Chapter Thirteen

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[Do you guys ship Lashton, Ashton and Luke? Would you like for me to make them the second couple? If not, what other ship would you want me to add in this book? Also do you think I should make the chapters longer? Please let me know. Comment, Vote, Enjoy! ♡]


"Harry the school called" my mum says taking a seat on the other side of the couch. She sighs when all I do is shrug.

"They said you ditched your classes yesterday" she continues

"Why does it come to you as a surprise? You know very well the real me"

"I want you to stop, I want your grades to go back up the way they used to be before..."

"Before what?" I ask glaring at her. She knew very well I hated to talk about this but her She goes, bringing the topic once again.

"You know very well what I'm talking about but anyways, your dad's sister is coming over next week"

I raise an eyebrow at her and cross my arms "What does she have to do with my grades?"

"She's coming with her husband and her son who is your cousin. I want you to be in your best behavior and be a good influence while your cousin is here with us"

"With us?!" I exclaim. Some strangers were going to and live with us?!

"Yes, they have nowhere to go so they'll be staying here with us. Your aunt and uncle will stay in gemma's old room and you'll be sharing your room with your cousin--" I furiously stand up and clench my jaw.

"Fuck no, I'm mot sharing my room with some stinking 8 year old boy!"

"Young man don't you dare raise your voice at me! He's not 8! He's 17, the same age as you!"

"Even worse! I'm going to share my room with some 17 year old stranger!"

"He's family, harry. He's your cousin. He isn't some sort of stranger"

"He is if I've never met him" I growl. I wasn't gonna let this happen. I had never met my dad's side of the family simply because my mum had never let me and now she expects me to share the house with my dad's sister's family and not only house but also my room with my aunt's stupid son.

"Harry please understand and cooperate for the first time!"

"I refuse to share my room" I stomp. I'm sure I sounded like a child right now but I didn't care. If it took to act like a child just to get what I wanted, I was going to act like one.

"Fine then, I'm sure your dad won't mind if you stay at his house" I open my mouth to say something but instead I close it and stomp out of the room. She knew perfectly well I hated my dad. He was such a jerk! My dad left when I was 8 years old. He left without no explanation . I woke up and he wasn't there anymore.

Later on I found out that he had been cheating on my mum for years and decided that it was finally time to leave us. He went on and got married with the girl he had been cheating on my mum. The women's father was the owner of a big company so my dad started working there. Three years later, her father died so my dad took over and is now a millionaire who wins millions each year but he has never and never will help us with money problems.

I guess I would have to share my room with my stupid cousin.


I smiled as Louis enters the pizza place looking a bit confused as he looks around for me. I raise my hand and shake it around making him smile. He had came.

He walks towards the table I'm sitting on and takes a seat across from me. "Hey" he smiles shyly

"Hi, Louis I just wanted to apologize for what happened i-it's just that I freak out a bit..." I explain biting my lip, waiting for him to make a disgusted face and call me a weirdo but no, instead he smiles.

"It's okay, Liam! We all have those days that we aren't feeling well" he says sincerely as the waitress comes and takes our order.

"It's just that, I-I don't like seeing harry hurt..."

He raises his eyebrow and tilts his head to the side.

"What do you mean?" He asks

I wished I could tell him...

"He's been hurt before"

I wanted Louis to change everything that has happened in the past.

"By who?"

I wished that I wouldn't need to lie right now. I wished I was able to tell everything to Louis.

"By someone he really cared about"

I saw the way harry starred at him

"Why can't I find out? Why can't you guys tell me?"

The thing is, harry wouldn't let him.

"Nobody needs to know everything, somethings are better untold"

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