22-Two years later

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"Papa." Darcy said and made grabby hands at Harry so he would lift her.

Harry smiled at his daughter.
"Hi Love, come here. We need to fix your hair."

Harry reached down to lift her when Louis entered the room.
"Hazza! Put her down! She's getting heavy and you shouldn't lift in your condition."

Harry rolled his eyes but handed Darcy over to Louis.
"You're so overprotective. I'm fine Lou. Really."

Louis walked over to kiss his pregnant boyfriend. He immediately caressed Harry's baby bump.
"I'm not taking any chances Love."

He turned to face Darcy, shifting her higher on his hip.
"Remember that we talked about this sweetie? Papa has your little brother in his belly so we need to be really careful. He can't carry you but he can hug you and kiss you and you can sit in his lap whenever you want to."

Darcy pouted her lower lip. Her big blue eyes stared innocently at Louis.
"Yes, dad."

Louis kissed her on the cheek and ruffled her brown curls.
"Good. I love you, darling. Now, let's get you ready. Uncle Niall will be here soon to pick you up."

"Njaaaaal!" Darcy shouted excitedly and tried to wiggled out of Louis's embrace so he put her down gently.

Harry was watching their interaction with a fond smile. Darcy ran over to the dressing table and started to climb the chair. Louis rushed over to help her get up safely. Darcy turned to look at Harry as soon as she was seated.
"Papa, hair!"

"Right, coming sweetheart." Harry answered and walked over.

He found the hairbrush and started to entangled her curls. Louis stepped up behind him and put his arms around his stomach. He caressed the baby bump and rested his chin on Harry's shoulder. He watched Harry brush Darcy's hair before he started to braid it.
"You have gotten really good at that." he commented fondly.

"I watched a lot of Youtube tutorials." Harry chuckled.

"Of course you did." Louis answered and gave him a kiss between his shoulder blades.

There was a knock on the front door and Darcy immediately tried to get down from the chair.
"Woah! Wait sweetie, I need to put the scrunchie in place." Harry said.

Darcy whined impatiently but stayed still. Harry finished her hair due and helped her get down from the chair. She immediately ran to the front door. Harry and Louis followed her closely behind and opened the door.

Darcys face lid up and she immediately made grabby hands at the man standing on the other side of the door.

Niall smiled at her and picked her up.
"Hi, angel. How's my favorite girl doing today?"

Darcy giggled and gave him a hug. Niall looked over at Harry and Louis.
"Hi, guys!"

"Oh, now you noticed us. I think you've been replaced Haz." Louis sassed and put his arm around Harry.

"Yeah, well, I can share him with Darcy." Harry chuckled.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Louis asked Niall.

"Another time, we're gonna go to the zoo and you two need to start celebrating your anniversary." Niall said and gave Harry a look.

Harry winked at him. Louis went to get Darcys bag and they both kissed their daughter goodbye before they closed the door. Louis turned to face his boyfriend.
"So, will you tell me now what you have planned for us?"

Harry gave him a peck on the lips.
"Nope. Still a surprise. Be ready in ten. I need to take a wee."

"Oh, you make it sound so romantic." Louis chuckled.

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