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I woke up the next morning at about 7ish with Loki next to me. I got out of bed, washed my face, had some toast and got dressed. By this time Loki was up and wearing my shirt which I thought was weird because that's my top and I spent about £50 on it. Is that what girls do now? Wearing male tops?

I left my house in the Koenigsegg at a normal speed making my way to Cardiff for my job at killing B-man. That name is stupid fair play. How can you get the nickname of "B-man"? I was confused, again. After that banta about nicknames I had made it at Cardiff. I quite like Cardiff because it has fun activities and I believe it has a Doctor Who exhibition. Doctor Who was and still is my favourite tv show I've ever watched but then Breaking Bad is quite good as well and Dexter and The Walking Dead.

By the time I stopped thinking about TV shows I had already made my way into Cardiff. Under John Lewis there is a car park so I decided for a quick and nimble escape I'd park my car there which at the time seemed like a good idea. I parked, left the car, locked the car, took the keys and decided to scout out the area B-man would be at in about 2 hours.

After an hour I knew every security guard route, every exit and simply everything that I needed to know about John Lewis. The shop has 5 floors including the parking and good gadgets that you could buy. Now I had an hour to plan how I was to kill my target. I started by buying a red marker pen for £2 which is quite a bit of money for a marker pen but I didn't complain. I placed my phone on the desk to take out my money when suddenly a man in a hoodie bumped into me and walked straight passed. I said nothing. I looked at my phone and there was something attached to it. It looked like a USB stick but when I picked my phone up it would stay attached to the phone. The USB then started to beep in a green light so I pulled it off. "£2 please sir" said the cashier. I handed two £1 coins and left with the pen, USB thing and my phone. By now my phone switched on and it said in bold writing TV. I wasn't sure what this meant unless it was to do with Doctor Who or something. So as a confused person I decided to press it and suddenly the John Lewis TV collection behind me started playing a loud buzzing noise with a blank black and white screen. I was shocked! Somehow or coincidently my phone made those TVs fuzzy. More options came up with things I could control. I was going to have fun with my phone and fun taking down B-man.

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