversary doing their favorite 'together' things. They both refused to receive gifts from the other, instead agreeing to a marathon day of activities.
First on their list, they wanted to wake up and make breakfast together, Adelaide an expert in her signature stuffed french toast recipe, while Brendon was in charge of making bacon, and cutting up various fruits.
They decided to be as cliche as possible and feed each other breakfast in bed, laughing the whole time, surprisingly not spilling their breakfast everywhere, as they listened and sang along to Adelaide's happiest playlist.
The second thing on their list was to take a drive, just as they had done on the day Brendon officially asked Adelaide to be his girlfriend. Taking this drive with him, her hand clasped in his, actually made Adelaide tear up a bit. It was so surreal to her that she had already known this man for over a year. She shook her head to clear her mind of the sappy thoughts, and she began remembering the funny little moments of their relationship, smiling broadly at one in particular. Brendon noticed this and nudged her, a smile appearing on his face as well.
"What are you thinking about over there, baby? What's with that big smile?" He laughed.
Adelaide lost it at this point, laughing loudly before finally composing herself enough to speak. "I was just remembering the time we went bowling and you threw your ball backwards."
Brendon smacked his forehead at the reminder.
"My hand slipped right out! It wasn't my fault!" Brendon whined, only making Adelaide laugh more.
Brendon looked over at her as she laughed. He loved her laugh. He took her hand, which was still in his, and kissed it softly.
The two reminisced and drove some more until they arrived at their favorite park, which they would often go to and lay on a blanket and watch the clouds and see the ducks in the pond together.
They had a little lunchtime picnic and pointed out the shapes they saw within the clouds like little kids would do, and just enjoying being outside in the warm weather with each other.
After a while, they finally drove back to Adelaide's place and started to make dinner together, but it was mostly Brendon watching her work in awe.
After dinner, they shared a bottle of wine and some chocolate dipped strawberries, and despite their agreement on gifts, Brendon still surprised Adelaide with her favorite flowers, which were delivered to her doorstep.
"You're a jerk for breaking the rules, but I absolutely adore you." Adelaide said while smiling after closing the door. She walked to the kitchen table and set the vase of flowers down in the center. Brendon had a smug look on his face before becoming sincere.
"I love you so much, Sunshine. I'm so beyond happy to call you mine, and that I've had the privilege of doing so for an entire year." He said warmly, walking to her and swooping in for a kiss. "I love you." He whispered, he had the softest look in his eyes.
"I love you forever, Brendon." Adelaide said sincerely, looking up at him.
Brendon looked down into Adelaide's eyes and felt his chest ache with love for the girl. He placed his hands on the sides of her face, cupping it so gently.
"I can't wait to look into your eyes for the rest of my life. I can't wait to buy you a ring and marry you and buy a big house and start our lives together. I never thought I'd be able to open up to someone like I've opened up to you, you've changed me, Adelaide." Brendon said passionately, now unable to contain his emotions.
Adelaide melted. She couldn't even speak, she felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She only hugged him as tight as she could and whispered "I can't wait either."
He squeezed back and they stayed in that position for a minute, before Brendon had a thought.
"Th-that wasn't me proposing, trust me, my proposal will be WAY better than that."
Adelaide laughed and gave him a kiss.
"I'm still saying yes."
The rest of the night, Brendon and Adelaide stayed up cuddling, talking, and just enjoying each other's company. At around 1:30 AM, Adelaide found herself laying on top of Brendon as he played with her hair and occasionally rubbed her back. Soon after, they both drifted into a peaceful sleep. Brendon woke around 3 to Adelaide's arms tightly wrapped around him, as she snored softly into his chest. He smiled down at her and ran a hand through her hair. Moments like these still caught his breath in his chest, he still couldn't believe he had gotten this perfect person to spend an entire year with him. He never thought he would find someone to love him for who he is, and he much less expected someone to take him out of his shell and bring him back to the person he used to be.
He debated for a little while on whether he should wake her and take them both to bed, or if he should just carry her there, but decided on the latter. He sat up, moving her sleeping body into his arms, and carried her to her bed. He made sure she was all tucked in and looked comfortable before leaving the room, turning off all the lights in the rest of the apartment before rejoining her in her room. Pumpkin followed him around, carefully watching his movements, until finally taking his spot at the end of the bed.
Brendon slipped his jeans and t-shirt off, and climbed into the other side of her bed. He grabbed Adelaide once more and placed her in nearly the same position they were in on the couch, as it comforted him feeling her body weight resting on him like that. He softly kissed her cheek and forehead before laying back down onto the pillow.
