Chapter Eleven

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[Shout out to the three amazing people that commented and voted on the last chapter; @HelloIamBack, @cool20142014, @larryswallows24 And special shout out to @larryswallows24 for predicting what was going on. Btw, thanksgiving to everyone :) Comment, Vote, Enjoy! ♡]


I watch harry run away, leaving me confused. I quickly turn to zany as soon as I watch harry turn the corner.

"What was all that about? Is there something you need to tell me?" Zayn finally stops looking at harry and looks at me directly in the eyes, shaking his head slightly.

"It's something between me and harry, don't sweat about it" he says trying to smile.

"Who's heart did he break?" I insist further.

"Louis" he warns, a smile no longer on his face.

"Is that why you hate each other?" I wanted answers to my questions. I was tired of zayn treating me like a fucking child.

His stare suddenly turns cold before harshly responding "Don't ever ask that, you don't need to know anything" he hisses. He turns and leaves while some of the people in his group waited for him.

For once, I felt like I didn't have a brother.

I'm about to go look for Liam but my curiosity gets the best of me and I find myself walking towards where harry ran to. I turn the corner and keeping walking through a hallway. At the end of the hall there are stairs. When I get to the top of the stairs there is a big metal door with a lose lock. I push the door open just a crack and see its the roof of the school. I push the door open even wide letting myself in before carefully closing it.

I turn around just to bump into someone, I scream before slapping a hand on my mouth.

"I see you were looking for me" harry smirks as he pulls his hand away from my hip.

I glare at him "what's up with you and zayn. I swear you both have anger issues. Like first you runaway and now you're being all cocky" I say crossing my arms as I look up at him.

"I'm not being cocky" he laughs with a smirk.

"Yes you are! You're doing it right now"

"Whatever you say" he says as he walks to the border that keeps us from falling down. I follow him and place my hands on the border as I look at the buildings and houses.

"So...why did you run away like a scared cat?" I ask trying to sound casual. He turns to me and glares at me.

"I wasn't scared!" He growls suddenly angry. There he goes again...

I stay quiet for a second trying to figure out what to say. "There's nothing bad about being scared of something"

"Ha, that's where you're wrong because it is bad when you're scared of something while there's nothing to be scared of"

"You technically admitted you were scared"

"I never said I was scared. I just stated something"

The bell suddenly rings making me look at him who makes no move to go to class. "Are you gonna stay here?" He shrugs not looking at me.

"Hazza are you mad at me?" I pout, he slowly turns to me with a shy smile.

"Did you just call me hazza?"

"Depends, did you like?" I smirk

"Yes, yes I did boobear" he nods making me frown at the new and odd nickname.

"No! are you kidding me? What kind of nickname is that?! That's so embarrassing!"

"Hey! I'm letting you call me Hazza so.."

"Fine but as long as you don't call me that in public" I say sternly while pointing a finger at him. He laughs and nods.

"Okay...boobear" I sigh in annoyance but don't say anything this time.

The tardy bell rings and I soon start feeling bad. What if my mum finds out that I ditched class?! I would be in so much trouble! I've never gotten in trouble! I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Harry speaks up.

"If we're planning on ditching class we should at least do something fun"

I raise my eyebrow "Like?" I ask

"Lets just say we never got to hangout cause you never gave me an answer"

I smirk slightly" Well...zayn isn't here to stop me from going to where ever the hell you're thinking of going right now."


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