1-Where the hell am I?

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He was definitely lost. Louis sighed and stared out of the windshield, trying to see something more than snow and trees but it was pitch dark and it was snowing heavily. A roadsign would be great but he seemed to be in the middle of fucking nowhere. He had thought that driving through the north of a snowy Sweden would be an adventure, an experience of a lifetime, and it sure was. He hadn't imagined that it would be so deserted and cold! The thermometer in the car showed a shocking -41 C. That couldn't be real. It must be broken.

He hadn't really thought this through. He had seen an ad in a paper back in England about an Icehotel in the north of Sweden. That sounded cool so he immediately googled it. He got even more excited when he found the website. An entirely Hotel built from ice! That was insane. He just had to go there!

Within the next week, he had booked a room at the Icehotel, including one night in a fucking igloo. He was granted a week's vacation. Thank God his boss was also one of his closest friends, Liam.

He booked a flight to a town called Luleå, way up in the north of Sweden. He had to fly to Stockholm first and change flights there. He had googled the distance between Luleå and the Icehotel. It was a four-hour drive. That would be easy and fun so he booked a rental car as well.

The first part of his adventurous journey had gone well. He had packed warm outdoor clothes and headed for Heathrow. He got through security without being held back. While he waited at his gate he noticed a really hot guy. Like, really fucking hot. Curly, brown hair and beautiful green eyes. Oh, how he loved men with curly hair and those eyes... The man looked up and smiled at him. He had dimples as well. Fucking hell. He had returned the smile after the first initial shock had passed. Then they had to board the plane and he lost sight of the beautiful man.

At least until he ran into him again, busy looking for his gate. He literally smashed into him and let out an "ooops" in surprise. The man had grabbed a hold of his shoulders to steady them and he laughed softly and looked down at him, all dimple smiling and gorgeous. "Hi."

He had blushed of course, because, Jesus Christ, the man was even more perfect up close. He thinks he mumbled a "hi" back before he ran off. He found his gate and sat down and rested his head in his hands, leaned down. He sat like that for a while and when he finally looked up he was met by those gorgeous green eyes again. Apparently the beautiful stranger was catching the same flight as him once more. They had just stared at each other for a while until it was time to board the plane and they had gone separate ways.

He was seated in the back of the plane and couldn't see the brown mop of curls anywhere. Too bad. It took some time to get off the plane and he didn't see the gorgeous man at the baggage pick-up. But to his surprise, he found him again when he went to get his rental car. The man was ahead of him in line and had just gotten his keys for his rental. He started to walk away without looking back so he stepped up to the counter to ask for his own car and told the woman behind the desk that he was gonna go to the Icehotel. She gave him a fake smile. Why did he tell her that? She wasn't interested at all.

He got his keys and found the car. He didn't see the gorgeous man again. When he got inside the car he realized that the GPS was speaking Swedish and instead of spending some time trying to change that he felt adventurous and decided to swing it and here he was now, lost somewhere in the north of Sweden. He sometimes wished he was a little less spontaneous. Just a tad.

He hadn't seen a house in ages but there was a car behind him so at least he was not totally alone in the wilderness. Okay, he could fix this! This was why GoogleMaps was invented. He just had to find a sign of some sort, telling him where the hell he was! He grabbed his cellphone to look at it. Great, no cellphone signal. He started to move the phone around to see if he would get at least one bar, paying more attention to the phone than the road ahead of him.

All of a sudden he saw something big in the corner of his eye and when he turned his gaze to the road in front of him his eyes grew big. A flock of raindeers was standing in the middle of the road. He immediately hit the breaks.

The road was slippery and he lost control of the car. Louis screamed in fear while he tried to steer. He managed to avoid the raindeers but drove right into a snow wall on the side of the road.

Then everything stopped. Louis took a deep breath to make sure he was alive. He wasn't hurt. Not even a scratch. Fucking raindeers! His windows were covered in snow. He put it in reverse and tried to back the car but he was stuck. He sighed. Great. He was fucked! He found his cellphone and looked at it. The screen was cracked. He must have thrown it away when he tried to steer the car.

He heard a car pull up and the engine was turned off. He turned his off as well so he could hear better. "Hello?" He shouted.

"Hello! Oh my God. Are you hurt?" a man shouted.

"No! Just stuck!" Louis replied.

"Open the trunk!" the man shouted back.

That was a great idea. Why hadn't he thought of that? He was glad that he had rented a combi now. He unbuckled his seatbelt and found the lever that opened the trunk. He climbed over the seats and managed to ungracefully throw his body in the back of the trunk. His eyes widened in surprise when he finally got out of the car and saw the man standing outside. It was the same man he had been checking out in the airport.

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