Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't want to go to school.

It was Monday, two days after harry had kissed me. When he had kissed me I felt as if I were flying, like I didn't care about anything else besides harry. Which was probably true.

Zayn had came back but he wasn't the same person I knew before. He came back careless but it was probably what the weed was doing to him. Zayn had came back with drugs and he thought it was safe to 'hide' them under his pillow.

He wouldn't look or even talk to me anymore. I wanted to apologize but what did I have I to apologize for if I didn't do anything wrong?

My mum was different as well. She was more stressed and it seemed as if, she got more stressed with each day passing by. She didn't only receive calls, she would now also receive emails and with each e-mail or call her face would fall more.

I had found her crying when I came back from harry's house. She had just wiped away her tears and went up to bed.

I looked at the time on my phone as memories from Friday night came back.


Harry suddenly presses his lips on mine. I stay frozen for a second but then he pulls me closer by my waist, I finally start responding back. I move my lips slowly just like his. He bites my bottom lip softly making me gasp quietly while my hands make their way to his hair. He starts pushing us backwards until I'm leaning against the wall.

When we pull back, we stay panting against each others mouths. I close my eyes and push him away a little. He frowns when I make my way downstairs without saying a word.

We shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that.

I sit on the couch and start putting on my shoes. I can see him walking down the stairs and standing in front of me.

"Louis, Pease tell me you liked the kiss as much as I did--I really like you and I wish you could give me a chance. I may not be an expert in dating but I want you to be the one to teach me." I put on my last shoe before standing up.

"I need to think about things..and.." I try explaining although I, myself, don't know what I'm trying to say.

"Think about what?" He asks sounding desperate for an answer.

"Things. I need to think about some stuff that's all. I'm just not ready right now" I say not daring to look at him in the eye.

"You won't regret a single thing, just give me a cha--"

I look up at him this time "I'm not ready please unsderstand that" I say a bit more harshly. "And...I think I shouldn't go home. It would be best right now"

"Let me at least drop you off, wouldn't want you wondering around this late at night" he tries to joke but it doesn't make me crack a smile. I nods and walk out to his car. He grabs his keys and follows me out. We take a seat before he starts the car and he drives off.

The ride is silent and its starting to make me feel uncomfortable. I break the silence "I liked the kiss. Please don't think it has to do with you. I just need to think about some stuff" I say quietly. He hums in response.

When he parks in front of my house. He speaks up "Louis--" but I slam the door before he can say anything else. I already had enough things in my mind.


I had thought about it this whole weekend but I was still a pussy to tell him how I felt. I wanted to tell him but I just didn't know if it was the right time. I had to forget about the past because right now was the present.

But many things were holding me back from telling him like;

To early to forget about what happened in Doncaster.

My feelings.

How would zayn react to this whole thing.

I didn't know harry that much.

I tried pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind but it was hard.

"Louis, darling, I won't be going to work day. Want me to drop you off at school?" My mum yelled. I thanked the Lord because that's all I want right now. I wasn't in the mood to take the bus and hear people talking on their phone loudly, or people complaining about how they're going to late. I technically wasn't in the mood to make contact with humans.

"Sure!" I yell back as I check my phone. There's a new message.

We need to talk, please look for me when you get to school. - H

From harry. Now the whole idea of going in car to school, didn't seem like the best idea. Going in car meant getting to school faster.

"Okay, I'm ready" my mum says holding her purse in one hand before grabbing her coffee and walking out. I slowly follow behind her. I get in the car and rest my head on the window.

"Woah, something wrong?" She asks. Should I tell her. Parents aren't really the best people to tell your love life problems to.

"I--um...This guy asked me out and I like him but in not sure if it's the right time to date him..." I say quietly.

She looks at me with a small smile "Well if you like him, I don't see what would be holding you back but whatever that thing is. You need to make sure you're truly ready before you make a choice and you always need to make sure that that thing won't affect your relationship later on" she says.

I sigh and look out the window again. I knew what I was going to do. I was going to tell him. Fuck it, I liked harry and I wasn't going to blow this chance away.

As we get closer and closer to school. I start feeling like a pussy again. Maybe I wasn't too sure about this.

"I would want to meet this guy later on, good luck and have a great day" my mum says as I get off.

I really need it I think to myself as I shut the door and take my phone out.

I'm here, I'll be waiting for you in the roof. - L

I text him before I'm making my way towards the roof. When I get there, I sit on the ground and put my backpack to the side.

Minutes pass and I'm about to leave when I hear someone stand next to me "Hi" harry says shyly, looking down at me. I pat the spot need to me. He smiles and sits down.

We sit in silence before he starts talking "I shouldn't have done what I did on Friday..." he starts and oh. I didn't expect he would say this. I didn't want things to go this way.

"Harry, I like you and I'd really wouldn't mind kissing you for the rest of my life." I say which makes his face bright up. He bites his lip and I know what he's thinking. I lean in and press our lips together. He immediately takes control as he lifts me up and sits me on his lap. I place one of my hand on his neck while the other own goes to gently rub his cheek.

All of sudden I can't help but giggle as I pull away and rest my head on his chest.

"I hope this means your my boyfriend" he says wrapping his arms around me.

"Mmm, depends is that your way of asking me out?" I smirk as I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Fine, Louis would you do me the honor of going on a date with me this friday?"

I laugh and sit up to be able to look into his eyes. "If by date you mean, taking me out for ice cream. Then we have a deal styles"

"The things I do for you" he murmurs

"Please, this is only the beginning"

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