Adelaide shifted slightly in her sleep, sighing and returning to her soft snores.
Brendon gently pulled the covers up over them and quickly fell back to sleep as well, and when they woke the next morning, neither one had moved an inch.
Adelaide woke up first, lifting her head from Brendon's chest and looking up at him. His mouth was open slightly and his hair was messy, her favorite sight to wake up to. They slept at each other's houses most nights, so his morning face and bed head weren't anything new, but it still made her smile each and every time.
She noticed his arms locked tightly around her waist, holding her like a kid with their favorite stuffed animal, preventing her from moving. She smiled and kissed his cheek and his jawline before laying her head back down on him, snuggling in a little closer. She dozed on and off for a while, as the golden sun began to peek its way through her flowing white curtains.
Brendon slowly awakened in that time, temporarily forgetting why he felt a weight on top of his body.
He opened his eyes and saw the girl sprawled out on top of him, breathing warm air on his bare chest. He shivered pleasantly from the sensation.
Adelaide stirred at the sudden jolt. She raised her head for the second time that morning, this time greeted by Brendon's soft brown eyes.
"Morning bub, you cold?" She asked him with a slight frown, noticing the goosebumps on his arms and chest. She lightly kissed his chest and shoulder.
He shook his head with a lopsided grin.
"I'm alright, how did you sleep?" He asked, placing a hand on her head and combing his fingers through her tousled hair.
"Fantastic. I like sleeping with you." She said with a happy smile. Brendon raised his eyebrows teasingly, with a stupid grin on his face. His reaction confused Adelaide for a moment before realizing the double meaning of her words.  "I- I don't mean-"
Brendon only laughed, as she sputtered her way through an explanation, her cheeks glowing bright red.
"You're okay, baby. I know what you meant. I like sleeping with you too." He giggled, poking her side teasingly.
"I mean, I like sleeping with you like THAT too, but I really did just mean sleeping." She explained, now hiding her flushed face in his chest.
He stroked her hair soothingly now, smiling to himself. They laid like that for a while, and Adelaide had almost dozed back off with the feeling of his hand in her hair, when Brendon spoke again.
"Hey, so I have that meeting with the band today, do you wanna come with me?" He asked.
In the year since he had met Adelaide, things had really taken off for Brendon and his career in music. He had properly become a part of a band he filled in for sometimes, and they had even finished recording a demo. They began sending it out to anyone they could think of, and actually had received a lot of responses from it.
Brendon knew Adelaide enjoyed learning about his music, and everything behind the scenes, so he hoped she would say yes. He loved watching her become involved in his favorite thing, and he wanted her to be there today especially, since it was a very important meeting.
"Of course love" she mumbled sleepily, not yet thinking of the fact that this was the meeting where they would decide who they wanted to officially sign with and begin production of their first full album. They had gotten a few offers, and as dangerous as it could've been, they told them all they needed to discuss the offers further. This, thankfully, had paid off, and only made them more desirable. Brendon was about to remind his sleepy girlfriend what the meeting was when she suddenly gasped, throwing her head back to make eye contact with him. She pushed her body up using his chest, so she was now sitting on him.
"Oh my god Brendon wait, today is THE day!!!" She exclaimed excitedly, placing her hands on his chest.
Brendon laughed softly and put his hands at her sides.
"It is THE day." He confirmed.
Adelaide squealed and attacked his face with kisses while squishing his cheeks in her hand. 
"Well nothing's official yet, don't get too excited." Brendon said, giggling through her kisses.
"I know, I know, it's just that you're so close to everything you've ever wanted, I can't help but be excited for you!" She explained.
"You are everything I've ever wanted" Brendon quickly corrected, reaching up to tap her nose.
"Aw baby-" Adelaide said softly, placing a hand on his cheek.
"I'm serious, I love music and making music but if I didn't have you, I don't know where I'd be. I don't think I'd be... here." Brendon said sincerely, gesturing around them.
This broke any strength she had, and Adelaide began to cry, which quickly caught Brendon's attention. His eyes opened wide and his eyebrows turned up in the center.
"No no no, please don't cry, it's okay baby, come here" he said quickly, pulling her into him once more and giving her a tight hug, rubbing her back as he did.
"You okay now?" He asked her after a moment.
"I just can't believe how much I love you" she said softly, tears still evident in her voice. "And how sad I would be if I didn't have you."
"Well you don't have to be sad, you'll always have me. No matter what, okay?"
"Promise?" She asked
"I promise."

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