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A very nice vintage John Lewis clock, for £350, struck 1 o'clock. I waited on the ground floor for my target. What I didn't mention was that with the Contract I had was also a photo of B-man so I knew what he looked like. 20 minutes later and there was no sign of my target so I decided to go to a different floor. I decided to give the second floor a visit and I saw my target. He was standing looking at the toys with his little girl and she looked about 7 years old. It made me feel a bit sorry for the girl but not for him. I looked at my phone and one option on it was "Scan for potential criminals" so I did just that. A name came up Richard "B-man" Williams. This was my guy and with the option to "Hack phone" I did just that. I didn't find much on his phone but then suddenly an audio file appeared which was titled "A.H Family." I plugged in my headphones and listened to the file. "I have a problem my friend. A man named Oliver Hughes has been getting in the way of my work. I need you to take him out, for a price of course. £6millions? Call back soon." It was a phone call. From someone to someone else ordering the hit on my father but the voice didn't sound like B-man. Maybe this was a bigger operation.

B-man's daughter decided to run up the escalator to the next floor. By the time B-man notice he then decided to follow her but walked to the escalator and I tailed him at about a 7/8 meter distance. By the time I made it to the escalator his daughter was at the top and B-man was 1/4 of the way there. I looked up, above his head, and at the top of the tall roof hung a nice rounded glass light, very large with a sharp knife like point on the end. I checked my phone if it would do anything and there was an option called "Escalator". I pressed it and the escalator that B-man and I was on suddenly stopped still. Coincidently by this time the glass light was above where he was standing. I reacted quickly, pulling out one of my Silverballers and shot the metal wire thingy that holds up big lights. By the time the big light with the sharpe end went through B-man's skull shattering his brain with Sprays of blood, I had made my way off the escalator and off to the closest lift.

A lift down to the car park later and I could finally hear the police sirens. I didn't want anyone to pay attention to me so I walked to my car like nothing happened. I don't think anybody saw me but I imprinted a memory for that 7 year old after she saw her father have a glass light sharpe blade plunge straight into his head and more blood spraying than from the movie "Hot Fuzz". I made my way into my car and started the engine. I drove out of the car park and onto the main road. Then that's when I saw 3 police cars tailing me with there lights flashing, wanting me to stop.

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