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Loki placed the contact on my desk whilst I was in my bathroom washing blood off me. "Sign at the bottom" she shouted sweetly to me. I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around me covering up any parts that should not be seen or mentioned at this moment. I walked out of my bathroom, well actually I slipped, and sat down at my desk staring blankly at the contract. Most of it said about how if I got caught not to reveal anything and that I would not get the money. At the bottom of the page was the man who wanted me to kill B-man's signature, Loki's and a blank spot which was for me.

Hours passed before I could get the nerve to sign it and hand it to Loki but just before 8pm I did. I had just 17 hours until B-man would be in John Lewis and I needed to get my stuff together. I chose my Silverballers, a black suit with Purple tie, a pocket knife and a grote. A grote is a type of strong wire which is used by Hitmen for strangling the enemy. When everything was prepared at about 11pm I told Loki she could stay or go home but if she stayed I only had one bed.

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