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I wasn't sure if I wanted to pull over. I didn't want attention drawn to myself even though I just assassinated a target. There was no way I was going to escape so I pulled over towards the pavement. I had my fingers crossed as my car came to a slow stop. I waited, expecting for a police officer to knock on my window but after about 20 seconds of waiting I looked out my back window. I saw the 3 police cars parked behind me but saw nobody walking out of them. I got out of my car in shock and looked up at the buildings because clearly nobody could shoot them on the ground. My eye caught a small figure suddenly disappear as I caught them in my vision. Nobody in that situation would stay in the open so I rushed back to my car and drove off. It was like nothing had happened. I passed many police cars on the motorway it was if a race was organised for the cops.
Two hours later I made it home to my beautiful wonder of a house. I parked and took out the Silverballers from the boot of the car. My house keys were in my hand ready to unlock the door but something odd came to my attention. The lock on the door was busted, smashed in, I put the keys in my pocket and aimed with only one of my ballers as the other was down my trousers like how a cool police officer would have it. The door slowly creaked open and whoever broke in left a box with blood on the wall which spelt "Antonio's". I would like to mention that I don't know anyone called Antonio. The box lay delicate under the bloody message as if it always belonged there. I grasped it and opened it. I was expecting a note or maybe mini gun ammunition for my invention I'm creating but no, it was something disturbing, something I had. A head of my business woman, it's just emotionally lucky that I wasn't attached.

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